"Female Orgasms"!


Real Person
Gold Member
According to science and women too about 75% percent of women do not reach orgasm by intercourse! (I say its because black men are only 7% percent of the country. Just joking!) πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

1.Why do you think this is? πŸ€”
2.in your opinion what do you think can be done about it? πŸ€”
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Yes, that percentage is true per "Psychology Today". Sadly, that percentage is far too high.

For me personally, I rarely ever had an orgasm through sexual intercourse until I met my first black guy a few years ago and that quickly changed for me. Ever since then I have been a multiple "O" lady. The thickness is a huge turn on for me. I have multiple "O"'s every session with my guy @TopCat, πŸ˜ˆπŸ€—πŸ˜‹πŸ˜˜πŸ₯°πŸ’‹ When I have a dual orgasm my strong, athletic legs wrap around his so tight and the feeling is mind blowing. I always say to him, "please don't stop"!!!

Most importantly, you have to have good chemistry in order for you both to be sexually satisfied. I am the type of lady that wants to make my guy feel just as good as he makes me feel, 😘πŸ₯°πŸ’‹

So, to fully answer your two questions above, you need chemistry, he has to hit your G-spot just right, nice and deep strokes, etc. Mmmmm...I am all wet and ready now after writing this!!! πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

Have a "fucktabulous" evening everyone!!!
I find it hard by intercourse alone. I need a lot of foreplay and self stimulation also to get me there.
According to science and women too about 75% percent of women do not reach orgasm by intercourse! (I say its because black men are only 7% percent of the country. Just joking!) πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

1.Why do you think this is? πŸ€”
It is a matter of evolution that penises are getting smaller while vaginas are getting bigger in the long run over many generations which means - for average couplings - less stretching, less filling, less friction and harder for the Woman to reach an orgasm. (Theory) Apart from that...

Mental barriers...
Consciously or not, many Women do not allow themselves to enjoy sexual pleasures as in many societies those are often attributed to men and "male behavior".
At the same time many Women feel like having a higher level of responsibility for taking care of contraceptives and the possible outcome if those fail to work which makes it harder for them to feel at ease - a precondition for achieving a higher level of pleasure essential to allow for an orgasm.
Also many Women are too concerned about and top-heavy on their own physical appearance and how a partner might perceive or "judge" them instead of just letting themselves go and enjoy the sex with a partner.

Physical barriers...
As a consequence of the first "point" above, many Women do not enjoy masturbation or are reluctant doing it at all as they may feel it would be "dirty", sinfull or straight on inappropriate for them.
Without having explored their own bodies and having experienced what feels good and what doesn't, reaching an orgasm is almost impossible to do.
The tip of the clit (clitoral gland) is typically much more sensitive to stimulation than the vagina so it can be questioned if intercourse (alone) is the most natural way for a Woman to receive an orgasm.

Also Women who are used to orgasming from vibrating toys may be "conditioned" to that sort of stimulation a penis cannot provide.

According to science and women too about 75% percent of women do not reach orgasm by intercourse! (I say its because black men are only 7% percent of the country. Just joking!) πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

2.in your opinion what do you think can be done about it? πŸ€”
Female sexual pleasure should be upvalued in our societies and slut-shaming banned completely. Upbringing and education of both females and males should account for that.

Sexual education need to include practical lessons for how to use contraceptives correctly but also provide info about what can be done wrong (common mistakes). And the very low numbers of statistical failure (after levelling out mishandling) should be communicated.

The fashion modelling "industry" needs to accept more variety among their female models to include all colors and shapes that we naturally find within the human population. "Lookism" and body-shaming needs to be removed and exchanged for the body-positive insight that different "flavors" will be matched by the different "tastes" that also exist; and men have their inadequacies and issues with their bodies no less than Women have.

Women need to accept their own sexual lust as natural part of their being and for them to actively seek out for satisfaction as normalcy. Exploring their own bodies and experiencing their own sexuality is a natural part of growing up and becoming a Woman.

It is not only adequate but asked for that Women talk with a partner about their sexual likes and dislikes, and that they (Women) teach them (partners) how to best give them pleasure.

