"Female Orgasms"!

Well each woman is unique and some cum more easily than others. The next thing is the way people enter sex. Most women enter with the mindset of I want to get him off and get off myself. Most men enter with the mindset of I want to get off and hopefully get her off as well. It is nice when both people go in wanting to see the other one orgasm more than themselves. Now let's bring up the issues of it is easier to get men off. Stroke away and chances are he's going to pop. Now given there are some common sense rules like try not to break it. Women have many more ways we enjoy pleasure and not all of them are a race. I know you guys want to get something inside of us as soon and as fast as possible but touching, rubbing, licking, massaging, in the right areas can do wonders way before a finger or dick goes inside anything. And in my final words men, do not be afraid of sex toys. They can be great backup and help you to show your woman a great time. Grab that toy and use it on her and enjoy the feelings you're giving us rather than comparing to a piece of silicone.
Thank you very much for your input. To some guys your input is valuable information to take in and assimilate with everything else we already know about women or want to know about women so thank again.

The way that I personally approach sex is by saying "I am going to get her off multiple times before I even consider getting off, and hopefully I am the best she's ever had"! I believe in being what I call the "triple threat"! A guy who can get you off with his hands, his mouth, and his manhood!

I have never been with a woman who did not cum, but what's crazy is that I have been with women over the years that had never had an orgasm before we had sex and when that orgasm hit them it was like a whole rebirth experience for them. Our pillow talk afterwards consisted of them asking me "what I did to them" and "why their body was uncontrollably shaking and quivering all over"? What I found really shocking was that some of these women had been married previously and also had children before we met and never had an orgasm.

So for a woman to find a guy that can get you off for hours no matter what he does is rare and can actually make some women lose their minds. I guarantee you that some women can personally testify that there was at least one guy who blew her mind and her back out sexually and drove her a little coocoo over his dick! They may have gotten over him but they were literally driven a little mad by whatever he was doing to her in the bedroom.
Hey sexy I just need to ask you a few things. You did say that you were married before and dated white men before. I can see why they were bending you over because I wou... see now I'm getting all sidetracked! LOL
.I am assuming that penis size was not the primary issue because that actually varies among men no matter what ethnicity so you probably had hung and average size white men right?

.Not every white guy was a premature shooter right? Among the white guys who could go more than 30 minutes or much longer without busting why didn't any of them bring you to orgasm?
Hey there!!!

Thank you for the reply back. Lol, on the comment back regarding bending me over, I heard that often from white guys and they always told me that my nice and firm booty always got the best of them. They also told me often that I felt really tight and that made them cum right away. It actually really sucks that I rarely got any satisfaction out of it due to them cumming so quickly and being done after that. I luv being spanked on my tight booty and my hair pulled some (the correct way), but white guys never did that for some reason. The white guys I had been with were primarily athletic and built so one would think they could handle me pretty good, but nope they could not handle me at all. Granted my sex drive is off the charts, but still I should have gotten something out of it, 😈

As far as penis size goes, I would say most of them were pretty average size. They all came way too fast. None of them even came close to lasting 30 minutes, lol. Typically 5 minutes. I don't feel that they could control themselves during sex.

Then I found my guy @TopCat and the rest is history...😘🥰💋🤗😋😈 We have great chemistry and sexually satisfy each other to the fullest every time, 😈😋 My guy brings me to multiple orgasms in every session.
According to science and women too about 75% percent of women do not reach orgasm by intercourse! (I say its because black men are only 7% percent of the country. Just joking!) 🤣😂

1.Why do you think this is? 🤔
2.in your opinion what do you think can be done about it? 🤔
I think because in most cases one person is having fun and the other is rushing to an orgasm. The solution is to stop and take your time and have fun. Explore and get a lay of the land. Touch and tease and see what drives the person you're with.
I think because in most cases one person is having fun and the other is rushing to an orgasm. The solution is to stop and take your time and have fun. Explore and get a lay of the land. Touch and tease and see what drives the person you're with.
And be aware of boundaries. You sound and look very sexy...
my wife and some women are very orgasmic and can orgasm just from rubbing her ass right, oral always does it as well as stimulation. From observation it is obvious that cock size is not an issue when it cums to cumming but shape helps. Warming a woman up and making her aroused is an obvious factor as well as how the session goes. Most of the porn starts of with a woman worshipping a huge cock and then it proceeds to the guy fucking the woman in as many positions as possible and then he cums on her face. I think a lot more women would orgasm from intercourse if the men actually took the time to find out what the woman likes and then maybe experiment a bit to find ways to please her. I try to focus on the pussy and who owns it because i will orgasm regardless. In the dark you cannot tell one colored cock from another so black or blue or pink they all work the same excepting other factors
Women are all quite different, in how their nerves are wired, how they respond, how (or if) they've taught themselves to orgasm. There is no one size fits all in terms of orgasming from penetration.

