Erotic photos: Nude not a requirement

Ummmmmmmm. I’m verified 😂😂😂

Just Saying Elliot Barnes-Worrell GIF by Van der Valk
Yes, you’re verified and we direct messaged each other weeks ago. My “get verified” post on Thurs was to @bbcintown69 who said he wanted to connect but is not verified.
No ma’am. The exact opposite. I liked our chat btw. Gotta get me some Geno’s and pussssy next time I’m in Philly
Sorry but any real Philadelphian will tell you that both Pat’s & Geno’s suck ass and not in a good way. D’Allessandro’s all the way, babe! Get that assistant of yours to plan a trip and I’ll throw in the side of pusssssy. 😂😉
Sorry but any real Philadelphian will tell you that both Pat’s & Geno’s suck ass and not in a good way. D’Allessandro’s all the way, babe! Get that assistant of yours to plan a trip and I’ll throw in the side of pusssssy. 😂😉
Will do! I went to school with a kid with that last name. In fact his dad coached our little league team. Plenty of Italians