Besides... Has anyone else ever questioned why a family name is passed on from a ******* to the ******* while a Woman has to give up hers upon marriage and take her husband's? In many countries' laws nationality (ex sanguine) is determined by the *******'s nationality not the mom's. And all that even though the mom contributes by one half to the genetic set of her offspring and carries the chi!d to term, while in some cases the assumed ******* is not even the biological ******* of the chi!d. ;)

More power to the Women who contibute greatly to our families, communities and humanity as a whole! ...and their orgasms will come back naturally. :)
This number seems a little high to me, I’ve only ever been with a couple of girls who can only really cum with a fair amount of clitoral stimulation, maybe I’ve been lucky. My partner cums...and cums...and cums just from intercourse :)
Yes, that percentage is true per "Psychology Today". Sadly, that percentage is far too high.

For me personally, I rarely ever had an orgasm through sexual intercourse until I met my first black guy a few years ago and that quickly changed for me. Ever since then I have been a multiple "O" lady. The thickness is a huge turn on for me. I have multiple "O"'s every session with my guy @TopCat, πŸ˜ˆπŸ€—πŸ˜‹πŸ˜˜πŸ₯°πŸ’‹ When I have a dual orgasm my strong, athletic legs wrap around his so tight and the feeling is mind blowing. I always say to him, "please don't stop"!!!

Most importantly, you have to have good chemistry in order for you both to be sexually satisfied. I am the type of lady that wants to make my guy feel just as good as he makes me feel, 😘πŸ₯°πŸ’‹

So, to fully answer your two questions above, you need chemistry, he has to hit your G-spot just right, nice and deep strokes, etc. Mmmmm...I am all wet and ready now after writing this!!! πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

Have a "fucktabulous" evening everyone!!!
Are you saying that your first black lover basically activated the development of your full orgasmic potential?
To have sex but never could be sure if it would result in having an orgasm for me (and doing it only for hubby's pleasure) in the past was really annoying for me ( a huge turn off). Since I have the relationship with my black lover I can always be sure that I will orgasm and always more than only ones and also his ejaculations are a huge turn ons for me (hubby's cum dribbling never was one).
Are you saying that your first black lover basically activated the development of your full orgasmic potential?
Yes, that is exactly what I am saying and I can honestly say that I have been "black only" since my second experience, which was with my BF @TopCat. I have always been very attracted to black guys, but unfortunately I had very little opportunity given the area in which I grew up in.

I was previously married to a white guy and dated other white guys throughout the years, but none of them gave me an "orgasm". As soon as they bent me over and put their cock in me they came in seconds, sometimes minutes never reaching me to an orgasm. I would have to use one of my toys to bring me to an orgasm.

But, this all changed when I had my first encounter with my guy @TopCat. We instantly clicked and had a great time. He gave me multiple mind-blowing orgasms that day and I remember myself telling him many times "please don't stop", πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜‹πŸ€—πŸ˜˜πŸ₯°πŸ’‹ And we have been going strong ever since and have been in a long term relationship for awhile now, ❀ Good chemistry is a must along with sexually satisfying each other to the fullest, ;)
I mean i think its pretty simple to explain and incredibly difficult to achieve. I've always read this stat with a dubious eye because i can only think of 1-2 past lovers who didn't achieve orgasm with me. Admittedly, female orgasm, is my actual kink so i obsess over this topic perhaps at the expense of just enjoying the experience. But having said that here are the necessary elements I've found:

1. Trust and Relaxation - Trust is a loaded word, but the context I'm using it is in that a woman trusts her partner enough in the moment to turn off her protective instincts and to get mentally present. A woman has to be "in the moment" in order to even be aware of the sensations.

2. Patience and Time - Once she is in the moment, you need to provide that consistent stimulation to let it grow inside her. I'm not a big believer that a partner "gives" an orgasm to a woman as much as he/she/they provide the feedback, sensations and more to allow her to build to her own orgasm. Staying in a consistent rhythm is crucial when you find something that is working for her, stick with it!

3. Attentiveness - This is very key as well. When she is building towards something good then stick with it, but at times any particular move, pace or rhythm may plateau for her and she needs a nudge or change to get past that plateau. So listening to her signals, breathing patterns, movements, etc is crucial. When her building pleasure flattens out, switch it up slightly to re-ignite the build.

4. Give her feedback - This is the virtuous cycle. When you are paying close attention, and she trusts you enough to give you signals, and you respond with the exact thing she needs, it becomes a virtuous cycle, a positive feedback loop that will ultimately end in her climax. Remember, everyone wants to cum, mostly you are just creating an environment where she feels as safe as master-bating alone, but with the added bonus of having a partner she is connected to.

