Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

The World Hates Donald Trump, According to New Global Poll ...
Cartoons on President Donald Trump. The rest of the world has more confidence in his man-crush, Russian President Vladimir Putin, than in the U.S. leader. A median of 22 percent have confidence in Trump and 74 percent lack it, while the comparable numbers are better for Putin (27-59) and Chinese President Xi Jinping (28-53).

Why do a majority of Americans dislike Donald Trump? - Quora
May 26, 2017 · Americans express personal dislike for Trump because he is a despicable person in ways that have nothing with his policy stands. Here is a partial list of reasons to dislike Trump: his long history of insulting other people’s physical appearance, weight, intelligence and disabilities

These Are the Countries That Really Hate Donald Trump
    1. Sweden. Change from Obama to Trump: -83. Want to know which country hates Donald Trump …
    2. Netherlands. Change from Obama to Trump: -75. The Netherlands ties with Germany in terms of …
    3. Germany. Change from Obama to Trump: -75. Germany lands in third place among the countries …
    4. South Korea. Change from Obama to Trump: -71. Donald Trump has become even less popular in …
Poll: Majority Of Americans HATE Trump’s Unconstitutional ...
Poll: Majority Of Americans HATE Trump’s Unconstitutional Executive Orders While President Trump’s approval rating continues to fall to embarrassing ans unprecedented levels, new polling has come out that shows dismal numbers of support towards his hateful, unconstitutional executive orders.

Article: Why the Majority of Americans Despise Trump's ...
Feb 03, 2018 · Why the Majority of Americans Despise Trump's Washington. Yes, hate. With a dismal public approval rating of only 30 percent, the GOP's trillion dollar Christmas present to multinational corporations and multimillionaires has been tagged by a top surveyor of public opinion as Congress' second-most disliked domestic bill in the past quarter-century.

The World Hates Donald Trump, According to New Global Poll ...
Cartoons on President Donald Trump. The rest of the world has more confidence in his man-crush, Russian President Vladimir Putin, than in the U.S. leader. A median of 22 percent have confidence in Trump and 74 percent lack it, while the comparable numbers are better for Putin (27-59) and Chinese President Xi Jinping (28-53).

Why do so many Americans hate Donald Trump? - Quora
Why do Americans hate Donald Trump > Is it solely because he is rich? If only it were that simple. I am an American, and while I am not a billionaire, or even a millionaire, I have friends and relatives who are very wealthy, and I do not envy them...

Donald Trump Hate And Violence Map
Report Incidents of Hate. We’ve seen the proof since his campaign launch in June 2015. President-elect Donald Trump’s xenophobic rhetoric didn’t just push his fellow candidates to the right on immigration (in what has become known as the “Trump Effect”).). It’s gone beyond the political world and injected itself into everyday life — and, in many instances across dozens of states ...

70% of America hates Donald Trump: poll
Apr 11, 2016 · Voters don’t trust Donald Trump to make America great again — and give Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton higher marks in handling a broad range of issues, pollsters said Monday. Trump ...
So Isis is eliminated, huh? Might want to let the DoD know.

As recently as this week, Defense Secretary Mark Esper said the fight against ISIS in Syria was continuing.

IS controlled large swaths of northern and eastern Syria, where it declared a caliphate in 2014, along with large parts of neighboring Iraq.

U.N. experts warned in August that IS leaders are aiming to consolidate and create conditions for an “eventual resurgence in its Iraqi and Syrian heartlands.”
ISIS / DAESH is going to be a long ongoing fight. This isn't like the days of the A-Team where you get a Hannibal Smith, B.A. Barracus, and friends fly over there and kick their asses and ******* a bunch of them, and after an hour smile with a cigar in your mouth saying "I love it when a plan comes together?"

