Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I wonder how @subhub174014 will dance to this tune?

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Oh @subhub174014 are you hungry for some crow? You have earned mountains of delicious and nutritiously made volumes of

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Nothing Burger: Mainstream Media Is Scrambling After WH Record Confirms Trump Was Right All Along
DHJ Staff
September 25, 2019

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The White House released an unredacted version of the phone conversation between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and mainstream media is scrambling to keep their narratives that President Trump did something wrong intact.

For context, Trump has repeatedly claimed that he was innocent against waves of allegations brought by Democratic members of Congress and mainstream media that his call included impeachable offenses. They alleged Trump repeatedly demanded Zelensky investigate Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his *******.

After the White House released the record of the conversation, it appears Trump was right.

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But, mainstream media is doing everything they can to rebox the release and claim Trump was still in the wrong. Check it out:
CNN legal analyst Susan Hennessey tweeted: “Transcript of Trump’s call with Ukrainian president shows him offering U.S. assistance for Biden investigation.”
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Take care of her language as it is obviously written to have readers (and her 259,000+ followers) believe Trump offered financial aid in exchange for the investigation. He did not.
In fact, Trump did not offer anything in exchange for the investigation. He said, per the release, that he would offer the services of United States Attorney General William Barr to help with the investigation.
Human Events’s Will Chamberlain accurately reported this information:

Will Chamberlain@willchamberlain

“Whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.”

That’s the “assistance for the Biden investigation.”

These absolute clowns
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10:13 AM - Sep 25, 2019
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Fox News contributor Katie Pavlich also correctly reported what the release actually said.

“No quid pro quo, no talk of withholding military aid, Trump asked Ukraine to look into the firing of a prosecutor who Biden bragged about firing under threat of withholding $1 billion in loan securities. [And,] Trump concern over Ukraine election interference,” Pavlich tweeted.
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Mark Meadows

Remember yesterday when we were told President Trump pressured Ukraine to investigate Biden's *******? 8 times? And offered quid pro quo in exchange?

None of that was true. They did it again.

Just like collusion. Just like obstruction. Same old story.
10:36 AM - Sep 25, 2019
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Gov. Mike Huckabee

Just read Ukraine transcript. It’s bad! Very very bad! For Joe Biden. But @realDonaldTrump didn’t once offer aid for a political favor. Dems look like idiots. Media already did. Wile E. Coyote has Acme bomb blow up in face again.
10:26 AM - Sep 25, 2019
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Charlie Cook

I don’t Tweet very much but reading transcript has moved me to comment. I was totally underwhelmed by the transcript. After the build-up, it was not much more inappropriate said than we hear from him in a typical week. This will not move malleable voters.
10:37 AM - Sep 25, 2019
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Amber Athey

· 10h
Here's what the transcript shows (& what it doesn't):

- Trump asked Zelensky to look into Biden's pressure on Ukraine to fire the prosecutor
- Trump did not threaten to withhold aid (alleged quid pro quo)
- Trump was concerned about Europe paying their fair share in aid
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Matt Walsh

Just read the transcript. There is nothing that even comes close to a quid pro quo. Trump never even hints at any threats or bribes or anything. He asks Ukraine to look into illegal activity and that’s all. This is a huge embarrassment for the Democrats.
10:09 AM - Sep 25, 2019
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Ouch. Do not forget this red-hot take from ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jon Karl moments before the record was released:
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President Trump wants to know when he can expect an apology:

Donald J. Trump

Will the Democrats apologize after seeing what was said on the call with the Ukrainian President? They should, a perfect call - got them by surprise!
9:17 AM - Sep 25, 2019
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another one of your novels way going to read it all....point is....trump gave them an "altered" brief on the phone that any surprise...….the whistle blower will testify soon.....showing once again trump a liar......but even in his doctored version he admits to asking about Biden
another one of your novels way going to read it all....point is....trump gave them an "altered" brief on the phone that any surprise...….the whistle blower will testify soon.....showing once again trump a liar......but even in his doctored version he admits to asking about Biden

Whistleblower my arse - piece o ******* Dem plant - never even heard anything directly - here-say at best and is biased against Trump which was admitted.
Funny cause I don’t recall any losses on our side - maybe why we’re NOT the sore LOSERS ;}
I know reading can be a real challenge for you Trumptards, afterall, you don't read anything, just respond to what your yellow haired boss says.
Here's the comment I posted ... try reading it for comprehension for once. You do know what that means, right?
OPPS ... Los Vegas bookies are RIGHT again ... 40:1 odds that Trump & White House would NOT release a un-redacted transcript of the Trump/Ukraine President telephone call. They were right.
You Trumptards would have LOST AGAIN.

Las Vegas bookies were giving 40:1 that Trump would not release an un-redacted transcript. I said you WOULD HAVE LOST ... get it? God, man, take a reading course.
another one of your novels way going to read it all....point is....trump gave them an "altered" brief on the phone that any surprise...….the whistle blower will testify soon.....showing once again trump a liar......but even in his doctored version he admits to asking about Biden
If that source is correct Pelosi's "Hail Mary" just blew up in her face. If so, Donald Trump need not even campaign as he now has 2020 in the bag! ?? ????????

I'll have my Republican friends send you lots of crow when that happens @subhub174014 . By the way do you prefer your crow fried or boiled or roasted?


Regarding ( )

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another one of your novels way going to read it all....point is....trump gave them an "altered" brief on the phone that any surprise...….the whistle blower will testify soon.....showing once again trump a liar......but even in his doctored version he admits to asking about Biden
A message straight from the POTUS Donald Trump himself ?? directed to committed Democrats like you @subhub174014. I doubt he would receive any apologies from you though? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

As seen from: ( )

Donald Trump ?? does not seem scared? Instead he looks like he's ready to call a bluff? ????

