Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

You just can't fathom the possibility that you've been tooken hook line and sinker

that goes both ways! believe what you have been told... and want to believe

The Republicans spent years investigating Hillary Clinton ...

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  • In 2012, there is a terrorist attack on a US government facility in post-civil war Libya. Congressional Republicans respond by spending $7m on 33 separate hearings over four years. They hope to find evidence that the Secretary of State at the time, Hillary Clinton, was in some way guilty of wrongdoing.
Investigating Clinton: How Many Millions Were Spent on ...
Jul 05, 2016 · The yearlong investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of private email for official business while she was Secre Investigating Clinton: How Many Millions Were Spent on Email, Benghazi Probes ...

Republicans To Waste More Taxpayer Money On Investigating ...
Republicans To Waste More Taxpayer Money On Investigating The Hillary Clinton Investigation ... it was a blatant attempt to tear down a political opponent who they’ve been trying to beat for ...
GOP's fear and loathing of Hillary Clinton cost you $100 ...
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  • Truth is that the Republicans in the House and the Senate have had two decades of defining Hillary Clinton as un trustworthy and un truthful. They have done it spending more taxpayers money on battling her than any other political figure in history. The Republicans have put a target on her back since she was first lady back in the 1990s and they have over the years spent more $100 million taxpayer dollars on investigations aimed at taking Hillary Clinton down.
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A top House Republican was accidentally honest about the ...
Sep 30, 2015 · "Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? ... the public line from Republicans was that they were merely trying to find the truth about what happened. ... "We have been
True about the Clintons, but don't forget the British Monarchy also was very fearful of Jeffery Epstein about what they potentially had against Prince Andrew. So they are just as likely to have him erased as well. Picture of clothed underaged girl had to be censored due to rules of B2W:

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If all the Republicans can do now is continue to hope that saying "Hillary Clinton!!" enough times will scare people, then that tells us more about their lack of anything useful to say than it does about Clinton or the Democrats.
Poor example @subhub174014 ! I begin to think you are beginning to lose it. If you read my post in addition to the article that accompanies it, I was not really beating up the Clintons but instead I was exploring the possibility that the British Monarchy eliminated Jeffery Epstein? You seem to need to de-stress and go fishing again as I sense you are off a bit with your usual debating fighting form @subhub174014 ? Maybe some herbal tea? :)
stiff is not even American and yet does more to promote hate and discourse on this board than any of us put together....take his hate out of the picture and the rest of you are just blind republicans that won't accept the any typical republican
How am I promoting hate? If the site felt that way they would have me banned plus my posts are not imaginary as I back up what I say with facts @subhub174014 . Have a problem with it go after those sources and individuals and websites I use ?