Notice I didn't mention Dicks, size, etc. I will say that hitting all the right spots can dramatically accelerate a lot of the items above. I'm not saying filling or stretching her isn't important, you might very well do everything right and sense in #3 that what she needs is to have her posterior Fornix stroked and you might just not have that ability in your arsenal. You might lack the self control to stick with #2 for long enough for her to build up before you cum. But the key is to control what you can control about yourself, to accept your limitations and to never judge her for needing what she needs. Remember, its not about you, or your ego, its about her and her pleasure.
According to science and women too about 75% percent of women do not reach orgasm by intercourse! (I say its because black men are only 7% percent of the country. Just joking!) πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

1.Why do you think this is? πŸ€”
2.in your opinion what do you think can be done about it? πŸ€”
Well each woman is unique and some cum more easily than others. The next thing is the way people enter sex. Most women enter with the mindset of I want to get him off and get off myself. Most men enter with the mindset of I want to get off and hopefully get her off as well. It is nice when both people go in wanting to see the other one orgasm more than themselves. Now let's bring up the issues of it is easier to get men off. Stroke away and chances are he's going to pop. Now given there are some common sense rules like try not to break it. Women have many more ways we enjoy pleasure and not all of them are a race. I know you guys want to get something inside of us as soon and as fast as possible but touching, rubbing, licking, massaging, in the right areas can do wonders way before a finger or dick goes inside anything. And in my final words men, do not be afraid of sex toys. They can be great backup and help you to show your woman a great time. Grab that toy and use it on her and enjoy the feelings you're giving us rather than comparing to a piece of silicone.
Yes, that is exactly what I am saying and I can honestly say that I have been "black only" since my second experience, which was with my BF @TopCat. I have always been very attracted to black guys, but unfortunately I had very little opportunity given the area in which I grew up in.

I was previously married to a white guy and dated other white guys throughout the years, but none of them gave me an "orgasm". As soon as they bent me over and put their cock in me they came in seconds, sometimes minutes never reaching me to an orgasm. I would have to use one of my toys to bring me to an orgasm.

But, this all changed when I had my first encounter with my guy @TopCat. We instantly clicked and had a great time. He gave me multiple mind-blowing orgasms that day and I remember myself telling him many times "please don't stop", πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜‹πŸ€—πŸ˜˜πŸ₯°πŸ’‹ And we have been going strong ever since and have been in a long term relationship for awhile now, ❀ Good chemistry is a must along with sexually satisfying each other to the fullest, ;)
Amazing story, I;'m so glad TC was able to hit that spot for you over and over again! You deserve it baby!
According to science and women too about 75% percent of women do not reach orgasm by intercourse! (I say its because black men are only 7% percent of the country. Just joking!) πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

1.Why do you think this is? πŸ€”
2.in your opinion what do you think can be done about it? πŸ€”
Orgasms involve more than just penetration
It involves forplay elements of surprise(I never fuck my regular White wife the same way) I dont ever want to be predictable Im always changing up things and experimenting
Yes, that is exactly what I am saying and I can honestly say that I have been "black only" since my second experience, which was with my BF @TopCat. I have always been very attracted to black guys, but unfortunately I had very little opportunity given the area in which I grew up in.

I was previously married to a white guy and dated other white guys throughout the years, but none of them gave me an "orgasm". As soon as they bent me over and put their cock in me they came in seconds, sometimes minutes never reaching me to an orgasm. I would have to use one of my toys to bring me to an orgasm.

But, this all changed when I had my first encounter with my guy @TopCat. We instantly clicked and had a great time. He gave me multiple mind-blowing orgasms that day and I remember myself telling him many times "please don't stop", πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜‹πŸ€—πŸ˜˜πŸ₯°πŸ’‹ And we have been going strong ever since and have been in a long term relationship for awhile now, ❀ Good chemistry is a must along with sexually satisfying each other to the fullest, ;)
Hey sexy I just need to ask you a few things. You did say that you were married before and dated white men before. I can see why they were bending you over because I wou... see now I'm getting all sidetracked! LOL
.I am assuming that penis size was not the primary issue because that actually varies among men no matter what ethnicity so you probably had hung and average size white men right?

.Not every white guy was a premature shooter right? Among the white guys who could go more than 30 minutes or much longer without busting why didn't any of them bring you to orgasm?
Never had an orgasm with my husband of 32yrs from intercourse but when he goes down on me it's a sure thing! As for the black men I have been with well my very first one rocked my world and I exploded what a feeling that was. On and off over the years I've had a lot of them and it's been with black men and as of right now I defiantly do with my lover Anthony. As @Mr&Ms TopCat said about chemistry ours is perfect and I will have multiple orgasm's with him :)