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another one of your novels way going to read it all....point is....trump gave them an "altered" brief on the phone that any surprise...….the whistle blower will testify soon.....showing once again trump a liar......but even in his doctored version he admits to asking about Biden

And here is Governor Mike Huckabee's perspective on Trump's impeachment ...

As seen from ( )
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I know reading can be a real challenge for you Trumptards, afterall, you don't read anything, just respond to what your yellow haired boss says.
Here's the comment I posted ... try reading it for comprehension for once. You do know what that means, right?
OPPS ... Los Vegas bookies are RIGHT again ... 40:1 odds that Trump & White House would NOT release a un-redacted transcript of the Trump/Ukraine President telephone call. They were right.
You Trumptards would have LOST AGAIN.

Las Vegas bookies were giving 40:1 that Trump would not release an un-redacted transcript. I said you WOULD HAVE LOST ... get it? God, man, take a reading course.
Seems like those bookies, actuaries, and numbers guys might be losing money? There was a time during the 2019 NBA Championships Golden State was the favorite to win, yet the Toronto Raptors won!


Here is yet another case where the bookies in Vegas will lose money @MacNfries.
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Whistleblower my arse - piece o ******* Dem plant - never even heard anything directly - here-say at best and is biased against Trump which was admitted.

is kind of confusing Maguire has refused to give info to president and swears it is a legit complaint and can be backed up....McGuire is a trump appointee...….and yet McGuire is hesitant to testify before congress...….but turns out that what trump sent to congress was "notes" someone made of the phone call and they were altered

Acting Spy Chief Joseph Maguire Threatened to Resign If ...
11 hours ago · Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire threatened to resign if the White House tried to restrict his testimony before Congress, the Washington Post reported on Wednesday.

WIFR TV - Joseph Maguire will testify publicly about the ...
Joseph Maguire will testify publicly about the whistleblower complaint on Sept. 26, Rep. Adam Schiff announced.

now looks like whistle blower himself is wanting to testify in front of congress

Whistleblower wants to appear before Congress, Dems say ...
Sep 24, 2019 · Joseph Maguire is to explain his role in withholding a whistleblower complaint filed last month regarding Trump's Ukraine scandal. ... Both Maguire and Atkinson are set to testify before the ...
A message straight from the POTUS Donald Trump himself ?? directed to committed Democrats like you @subhub174014. I doubt he would receive any apologies from you though? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

NOPE!.....anything he gets or what happens to him is well brought on......still prefer to see him voted out....although the right has some pretty shaky ways of keeping him in....see my article on the wake up thread....but just the embarrassment of the impeachment has him pissed I'm sure.....because he THINKS he is so loved because of what he has done for the economy.....but people still don't like him and his base is shrinking
Impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump
An impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump was initiated on September 24, 2019, when Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, announced in a televised speech the beginning of a formal impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States. The inquiry was announced in the wake of an anonymous whistleblower report, which alleged that President Trump had asked Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate the Ukranian business dealings of Hunter Biden, the ******* of former vice president and 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden, in a July 2019 phone call. The Trump Administration released an edited transcript of this phone call, which confirmed that Trump had asked Zelensky to "look into" the Biden controversy. At the time of the inquiry, Biden was the leading candidate in Democratic Party primary polling, according to poll aggregators, making him Trump's most likely 2020 general election opponent. In an interview, Trump's personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, defended Trump, calling the president's request of the Ukranian president "perfectly appropriate", while also indicating that he himself may have made a similar request to Ukranian officials.
Mmmmm going after trumps personal lawyer???????

Adam Schiff sets sights on William Barr as Trump ...
18 hours ago · Trump suffers late night Twitter meltdown after Democrats launch impeachment inquiry ‘It’s all a hoax’: Trump bashes the ‘so-called whistleblower’ during bizarre UN press conference Shep Smith...

Trump ends press conference with bizarre claim Pelosi is ...
The president held another press conference, alone this time, from the United Nations General Assembly later Wednesday afternoon. Trump repeatedly referred to the impeachment inquiry

guess trump changed his mind on releasing the actual transcript of the phone call....and instead just handed over a memo taken by someone that was there...……..a little more obstruction?...….with nothing to hide.....this guy goes all out to prevent anyone from knowing the truth ….about anything...….from a guy who campaigned on being the most open pres
He doesn't give a ******* about the country or anything in it...….his main purpose is to destroy anything Obama did for the country....his hate soooo bad for Obama and blacks

17 States Sue Over Rules Weakening the Endangered Species ...
10 hours ago · (SEATTLE) — Seventeen states sued the Trump administration Wednesday to block rules weakening the Endangered Species Act, saying the changes would make it tougher to protect wildlife even in the...

Opinion | Trump’s Obama Obsession - The New York Times
Jun 29, 2017 · Donald Trump has a thing about Barack Obama. Trump is obsessed with Obama. Obama haunts Trump’s dreams. One of Trump’s primary motivators is the absolute erasure of Obama — were it possible ...

Here's why Obama stays quiet as Trump attacks his legacy ...
Oct 13, 2017 · With each passing day, President Donald Trump unravels another piece of Barack Obama's legacy. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. The Paris climate accords. The Iran nuclear deal.
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Mmmmm this would apply to a couple of people on here

Why do many Trump supporters hate Obama so much? - Quora
Aug 09, 2019 · Some Trump supporters hate Obama simply for what he is, in their eyes: A smooth-talking hyper-educated black guy who got way above his station through nefarious connections to the corrupt Chicago machine. He neither earned nor deserved the position he attained.

won't go into all that....just hate to see this jerk destroy parks for oil and wood....and destroy protected wildlife....not counting what he is doing to our water and air.....all in the name of big biz!