We are going to use you tonight you cunt. He has rented out your fucking holes to us....
Trigger warning : *******. If the title wasn't obvious enough warning, then let this be the backup warning. If you trigger from *******, DO NOT read further. You have been warned.

He waits for her outside near where her car is parked while she attends the munch. The light of the day has waned, and the shadows of the night take over. She walks back to the car, stopping midway, hesitant. The hairs on the back of her neck stand up, sensing something dark, sinister, wrong.

She looks around cautiously, eyes adjusting in the dark, but see's nothing. She steps forward and begins walking the short distance left to her car. She passes a van and see's something move in the corner of her eye. She turns and begins to let out a scream as she see's her assailant hurtling towards her. Her scream is cut off mid way as his massive backhand swing connects with her cheek, knocking her out cold.......

She wakes up, head foggy and sore. Her cheek hurts. Throbbing pain bringing the memories vividly back. The fear sets in as she comes to her senses. Her arms and legs shackled to heavy chains attached to big rusty links set into the bare wall. The room has debris everywhere. An abandoned factory she is guessing. Her mind races. Where the fuck is she? What the fuck is occurring?

Her mind wanders momentarily and she recalls the many conversations with her husband. She had spoken to her husband about her CNC fantasies for years. He promised her that one day he would organise for her to be abducted and taken and used. To be broken. Again and again. She would be hurt, he said. Really fucking hurt. But not harmed. She would be made to feel unsafe, like her life was in danger, but her safety would never be risked. It would feel like the real deal. She would get scared. She would be terrified. She would scream, cry, shake and beg for it to stop. But it wouldn't. She had given consent. Her husband told her that one day it would occur. When she least expected it. No other details. It was left at that.

She hears a sound and it sharply brings her back to the present. The room is dimly lit. Shadows everywhere concealing things she cannot make out. She hears murmurs of subdued voices. Deep voices. Dangerous sounding voices. She looks around and cannot see anyone. The room seems to continue on into the darkness.

She continues to hear the muffled voices as they continue to talk, but she cannot quite hear what they are saying. She yells out asking if anyone is there. She hears laughter. Deep, sinister, foreboding laughter. All around her she hears sobs and the rattle of chains. Sobs that are distinctly female. And sobs born of real fear and real anguish. How many others are chained in this room here with her? Her mind races. The fear and anguish builds up to a crescendo inside her and a sob escapes her lips as she bursts into tears and pleads to be released. To not be hurt.

She sees a spark of light in the distance as someone lights up a cigarette. The flame only shines brightly for a moment, but she only manages to get a brief glimpse of a silhouette of a lot of bodies standing together. Distinctly male. Dozens of them. She hears gasps from those shackles around her as they see the same thing and their fate begins to sink in. The feeling in her chest tightens as reality sets in. She struggles to escape. Fruitlessly. But the sounds of her heavy chains clinking as she struggles motivates the other captives around her also. Sounds of chains everywhere echo through the open building. Cries of despair from all around rise up together.

The laughter increases from the darkness. She hears footsteps walking towards her. First one, then two, three, four. She loses count. So many footsteps. Her breath quickens as she hears them approaching, but they stay in the shadows. The inability to see them increases her fear and her chest tightens even more.

She watches in horror as a mountain of a man walks out of the shadows and comes straight for her. The look on his face is malicious. Intent is very obvious. Her body moves backwards automatically as she tries to escape, but she hits the wall she is chained to.

He leans down and his fist grips a handful of her hair and rips her head back sharply.

She feels hot breath against her neck as he leans in and growls the words

"We are going to use you tonight you little cunt. He has rented out your holes to us. And we are going to fucking enjoy the whore we rented. We are going to use each and every one of you continuously. For days on end. Your fantasies of being taken are going to come true, but not in the way you fantasise about. This is our time, our game and our fucking way. We are going to stretch your fucking holes and use you in ways you can not even begin to fucking imagine......"

"Now open your mouth you filthy cunt. I'm going to explore your fucking throat......"

She feels real fear pull at her chest and run down her spine, but she also feels her body betray her as her cunt begins to drip, knowing what she has coming she both fears as well as craves. Needs. Desires. Wants.

Her wildest fantasy. Her most coveted fetish. To be taken. Again and again. With no way of stopping the ******* onslaught.
Why couldn't you be from NC
She wanted me to use her....she asked me to hurt her....she begged me to break her....
My goal was to make her cry, make her scream and then to make her smile as she drifts off into that beautiful world called subspace. I took those delicious screams from the lips of her tear stained face as she began to drown in the traumatising impact that I rained down on her fragile body.

I enjoyed the way her throat fit perfectly in my hand. The mixture of fear, lust and greedy need that filled her eyes as I squeezed that tender little throat of hers.

