Does Donald Trump deserve a second term? Yes or No.

Does Donald Trump deserve a second term as president?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 74.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You just make it too easy man. You charge into every argument that stokes your impotent rage lol it would be funny if it wasn't so sad. You are entertainment to me lol pro tip: if you have to be overly defensive and resort to insults to bolster your argument, then you must not be very confident in it to begin with.

I don't insult people I describe them...….and on could take awhile to really describe you.....your faults all stem from just one thing though

as for being defensive....not at all I just post the news....something most trumptards don't like
Donald Trump Campaign Seeks ‘Voter Suppression,’ Report ...
Oct 28, 2016 · Donald Trump Campaign Seeks ‘Voter Suppression,’ Report Says, but It’s LegalDonald Trump Campaign Seeks ‘Voter Suppression,’ Report Says, but It’s Legal. While his aides insist publicly that victory is in sight, the approach represents a tacit admission that Mr. Trump, who has run a highly divisive and negative campaign and is viewed unfavorably by large percentages of minority and …

Voter Suppression Efforts By Republicans Target Minorities ...
Oct 23, 2018 · Voter Suppression Efforts By Republicans Target Minorities, Journalist Says Ari Berman of mom Jones warns that a Republican strategy to tighten access to …

Why The GOP Is Desperately Trying To Suppress Your Vote ...
Nov 19, 2018 · Ahead of the midterms, President Trump and the Republican Party embraced a nationalist agenda that scapegoated immigrants, confirmed an accused sexual abuser to the Supreme Court, and members of their leadership like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell openly talked about the GOP’s plans to cut entitlement programs.

Voter Suppression Is the Only Way Donald Trump Can Win ...
May 09, 2016 · Voter Suppression Is the Only Way Donald Trump Can Win Given his terrible numbers among non-white and young voters, Trump may try to massively suppress Democratic votes. …

Donald Trump’s strategy for minority Americans? Don’t let ...
Oct 11, 2016 · Don’t let them vote. Donald Trump speaks during a rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. WITH DONALD Trump’s polling numbers in a tailspin, he has doubled down in calling on Republican vigilantes to take matters into their own hands to thwart what many of them are primed to regard, without proof, as a

Why Republicans Suppress Non-White Votes |
Oct 25, 2016 · There is a real reason why Republicans try to suppress non-white votes. This is something I've been thinking about posting for a long time, but I feel like most people aren't going to be able to understand it. Alas, I'll try to keep it short. White people, generally, tend to vote Republican, especially if they are older than 45. That is the GOP
mmmmm wonder why he doesn't want blacks to vote

Voter-Suppression Tactics in the Age of Trump | The New Yorker
Voter-Suppression Tactics in the Age of Trump The suppression of minority votes is the homegrown corollary of the Administration’s xenophobic rhetoric—an attempt to place a white thumb on the ...

Donald Trump will supercharge voter suppression if the RNC ...
Nov 27, 2017 · The Trump era has caused voting rights activists to be extra vigilant against efforts to suppress the vote, from Trump’s faux “election integrity” commission to the Department of Justice’s ...
the country is not voting for the best candidate...….trump is stopping minorities from voting.....assuring him that white votes elect him

NBC’s Today Accuses GOP of Minority Voter Suppression
Nov 04, 2016 · On Thursday’s NBC Today, correspondent Ronan Farrow devoted a five-minute report to promoting liberal claims of Republicans trying to suppress Democratic voter turnout on election day by targeting minority groups with voter ID laws.

