Examples of your real hotwife tinder profiles


Real Person
Wifey is at the point where she likes the idea of being able to "flip a switch" when we're looking for a partner and see who is available with short notice (same night to maybe a few days). Our standard approach of sites like SLS and reddit haven't panned out too well. It takes too long from when she's interested (her desire comes and goes), to finding someone local and legit, and then getting everything squared up fizzles almost every time. We're thinking Tinder (or something else?) would be a quick "hey, we know we're going out Friday night (or even same night), turn on her profile to see who is up for some descrete fun"

I say descrete because we're not open in the LS, but have an idea of how we want to word and present her profile in the unlikely event someone we know sees it. Only having the profile up for a few days helps too. For those in a similar situations (couples / females) or use Tinder to find quick dates, can you send us what your profile looks like or anything to add/avoid? Or post it here if you're comfortable sharing. Thanks!
Wifey is at the point where she likes the idea of being able to "flip a switch" when we're looking for a partner and see who is available with short notice (same night to maybe a few days). Our standard approach of sites like SLS and reddit haven't panned out too well. It takes too long from when she's interested (her desire comes and goes), to finding someone local and legit, and then getting everything squared up fizzles almost every time. We're thinking Tinder (or something else?) would be a quick "hey, we know we're going out Friday night (or even same night), turn on her profile to see who is up for some descrete fun"

I say descrete because we're not open in the LS, but have an idea of how we want to word and present her profile in the unlikely event someone we know sees it. Only having the profile up for a few days helps too. For those in a similar situations (couples / females) or use Tinder to find quick dates, can you send us what your profile looks like or anything to add/avoid? Or post it here if you're comfortable sharing. Thanks!

Tbh REDDIT works best for those 'spur of the moments' posts, when you Need a connection ASAP.... especially since Women are notoriously fickle. Hot one day, cold the next lol

Here is the Reddit forum I moderate for Texas BBC... It's NSFW so it might be blurred out until you click it...

Tbh REDDIT works best for those 'spur of the moments' posts, when you Need a connection ASAP.... especially since Women are notoriously fickle. Hot one day, cold the next lol

Here is the Reddit forum I moderate for Texas BBC... It's NSFW so it might be blurred out until you click it...

How does one find a Colorado/denver such forum? Everything I’m seeing is overwhelmingly bots & advertising for sex
Tbh REDDIT works best for those 'spur of the moments' posts, when you Need a connection ASAP.... especially since Women are notoriously fickle. Hot one day, cold the next lol

Here is the Reddit forum I moderate for Texas BBC... It's NSFW so it might be blurred out until you click it...

Reddit has been by far the worst for us. I don’t know what the deal is with our area, but it’s rare for people to put what part of the state they’re in so they could be 5 minutes or 5 hours from us. Then if they do have the area, the back and forth to see if they’re remotely decent looking or compatible (we’re also a full swing couple). Then looking back and scrolling through our chat history, so many [deleted] accounts. Part of me wants to ask for moderator status and just clean the whole thing up. The other part says fuck it and explore Tinder :)
Part of me wants to ask for moderator status and just clean the whole thing up. The other part says fuck it and explore Tinder :)

Reddit is ALL about the Moderators 👍🏾
It's the difference between Great Subs and shitty Subs

I set up my Reddit to filter by City/Area... It's mandatory. I also have filters set so Posts HAVE to fill in information with clear photos.

I have spam filters cranked all the way up. Violators get removed and banned.

It's not 100% guarantee but it definitely helps a lot.