They work from a different mindset much longer than an hour TV show, and longer than a 4 or 8 year election cycle. Thanks to Qutb they had about an 80 year head start hating America and that can't be wiped away just by killing a bunch of them. In fact you would be verifying Qutb and help sell more of his books and inspire future generations explaining to them why their Dads, Uncles, Cousins, Grandfathers, etc. are all dead before their time. Next to the Qu'ran just about any of Qutb's writings is the next best seller in the Middle East which would be in the library of just about any terrorist there as it was sold and as well received as Harry Potter books are now in the West.
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When Trump did send the troops there the belief at that time was that DAESH's territory was seized and others were in control like the Iraqis thanks to America's help, but also recognize people there don't really trust America despite hate-filled Qutb's writings. America used Iran as an ally against Saddam Hussein in Iraq. And Hussein once warned how he had to rule with a cruel hand as America does not understand their mindset. He even had problems with his own sons that he tried to *******: Uday and Qusay.
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Similarly America used Iraq to fight Iran during the hostage crisis with Carter from 1979-81 against the Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran.
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Syria is a wasteland, not sure if it still is, after Assad slaughtered his population and inspired any survivors to flee and become refugees in Europe, if they could reach there. But as of this moment what goes on there I have no earthly idea. Maybe your personal investigations know better @Zwing, but I'd wager America knows what goes on through satellites and maybe a few troops there. But as I suggested earlier people there know in relatively recent memory how their nation is just a pawn to America. Behind the scenes, under the cover of night, DAESH could run things, who knows? Perhaps when you travel the souqs there again @Zwing ( ) you can uncover first hand intelligence with your superior mastery of a variety of dialects of Arabic that you undoubtedly possess @Zwing where you unravel mysteries that American intelligence can't? Plus like a chameleon you are instantly able to pass as a trust worthy Muslim where they are instantly at ease communicating with you not knowing your true purpose. James Bond and Jason Bourne would applaud you @Zwing. 👏👏👏👏👏

Syria itself was a powderkeg for several thousands of years literally from days of the Bible as Syria is home to diverse ethnic and religious groups, including Syrian Arabs, Kurds, Turkemens, Assyrians, Armenians, Circassians, Mandeans and Greeks. And religious groups include Sunnis, Christians, Alawites, Druze, Isma'ilis, Mandeans, Shiites, Salafis, Yazidis, and Jews at one point resided there so there were countless wars fought in it's history too.
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There is such a state of flux with a variety of activity of different peoples vying for some kind of order there getting the news from that region of the Middle East is very unreliable. Look at that Ukrainian jet that was shot down? They thought it was safe for a commercial jet to take off when it wasn't.
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Again it is curious how you had access to such accurate information @Zwing yet you decided to keep it secret? When you do your foreign travels there again be sure to share your first hand information next time. What you shared could be obsolete next week. If Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Russia, or whoever else decides to bump them off and they become the next ******* to contend with? And the POTUS is only good with the information he/she works with? As I said Saddam Hussein had difficulty maintaining power unless he used cruel ******* to exterminate his enemies and then future embittered generations fill the void and seek revenge against his previous Ba'athist Party as seen here as an example:

( If Trump was truly a dictator the above video would be his instant solution to impeachment by the way :devil: )

Similarly there will be reluctance sharing ideal accurate information with Americans as it is well known among them that she played both Iran/Iraq even within my own lifetime, so from their perspective why trust giving reliable intel to America? Syria is a special case as it is under MrPutin's protection where he is friends with Assad. Plus the seeds of mistrust Qutb sowed around 80 years ago is growing a forest of doubt, mistrust, and hate that America has difficulty now to wipe out.

It is a battle to win over hearts and minds. And Trump is doing the best he can just as prior Democrats like Obama and Bill & Hillary Clinton tried yet their results were not any better over there either.