Trump accused of trying "to erase people of color ...
The Trump administration believes that to enforce the Voting Rights Act, the immigration question inclusion in the census survey was vital. The great divide on the issue is along political party lines.
Total bullshit, in ma dems send buses pick them up and bring to polling station

if trump is so great why try to prevent blacks from voting? Ohio they closed some voting stations in minority parts of town forsing them to walk long distances to get to vote....and then closed the voting places with people still in line to vote...….goes on all over….so your white attitude of things fine just isn't floating....if you want I can do a state by state of how the right is blocking the vote...….under the guise of voter ID's and etc …'s all about blocking people from voting who won't vote the way they want....we have legal immigrants been here for years...they won't grant them citizenship right now...….why is that?....afraid they might not vote for trump

sure there are a lot of "weak minded" minorities out there who buy the snake oil....but those are a select few

Voter Suppression Efforts By Republicans Target Minorities ...
Oct 23, 2018 · Voter Suppression Efforts By Republicans Target Minorities, Journalist Says Ari Berman of mom Jones warns that a Republican strategy to tighten access to …

Do voter identification laws suppress minority voting? Yes ...
Here’s how we did our research. Because minority voters tend to be Democrats, strict voter ID laws tilt the primary electorate dramatically. All else equal, when strict ID laws are instituted, the turnout gap between Republicans and Democrats in primary contests more than doubles from 4.3 points to 9.8 points.

Why It Is so Hard to Vote If You're Black, Poor or Elderly ...
Why It Is so Hard to Vote If You’re Black, Poor or Elderly in America. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, ethnic minorities, along with low-income, disabled and elderly voters, are less likely to have government-issued identification.

In 22 States, a Wave of New Voting Restrictions Threatens ...
Oct 01, 2014 · And while Republicans have traditionally been more likely to vote early, in 2008 Democratic early votes exceeded Republican ones. Just as early voting has become successful among minorities and lower-income voters, it has become a target. Since 2011, eight states that saw recent increases in minority early voting usage have sharply cut back on early voting hours and …
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racism alive and well in north Carolina

African Americans and the 15th Amendment - Constitutional ...
Republicans assumed the new black voters would vote Republican just as their brothers were doing in the South. By increasing its voters in the North and South, the Republican Party could then maintain its stronghold in Congress. The Republicans, however, faced an incredible dilemma. The idea of blacks voting was not popular in the North.
Like California and MA dead people and illegals vote

More Trump Deception on Voter Fraud -
Trump said, “if dead people are registered to vote and voting, which they do …” But experts say this is largely urban myth and so-called cases of dead people voting are extremely rare.

The ‘Voter Fraud’ Myth Debunked – Rolling Stone
Jun 12, 2012 · The ‘Voter Fraud’ Myth Debunked By. ... GOP Sees Dead People' '1.8 Million Dead People Registered to Vote,' and 'Dead People Cast Over 950 ... people vote

Trump's Bogus Voter Fraud Claims -
  • Dead People
  • Noncitizens
  • Is Voter Fraud ‘Common’?
  • One of Trump’s principle claims of voter fraud is that “dead people” are voting in large numbers.“People that have died 10 years ago are still voting,” Trump said in his Wisconsin speech.Later, Trump cited a Pew Charitable Trust report as evidence of “dead people” voting in large numbers. But that’s not what the report says.“The following information comes straight from Pew Research, quote, ‘Approximately 24 million people — one out of every eight — voter registrations in the United States ar...
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Trump's Bogus Voter Fraud Claims -
  • Dead People
  • Noncitizens
  • Is Voter Fraud ‘Common’?
  • One of Trump’s principle claims of voter fraud is that “dead people” are voting in large numbers.“People that have died 10 years ago are still voting,” Trump said in his Wisconsin speech.Later, Trump cited a Pew Charitable Trust report as evidence of “dead people” voting in large numbers. But that’s not what the report says.“The following information comes straight from Pew Research, quote, ‘Approximately 24 million people — one out of every eight — voter registrations in the United States ar...
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and like the good puppet you are

Trump's Bogus Voter Fraud Claims -
  • Dead People
  • Noncitizens
  • Is Voter Fraud ‘Common’?
  • One of Trump’s principle claims of voter fraud is that “dead people” are voting in large numbers.“People that have died 10 years ago are still voting,” Trump said in his Wisconsin speech.Later, Trump cited a Pew Charitable Trust report as evidence of “dead people” voting in large numbers. But that’s not what the report says.“The following information comes straight from Pew Research, quote, ‘Approximately 24 million people — one out of every eight — voter registrations in the United States ar...
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