I think this is a very important pleasure fir both the wife and cuckold. I have cleaned my wifes beautiful well used pussy after, starting with her first. I believe it accomplishes several things. First it is inclusion. Its a cuckolds way to be included in the actual act. Second is acceptance. It cements the knowledge that the cuckold accepts his wife's infidelity. Third, Bonding. Licking another man's seed from your very sexually satisfied wife is extremely bonding for the couple. Lastly, orgasm. My wife can and dies cum many times during, but her last best orgasm is the one where her Lovers cum is mixed with her own and swallowed by me.
This is so accurate. I hesitated the first time a bull told me to perform cleanup, and he proceeded to teach me a lesson about respect and submission with his belt that I will never forget. She felt bad but we both ultimately agreed it was necessary. It is now the one thing I don’t ask about. It is my job and responsibility to her and our lifestyle.