GO Trump GO
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
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You obviously have no idea what is happening. Unless you know more than Defense Secretary Esper. Do you, Stiff? Do you know more that Trump's Defense Secretary?
I temper my knowledge with what I read and understand there from their history @Zwing. Of course I cannot pass as a Muslim nor do I possess your superior mastery of Arabic and other languages spoken there when you personally travel there, but feel free to append what you know with what I shared @Zwing. ;)

Who knows maybe we could find some solution that others missed? Save lives of a few American soldiers? And make America and TRUMP shine 🇺🇸 too? And we are after those shared goals, right? :D

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Undoubtedly @Zwing read all of Qutb's books from the original Arabic where some of his cruder English translations can be seen on Amazon:

But for the benefit of us English speakers, "The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11", is a 2006 non-fiction book by Lawrence Wright. It is a historical look at the way in which the militant organization Al-Qaeda came into being through Qutb's philosophies, the background for various terrorist attacks and how they were investigated, and the events that led to the September 11 attacks. In 2007, Wright was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction for the work. A 10-episode television miniseries adaptation aired in 2018 on Hulu.
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I know the eminent Middle Eastern scholar @Zwing will correct any of my mistakes with his superior comprehension of the Middle East's languages, history and customs and he will laugh at my posts, but for the benefit of readers of this thread feel free to not only highlight my mistakes of what I wrote, but also the several mistakes Trump is doing with the Middle East so he can improve from them, save lives and make America and Trump 🇺🇸 look good too.

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You are correct sir - I relish seeing how bat-******* crazy you lefties have gone.

I don’t spend a lot of time online - mainly just come here to bust your balls - but you already know that ;}

well we wouldn't want you taking to much time away from your left wing (educational) tv now would for busting my balls.....I'm married!
trump in his usual stupidity and inability to shut his fucking mouth.....keeps going to campaign rallies and bragging about killing the irainian……...he did nothing that 2 other presidents and a couple other countries could not have done before him...…...just that those before him were smart enough to not create a matar… the killing was stupid mistake to begin with....and him bragging about it is just making how many in the Mideast that much more determined to make the US pay

a complete and total ass......and some people support stupidity!

this guy just oozes incompetence…...and is dumb enough to brag about it...….and what makes things even worse......people just goad and cheer him on
haven't we covered that before......and like any good trumptard went right over your head

Obama Didn’t Give Iran ‘150 Billion in Cash’

As a candidate during the 2016 campaign, President Donald Trump
criticized the international agreement to curb Iran’s nuclear weapons’ program — formally called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Actionthat had been adopted the year before. He suggested that the U.S. had returned $150 billion to Iran as part of the deal.

That’s not true.
We’ve written about this issue before. PolitiFact and the Washington Post have, too.

But Trump has repeated the claim as recently as December, when he tweeted: “The Democrats and President Obama gave Iran 150 Billion Dollars and got nothing, but they can’t give 5 Billion Dollars for National Security and a Wall?”

Trump’s bogus claim now has been repeated in a meme that references the president’s declaration of a national emergency to redirect federal funds for a proposed wall on the southern border.

The meme, which has been shared 149,000 times on Facebook, mentions the recent lawsuit brought against the Trump administration by 16 states to block the national emergency. The meme says: “So, when Obama bypassed the Congress while giving Iran 150 billion in cash, how many States had sued him?”

First of all, former President Barack Obama didn’t give “150 billion in cash” to Iran.

The nuclear agreement included China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union, so Obama didn’t carry out any part of it on his own. The deal did lift some sanctions, which lifted a freeze on Iran’s assets that were held largely in foreign, not U.S., banks. And, to be clear, the money that was unfrozen belonged to Iran. It had only been made inaccessible by sanctions aimed at crippling the country’s nuclear program.

Secondly, $150 billion is a high-end estimate of the total that was freed up after some sanctions were lifted. U.S. Treasury Department estimates put the number at about $50 billion in “usable liquid assets,” according to 2015 testimony from Adam Szubin, acting under secretary of treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence.

The part that the meme gets right, though, is that the deal didn’t get congressional approval. The Obama administration had maintained that the agreement wasn’t a treaty, which would have required approval by the Senate. Republicans did try to block the deal, but they weren’t able to get enough support to pass the legislation in the Senate.

However, the U.S. is now no longer part of the deal. Trump pulled out in May 2018.

