Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

The ONLY thing President Trump is guilty of - is kicking Hillary’s arse in the last election.

Whining SORE LOSER Dems never gonna stop doggin him - NEVER :{
I’m proud to say my town always goes Republican - however the cities are where all the votes are and they’re all Dems :{
Oh I think he [Trump] will probably win re-election..much to the dismay of most the country...….but at the current rate the Dems will shoot themselves in the foot...…..all trying to sell snakeoil to this group and that....and when their candidate doesn't make it....will they still vote......Sanders group didn't last time

but do I think he will serve 8 years...NO!
@Allforthewifey,@blkdlaur, @TwoBiFour, @lkg4fun, @nongolfer and @hoping hubby seeing that @subhub174014 was so kind to admit Trump will win in 2020 make sure there is space on the bandwagon for him on the parade float as I can't exactly coordinate that from my location. ? ? ?

In addition out of kindness limit the amount of nutritious and deliciously made crow that the finest gourmet chefs can prepare that @subhub174014 has to consume due to multiple prior occasions where he stated Trump would lose in 2020 and other not too positive things about Trump in the past on this site. ???????????

GO Trump!
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@Allforthewifey and @blkdlaur seeing that @subhub174014 was so kind to admit Trump will win in 2020 make sure there is space on the bandwagon for him on the parade float as I can't exactly coordinate that from my location. ? ? ?

In addition out of kindness limit the amount of nutritious and deliciously made crow that the finest gourmet chefs can prepare that @subhub174014 has to consume due to multiple prior occasions where he stated Trump would lose in 2020 and other things in the past on this site. ???????????

GO Trump!

just saying....that at the rate things are going now...he stands a good chance......but still think it is just a matter of time before impeachment gets him also!
just saying....that at the rate things are going now...he stands a good chance......but still think it is just a matter of time before impeachment gets him also!
One of my most favorite movies was "Contact" with Jodie Foster. She was an astronomer bent on proving that there was extraterrestrial life in the universe. When she encountered the alien and she cried how she wanted more from the experience and the alien told her "small steps Ellie [name of her character]." So after over 3 years of debating with you a great achievement was accomplished, much like proving there is extraterrestrial life in the universe, where you finally relented and allowed for the likelihood of Trump winning a second term. With regard to the possibility of impeachment I will say "small steps @subhub174014. " :) ???

( )
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going to be a bunch of unhappy dems tomorrow.....wanting Mueller to spill the beans...just saw something that tells me he is not going to!

Mr. "by the book"...was told to investigate Russian interference...and he did....everything else he found was not covered in that guidline and will not be giving him the subpoena….it means he has to follow DOJ guidelines.....and with Barr's changes to those guidelines even Nixon could not be impeached

don't think Mueller is going to deliver what the dems want....they might get the 10 instances where he obstructed justice but as for any other....he stated he did not find evidence of collusion...but he also said trump was not innocent!....think he will stick with that and not vary from it!

don't understand....this man knows ..ALOT...but won't give it!...Barr has it also...and he is definitely not going to give it