The lustful pleasure I gained from the feeling of my cock beginning to engorge with ******* as I listened to her high pitched squeal and watched the wince that covered her face from the pain she felt as I grabbed a fistful of her beautiful hair and ****** her head back.

The feeling of power as she struggled to break free and I applied the perfect amount of resistance, controlling her physically, whilst allowing her mind to still believe she had a chance to break free.

I loved listening to her gasp as I manhandled her and tossed her body around and so easily flipped her over onto her back. The defiant look in her eyes mixed with that urgent need to please. The hunger within her brought to the surface, making her completely insatiable.

The look of pure lust in her eyes as I swept the hair from her face, my hand gripping her throat tighter and I begin to slide my cock into her greedy fucking mouth, listening to her begin to gag.

I wanted to enjoy her before I broke her. Breaking her was going to be fun. But I was greedy also. I wanted to enjoy her, to use her, to fucking hurt her, before finally breaking her.....

I would give her what she wanted. But I was going to get what I wanted on the way....
You want to be used, fucked, stretched and ******.....

I’m thinking of what I will do to you this weekend when we meet.

Of forsing you against the wall, forsing your mouth open and feeding you my cock.

Pulling the back of your head into me as I listen to you gag uncontrollably

Then thrusting my hips forward, forsing the back of your head against the wall and slamming my cock deep into your throat

Grabbing your wrists as you struggle and try to push yourself away, pinning them to the wall above your head with one single hand and holding them firm in a vice like grip

Other hand reaching down for your nipples and squeezing and pinching them, making you ******* cry out as the pain takes hold of you, and feeling your throat muscles automatically contract and squeeze around my cock that is lodged deep in your throat as you try to scream out

Watching your eyes as you struggle for breath and the intrinsic fear of survival takes you over, but contradicts your filthy need to be ******, to be brutally fucked and to be mentally and physically broken.

Fear gripping your mind but your cunt dripping with desire

That’s what you want me to do to you, isn’t it my little fucking whore. To take you, beyond your comfort zone, to take your choices from you, to ******* myself into you, to use your holes for my own greedy pleasure, to fuck you, use you, fill you, stretch you, to break your limits, to take you, completely own you, to show you that you no longer have any control or any choice. To show you who you belong to.

Don’t you my little fucking whore....
at this stage of our life we are seeking power play fun in our relation , wife has developed a BBC submissive role fantasy , how common is this phase ? She is 45
He broke her again and again. Not to hurt her. But to help her......
When her heart hurt, he held her as she healed. When she became lost, he searched the heavens to find her. When she struggled, he carried her. When she became tired, he reached down to carry her. When she stumbled, he leaned forward and steadied her. When she felt broken, he gently picked her up and helped her by putting her back together again.

He would then nudge her and expose her to her next buried inhibition, allowing her to begin the same process that would lead to her breaking again, just so she could battle the toxic things that had been anchoring her and grounding her for years. The things that had been holding her back and not allowing her to walk forward in her journey.

Each time he helped her as he put her back together again. Helped her understand herself. Helped her understand her negative anchors that made her regress. Helped her understand her need to face her fears, face her demons and to face her own past. Helped her overcome those dark and nasty anchors. Helped her break them, by helping to break her.

Every time he broke her, it made her stronger. Her heart, her soul and her body become stronger. Her coping abilities became better. Her understanding became clearer. Her ability to discard the negativity and embrace the positivity of life became easier.

He hurt her, but never harmed her.

He put her at risk, but never risked her safety.

He was her Sir. Her guide. Her shining light. Her safety net.

Part of his role in claiming her, was to embrace her and empower her as his submissive, but also as a woman. To make her realise that the toxic actions of those in the past should never anchor her to the present and never stop her from the beauty of discovering that wonderful future that lies ahead. To help her cast off that anchor and allow her to float free and let the winds of kink and desire take her on a journey of exploration that she was not able to until now.

He broke her again and again. Not to hurt her. But to help her.
We are going to use you tonight you cunt. He has rented out your fucking holes to us....

He waits for her outside near where her car is parked while she attends the munch. The light of the day has waned, and the shadows of the night take over. She walks back to the car, stopping midway, hesitant. The hairs on the back of her neck stand up, sensing something dark, sinister, wrong.

She looks around cautiously, eyes adjusting in the dark, but see's nothing. She steps forward and begins walking the short distance left to her car. She passes a van and see's something move in the corner of her eye. She turns and begins to let out a scream as she see's her assailant hurtling towards her. Her scream is cut off mid way as his massive backhand swing connects with her cheek, knocking her out cold.......

She wakes up, head foggy and sore. Her cheek hurts. Throbbing pain bringing the memories vividly back. The fear sets in as she comes to her senses. Her arms and legs shackled to heavy chains attached to big rusty links set into the bare wall. The room has debris everywhere. An abandoned factory she is guessing. Her mind races. Where the fuck is she? What the fuck is occurring?