Obama Didn't Give Iran '150 Billion in Cash'
A viral meme distorts the facts about the Iran nuclear agreement. The deal, approved by six countries and the European Union, gave Iran access to its own frozen assets.

Obama Didn't Give Iran '150 Billion in Cash'
A viral meme distorts the facts about the Iran nuclear agreement. The deal, approved by six countries and the European Union, gave Iran access to its own frozen assets.
I didn't say anything about $150 billion. I said Obama had pallets of cash flown to Iran which is true and that the missile Iran used to shoot down the Ukrainian airliner might have been bought and paid for with the cash Obummer flew to Iran. Obummer's Sect of State, John Kerry even admitted at the time that some of the money they were giving to Iran could wind up in the hands of terrorist organizations. All of this was proven in the link Mac gave yesterday....unfortunately, like you he's not good at reading past the headline and comprehending what is actually stated.

Quote by John Kerry from Mac's link: ""I think that some of it will end up in the hands of the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps) or of other entities, some of which are labeled terrorists,"

ISIS / DAESH is going to be a long ongoing fight. This isn't like the days of the A-Team where you get a Hannibal Smith, B.A. Barracus, and friends fly over there and kick their asses and ******* a bunch of them, and after an hour smile with a cigar in your mouth saying "I love it when a plan comes together?"

They work from a different mindset much longer than an hour TV show, and longer than a 4 or 8 year election cycle. Thanks to Qutb they had about an 80 year head start hating America and that can't be wiped away just by killing a bunch of them. In fact you would be verifying Qutb and help sell more of his books and inspire future generations explaining to them why their Dads, Uncles, Cousins, Grandfathers, etc. are all dead before their time. Next to the Qu'ran just about any of Qutb's writings is the next best seller in the Middle East which would be in the library of just about any terrorist there as it was sold and as well received as Harry Potter books are now in the West.
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When Trump did send the troops there the belief at that time was that DAESH's territory was seized and others were in control like the Iraqis thanks to America's help, but also recognize people there don't really trust America despite hate-filled Qutb's writings. America used Iran as an ally against Saddam Hussein in Iraq. And Hussein once warned how he had to rule with a cruel hand as America does not understand their mindset. He even had problems with his own sons that he tried to *******: Uday and Qusay.
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Similarly America used Iraq to fight Iran during the hostage crisis with Carter from 1979-81 against the Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran.
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Syria is a wasteland, not sure if it still is, after Assad slaughtered his population and inspired any survivors to flee and become refugees in Europe, if they could reach there. But as of this moment what goes on there I have no earthly idea. Maybe your personal investigations know better @Zwing, but I'd wager America knows what goes on through satellites and maybe a few troops there. But as I suggested earlier people there know in relatively recent memory how their nation is just a pawn to America. Behind the scenes, under the cover of night, DAESH could run things, who knows? Perhaps when you travel the souqs there again @Zwing ( ) you can uncover first hand intelligence with your superior mastery of a variety of dialects of Arabic that you undoubtedly possess @Zwing where you unravel mysteries that American intelligence can't? Plus like a chameleon you are instantly able to pass as a trust worthy Muslim where they are instantly at ease communicating with you not knowing your true purpose. James Bond and Jason Bourne would applaud you @Zwing. 👏👏👏👏👏

Syria itself was a powderkeg for several thousands of years literally from days of the Bible as Syria is home to diverse ethnic and religious groups, including Syrian Arabs, Kurds, Turkemens, Assyrians, Armenians, Circassians, Mandeans and Greeks. And religious groups include Sunnis, Christians, Alawites, Druze, Isma'ilis, Mandeans, Shiites, Salafis, Yazidis, and Jews at one point resided there so there were countless wars fought in it's history too.
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There is such a state of flux with a variety of activity of different peoples vying for some kind of order there getting the news from that region of the Middle East is very unreliable. Look at that Ukrainian jet that was shot down? They thought it was safe for a commercial jet to take off when it wasn't.
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Again it is curious how you had access to such accurate information @Zwing yet you decided to keep it secret? When you do your foreign travels there again be sure to share your first hand information next time. What you shared could be obsolete next week. If Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Russia, or whoever else decides to bump them off and they become the next ******* to contend with? And the POTUS is only good with the information he/she works with? As I said Saddam Hussein had difficulty maintaining power unless he used cruel ******* to exterminate his enemies and then future embittered generations fill the void and seek revenge against his previous Ba'athist Party as seen here as an example:

