falling luv with blk bull.

It's not exceptional. There is a psychophysical reaction to (repeatedly) hugging, kissing and especially having orgasms with one (and the same) person. A mixture of sexual hormones, endorphins and oxytocin is "playing a trick on you" and creating a bond with your partner/lover. ;) Individuals are quite different in this respect for whatever reasons (genetics, ...?).

Some tend to create a stronger bond than others (and "fall in love" more easily), some are better enabled to control their emotions than others. ImO those are crucial factors of what lifestyles you are capable of living. Some Women and men are, simply put, not made for an adult lifestyle like this and better stay in a monogamous one. Others are the "perfect Hotwives". Yet others lean toward polyamory (for those reasons mentioned). i think it's a matter of your intrinsic personality, really.

When couples are toying with the thought of entering a lifestyle that includes an additional player - especially when s/he is intended to be a regular - they better check first if that lifestyle suits each of their personalities. Plus, double check if both partners have the (exact) same lifestyle goal and understanding!