Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

How did we have there money and we were buying there oil and they showed good faith by shooting down our drone

you are talking several different time lines there...we both used to do a lot of biz back and forth and they had a bunch in our banks...….yes at one time we used to buy their oil...…….yes they shot one of our drones down because they said it had entered their air space....we say it didn't.....trump scratched his ass!
Go Trump! Steve Harvey who confesses he did not vote for Trump and he promoted Hillary and he voted for Hillary in 2016 speaks about meeting Trump where he is criticizing others calling him an "Uncle Tom" and crucifying him on social media.

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I knew someone had posted some vids by the amount of time it took the page to load....they have nothing to say for themselves so look for something by someone else
I knew someone had posted some vids by the amount of time it took the page to load....they have nothing to say for themselves so look for something by someone else
You know I am Canadian without the ability to legally cast a vote in America in 2020 @subhub174014 so I suspect your cunning post was crafted to shut me down cognizant of the fact that I would not have any personal stories to share. I recall your prior criticism of me posting so many videos so I only posted 2 additional videos that moved me and I am weighing the possibility creating a new thread cautioning those that choose to view it ideally have a lot of RAM on their system if the site likes that idea? As a Trump supporter and as someone that likes to prove what I say I wanted to share this information to any possible indecisive American voters in 2020 reading this thread about voices from other American voters about their epiphanies about Trump that rarely gets seen in the general media that curiously is usually on the side of the Democrats? I wonder why that is the case? :unsure:
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Anyone who thinks Al Qaeda/ Daesh is finished and has been squashed by the USA, Russia and Syria is deluded. They just shave their beards off and relocate. They'll be back.
Same with the Taliban - what a torrid time US and UK forces had in Afghanistan! The Russians warned us it was a waste of time and they were correct, the Taliban are still there and waiting to regain control when the last allied troops leave.

Trump is keen to withdraw troops from Afghanistan and no doubt sees that as a won war. The truth is that the Taliban is more active than it has been since before the Americans arrived 18 YEARS AGO!

In January, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani said more than 45,000 members of the country's security forces had been killed since he became leader in late 2014. Over the same period "the number of international casualties is less than 72", he said.

In February, the UN said civilian deaths reached a record high in 2018. It said more than 32,000 civilians had in total been killed in the past decade.

So, as with the Taliban, Daesh are far from defeated and cannot be so with conventional warfare.

You cannot defeat an ideology with a gun.
Anyone who thinks Al Qaeda/ Daesh is finished and has been squashed by the USA, Russia and Syria is deluded. They just shave their beards off and relocate. They'll be back.
Same with the Taliban - what a torrid time US and UK forces had in Afghanistan! The Russians warned us it was a waste of time and they were correct, the Taliban are still there and waiting to regain control when the last allied troops leave.

Trump is keen to withdraw troops from Afghanistan and no doubt sees that as a won war. The truth is that the Taliban is more active than it has been since before the Americans arrived 18 YEARS AGO!

In January, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani said more than 45,000 members of the country's security forces had been killed since he became leader in late 2014. Over the same period "the number of international casualties is less than 72", he said.

In February, the UN said civilian deaths reached a record high in 2018. It said more than 32,000 civilians had in total been killed in the past decade.

So, as with the Taliban, Daesh are far from defeated and cannot be so with conventional warfare.

You cannot defeat an ideology with a gun.
That maybe the case but for now as they are on the run where they lost most of the lands they seized at this point in time @Subby which is preferable than them being on the offensive attacking Europe, the UK, North America, or anywhere else? I hope you would not hope for a massive revival of DAESH where they ******* thousands of people simply to prove that Trump was wrong?
That maybe the case but for now as they are on the run where they lost most of the lands they seized at this point in time @Subby which is preferable than them being on the offensive attacking Europe, the UK, North America, or anywhere else? I hope you would not hope for a massive revival of DAESH where they ******* thousands of people simply to prove that Trump was wrong?
Whoa fella! I hope you would have more faith in your fellow man to suggest such a thing! How toxic American politics has become!
Question: do you think you can defeat an ideology with guns?
They are already in the UK. But you could argue that 'defeating' them in Syria has simply dispersed them into Europe and elsewhere, where they can regroup and commit acts of barbarity.