( If Trump was truly a dictator the above video would be his instant solution to impeachment by the way :devil: )

Similarly there will be reluctance sharing ideal accurate information with Americans as it is well known among them that she played both Iran/Iraq even within my own lifetime, so from their perspective why trust giving reliable intel to America? Syria is a special case as it is under MrPutin's protection where he is friends with Assad. Plus the seeds of mistrust Qutb sowed around 80 years ago is growing a forest of doubt, mistrust, and hate that America has difficulty now to wipe out.

It is a battle to win over hearts and minds. And Trump is doing the best he can just as prior Democrats like Obama and Bill & Hillary Clinton tried yet their results were not any better over there either.

GO Trump GO
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
All that to twist a justification of Trump's lie. Just WOW.
I temper my knowledge with what I read and understand there from their history @Zwing. Of course I cannot pass as a Muslim nor do I possess your superior mastery of Arabic and other languages spoken there when you personally travel there, but feel free to append what you know with what I shared @Zwing. ;)

Who knows maybe we could find some solution that others missed? Save lives of a few American soldiers? And make America and TRUMP shine 🇺🇸 too? And we are after those shared goals, right? :D

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So you are calling Trump's Sec Def a liar?
Undoubtedly @Zwing read all of Qutb's books from the original Arabic where some of his cruder English translations can be seen on Amazon:

But for the benefit of us English speakers, "The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11", is a 2006 non-fiction book by Lawrence Wright. It is a historical look at the way in which the militant organization Al-Qaeda came into being through Qutb's philosophies, the background for various terrorist attacks and how they were investigated, and the events that led to the September 11 attacks. In 2007, Wright was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction for the work. A 10-episode television miniseries adaptation aired in 2018 on Hulu.
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I know the eminent Middle Eastern scholar @Zwing will correct any of my mistakes with his superior comprehension of the Middle East's languages, history and customs and he will laugh at my posts, but for the benefit of readers of this thread feel free to not only highlight my mistakes of what I wrote, but also the several mistakes Trump is doing with the Middle East so he can improve from them, save lives and make America and Trump 🇺🇸 look good too.

Nice nice "look over there" strategy, Stiff. Why are you calling Trump's Sec Def a liar? Do you know something he does not? If you do, you should contact Esper ASAP. You just may get that U.S. Citizenship you so deeply covet.
I didn't say anything about $150 billion. I said Obama had pallets of cash flown to Iran which is true and that the missile Iran used to shoot down the Ukrainian airliner might have been bought and paid for with the cash Obummer flew to Iran. Obummer's Sect of State, John Kerry even admitted at the time that some of the money they were giving to Iran could wind up in the hands of terrorist organizations. All of this was proven in the link Mac gave yesterday....unfortunately, like you he's not good at reading past the headline and comprehending what is actually stated.

Quote by John Kerry from Mac's link: ""I think that some of it will end up in the hands of the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps) or of other entities, some of which are labeled terrorists,"

the money sent to iran…...was not money we was from different banks around the world that had been froze......and it was NOT Obama that did the deal.....but Obama and several other countries...….so your misleading...and trumps statement is entirely false
you know that Atilla the None has to be pissed today...…..after he had Sessions open a new investigation into Clinton AGAIN....they still found nothing!

similar to those on here...…..searching for something positive trump has done....and they find nothing

or an IQ analysis on a trumptard…...and they find nothing

or when a trumptard tries to backup his wild statements...….they have nothing
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