Her orgasm is at least 60% in her head, so the "everything else" part is of critical importance. Creating the anticipation, the urgency, the foreplay, the passion and chemistry - that all needs to be there. Assuming it is, what I like to do is during extensive foreplay and kissing give her at least one clit orgasm from fingers or oral, and one g spot orgasm from fingers, before we start. If I can do that, then odds are she will keep on cumming.

Now having said that, some women just absolutely won't. I can think of one in particular that no matter what I do from penetration won't, but she's very sensitive of her clit so finger or oral are a sure thing.

On the opposite end of the spectrum I know another lady that on particularly steamy days will either be cumming, or on the edge of cumming, the entire time we are going. This could be for several hours. She's amazing.

My theory is looking at statistics - they say only 20% of women can orgasm from penetration. I think if you took those other 80% and teamed them up with an accomplished lover that probably half of them would find they could. Size matters greatly in this equation, but more important is the everything else about the mood, passion and foreplay. If you throw in the added kink of interracial, then I think the odds go way up.
Cuck can’t make me cum at all. I usually brining myself off with my pocket rocket as he sucks my breasts or rims me.

With a BBC I am multi orgasmic from penetration. Which is why I am a QoS.
I find this a very interesting thread, and I've wanted to have a live conversation about this subject for a long time. I'm a woman in America, and I've found that men here know little about women's orgasms. Not sure why, though, because I would guess their female partners would be willing to talk about it. Do we talk about but not talk honestly about orgasms ?
I'm one of the statistical majority who has never had a vaginal orgasm - only clitoral ones. Even with the very biggest of partners, my anatomy doesn't give me the stimulation I need for an orgasm.
A couple more thoughts that may be controversial - orgasms are learned behavior, and if you get used to cumming to orgasm in a certain way, under certain circumstances, it takes a lot to re-train to become orgasmic in other ways. I've never had a partner just flat out ask me how I orgasm, and then ask me to teach them how to participate and help.
Another potentially controversial idea - women's orgasms are orders of magnitude better and more powerful than men's.
Just my two cents' worth, based on my own experiences.
According to science and women too about 75% percent of women do not reach orgasm by intercourse! (I say its because black men are only 7% percent of the country. Just joking!) 🤣😂

1.Why do you think this is? 🤔
2.in your opinion what do you think can be done about it? 🤔

According to science and women too about 75% percent of women do not reach orgasm by intercourse! (I say its because black men are only 7% percent of the country. Just joking!) 🤣😂

1.Why do you think this is? 🤔
2.in your opinion what do you think can be done about it? 🤔
Is the female orgasm a real thing?
i can honestly say hand on heart sex is more of a mental journey than a physical one(try masterbating without thinking of anything sexual and see how far you get)so to me chemistry plays a key part and yes being horny and meeting some random for a fuck is all well and good but you would both have to be in the same mindset, being comfy and relaxed with someone goes a long way,ive known women that have been too scared to relax too much as they knew that when they orgasm it would be either very loud, messy ie squirt or both, so building up a rapport with that person helps alot.
Never had an orgasm with my husband of 32yrs from intercourse but when he goes down on me it's a sure thing! As for the black men I have been with well my very first one rocked my world and I exploded what a feeling that was. On and off over the years I've had a lot of them and it's been with black men and as of right now I defiantly do with my lover Anthony. As @Mr&Ms TopCat said about chemistry ours is perfect and I will have
I cant comment as I orgasm by multiple methods, both vaginally, clitorally, anally and once or twice even by having my tits sucked (baby O's)
My kind of woman
I find this a very interesting thread, and I've wanted to have a live conversation about this subject for a long time. I'm a woman in America, and I've found that men here know little about women's orgasms. Not sure why, though, because I would guess their female partners would be willing to talk about it. Do we talk about but not talk honestly about orgasms ?
I'm one of the statistical majority who has never had a vaginal orgasm - only clitoral ones. Even with the very biggest of partners, my anatomy doesn't give me the stimulation I need for an orgasm.
A couple more thoughts that may be controversial - orgasms are learned behavior, and if you get used to cumming to orgasm in a certain way, under certain circumstances, it takes a lot to re-train to become orgasmic in other ways. I've never had a partner just flat out ask me how I orgasm, and then ask me to teach them how to participate and help.
Another potentially controversial idea - women's orgasms are orders of magnitude better and more powerful than men's.
Just my two cents' worth, based on my own experiences.
I've never had a partner just flat out ask me how I orgasm, and then ask me to teach them how to participate and help. That would be like asking for directions ;). Some seem to hunt for signs/nonverbal communication, but the station is tuned to I gotta get mines. However some partners have said men of color seem to be more focused on their needs and desires. I've ask "So tell me, what flavor or type of sex do you enjoy the most?" When you reach that point, should I continue or stop until the waves have subsided? For the most part its all in flux ;)