Her mind wanders momentarily and she recalls the many conversations with her husband. She had spoken to her husband about her CNC fantasies for years. He promised her that one day he would organise for her to be abducted and taken and used. To be broken. Again and again. She would be hurt, he said. Really fucking hurt. But not harmed. She would be made to feel unsafe, like her life was in danger, but her safety would never be risked. It would feel like the real deal. She would get scared. She would be terrified. She would scream, cry, shake and beg for it to stop. But it wouldn't. She had given consent. Her husband told her that one day it would occur. When she least expected it. No other details. It was left at that.

She hears a sound and it sharply brings her back to the present. The room is dimly lit. Shadows everywhere concealing things she cannot make out. She hears murmurs of subdued voices. Deep voices. Dangerous sounding voices. She looks around and cannot see anyone. The room seems to continue on into the darkness.

She continues to hear the muffled voices as they continue to talk, but she cannot quite hear what they are saying. She yells out asking if anyone is there. She hears laughter. Deep, sinister, foreboding laughter. All around her she hears sobs and the rattle of chains. Sobs that are distinctly female. And sobs born of real fear and real anguish. How many others are chained in this room here with her? Her mind races. The fear and anguish builds up to a crescendo inside her and a sob escapes her lips as she bursts into tears and pleads to be released. To not be hurt.

In der Ferne sieht sie einen Lichtfunken, als sich jemand eine Zigarette anzündet. Die Flamme leuchtet nur einen Moment hell, aber sie kann nur einen kurzen Blick auf die Silhouette vieler Körper erhaschen, die zusammenstehen. Eindeutig männlich. Dutzende von ihnen. Sie hört die Fesseln um sie herum nach Luft schnappen, als sie dasselbe sehen und ihr Schicksal langsam begreift. Das Gefühl in ihrer Brust zieht sich zusammen, als ihr die Realität bewusst wird. Sie versucht zu entkommen. Vergeblich. Aber das Klirren ihrer schweren Ketten, während sie kämpft, motiviert auch die anderen Gefangenen um sie herum. Das Geräusch von Ketten schallt durch das offene Gebäude. Schreie der Verzweiflung erheben sich von überall her.

Aus der Dunkelheit dringt immer mehr Gelächter. Sie hört Schritte auf sich zukommen. Erst einen, dann zwei, drei, vier. Sie verliert den Überblick. So viele Schritte. Ihr Atem beschleunigt sich, als sie sie näherkommen hört, aber sie bleiben im Schatten. Die Unfähigkeit, sie zu sehen, verstärkt ihre Angst und ihre Brust zieht sich noch mehr zusammen.

Sie beobachtet voller Entsetzen, wie ein riesiger Mann aus den Schatten tritt und direkt auf sie zukommt. Sein Gesichtsausdruck ist bösartig. Seine Absicht ist ganz offensichtlich. Ihr Körper bewegt sich automatisch nach hinten, als sie versucht zu fliehen, aber sie stößt gegen die Wand, an die sie gekettet ist.

Er beugt sich nach unten, packt sie mit der Faust an einer Handvoll Haare und reißt ihren Kopf ruckartig nach hinten.

Sie spürt heißen Atem an ihrem Hals, als er sich vorbeugt und die Worte knurrt

"Wir werden dich heute Nacht benutzen, du kleine Fotze. Er hat uns deine Löcher vermietet. Und wir werden die Hure, die wir gemietet haben, verdammt genießen. Wir werden jeden einzelnen von euch ununterbrochen benutzen. Tagelang. Deine Fantasien, genommen zu werden, werden wahr werden, aber nicht auf die Art, wie du es dir vorstellst. Das ist unsere Zeit, unser Spiel und unsere verdammte Art. Wir werden deine verdammten Löcher dehnen und dich auf eine Art benutzen, die du dir verdammt noch mal nicht einmal vorstellen kannst..."

„Jetzt mach deinen Mund auf, du dreckige Fotze. Ich werde deine verdammte Kehle erkunden …“

Sie spürt echte Angst in ihrer Brust und läuft ihr den Rücken hinunter, aber sie spürt auch, wie ihr Körper sie im Stich lässt, als ihre Muschi zu tropfen beginnt. Sie weiß, was auf sie zukommt, und sie fürchtet sich sowohl davor als auch danach. Sie braucht es. Sie wünscht es sich. Sie will es.

Ihre wildeste Fantasie. Ihr begehrtester Fetisch. Sie muss genommen werden. Immer und immer wieder. Ohne Möglichkeit, den verdammten Ansturm zu stoppen.
Screenshot_20240616_113823_Gallery.jpgWürde es passen