Does Donald Trump deserve a second term? Yes or No.

Does Donald Trump deserve a second term as president?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 74.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Watch this short clip of Richard Spencer leader of the so called alt right find out hes actually a Democrat ?

What an idiot. You heard it there. He believes the state gives men rights.

Republicans believe god gives us our rights and all men are created equal.
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you are just like stiff and ignore all the facts....not going to post them again...posted them several times for stiff and he still fails to read or understand English.....think maybe he must be from the French part of Canada and doesn't understand English...must take him days to put together his books in english

people just can't understand or fail to the gov has sued him several times over his racism....employees have made comments about it....but people have no defense against the facts instead they post movies and meme's.....guess they are just at a loss for words....or to fucking stupid to add anything to the argument....which there is no argument...can't change the facts
I'm not French @subhub174014 , but I suspect some of my ancestors might have been in addition to obvious unknown relatives in Africa. All the French I know is what I learned from my school days as French here in Canada is what Spanish is in America. And the ad hominem attacks for having an alternative perspective. So sad @subhub174014 . It's very embarassing what Democrats do to win a debate?

Similiarly I can imagine your command of the English language might be suspect given the fact you fail to comprehend my arguments @subhub174014 ? I guess the Democrats speak in a language that is indecipherable these days?

I was just talking to the other half of the dumb and dumber duo....he has nothing to say in defense of trump either

Ever notice how despite the constant fake news and false ...
Sep 21, 2018 · Ever notice how despite the constant fake news and false allegations, Trump supporters never call for any censorship or banning of progressives. ... If Trump’s opponents had the truth on their side, there would be no need to ban conservative voices. ... Post navigation.

Poll: Trump Approval Down, Slips With Base | WBUR News · Jun 24, 2019

Trump Supporters Are Far More Likely to Read and Share ...
Jan 02, 2018 · While President Donald Trump famously complains about “fake news,” a new study shows his followers are far more likely to read and share phony and misleading stories online.
I was just talking to the other half of the dumb and dumber duo....he has nothing to say in defense of trump either

Ever notice how despite the constant fake news and false ...
Sep 21, 2018 · Ever notice how despite the constant fake news and false allegations, Trump supporters never call for any censorship or banning of progressives. ... If Trump’s opponents had the truth on their side, there would be no need to ban conservative voices. ... Post navigation.

Poll: Trump Approval Down, Slips With Base | WBUR News · Jun 24, 2019

Trump Supporters Are Far More Likely to Read and Share ...
Jan 02, 2018 · While President Donald Trump famously complains about “fake news,” a new study shows his followers are far more likely to read and share phony and misleading stories online.

Typical leftist....resort to insults and post more fake information.

You expose your own derangement.

and I don't waste my time on your movies.....trump has to pay people to attend his think he doesn't pay to have your little movies made.....on top of that you can't even come up with a legitament argument your self so have to look for something someone else says something like you wish you had the smarts to did not say one word in defense of your god instead just posted some kind of SNL movies only a trumpie would watch because they know nothing of reality...only what they are told

Why do TrumpCult membersignore facts?- #resist ...

Jan 02, 2019 · Make no mistake here, the cult of Trump ticks all these boxes are more. It is not a political movement, instead it is a political cult that instills fear to draw people in and utilises emotional manipulation via propaganda to keep people in line. Why does knowing this matter?

Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds

Dec 04, 2015 · Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds. US Politics. Aric Mitchell. Donald Trump supporters did not have a very flattering picture painted of them by a new CNN/ORC poll. Take it for what it’s worth, but respondents in the poll of Republican voters were found to be largely less college-educated. ... finding that Donald Trump

Why do Trump supporters ignore his lies and broken promises?

What this research suggests is that the darts thrown at Trump for his lies are hitting his voters as well as him. The polls are a referendum on them now, not just him. We shouldn't be surprised that they're reluctant to call him out on his lies. That would be like admitting they themselves had been duped.

I picked these 3 because they seem to apply to you........…..and poor stiff is counting on you defending the man when he hasn't been able to....and you say nothing but post funny movies
Nothing will convince @subhub174014 . He criticizes my words and anything that I write in defence of Donald Trump ?? , and he complains about video that does the same @BlkGodX or anyone else that has a positive outlook on POTUS Donald Trump ??. Apparently he will call you a fake too for defending Trump too or worse? I don't really need @BlkGodX's defence @subhub174014 as Trump's records speaks for itself if you ever get the courage to read and comprehend it.

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I quoted D'Souza a lot in the past from "Hillary's America" and it did not budge @subhub174014 one bit. Nothing will. If @subhub174014 was drowning somewhere and Donald Trump ?? showed up in his helicopter to rescue him and pull him out of a river or an ocean, I would suspect he would rather drown? :unsure:

Oh I'm not trying to persuade him..I'm just exposing him for the deranged leftist that he is. That's why I'm just posting videos. I already debunked his sources spewing the same b.s. like their brainwashing the public.

Then I posted videos from left leaning organizations destroying his own arguments.

When people read his statements then watch my video like this one:

It will expose him for the deciever that he is.

Hes never going to get convinced. He is a deceiver. He has an agenda. I posted videos of trump helping blacks. He doesnt care and is still trying to claim trump is racist. He said trump supporters are like a cult but I posted a video of his peers embracing communism.

Then he tried to talk about trumps economy doing bad when I posted a video from a Democratic analyst praising trump's economy and I showed videos of the homeless plaguing leftist cities.

People will see the framework of the argument and know subhub is just another liar and deciever which he is.
Oh I'm not trying to persuade him..I'm just exposing him for the deranged leftist that he is. That's why I'm just posting videos. I already debunked his sources spewing the same b.s. like their brainwashing the public.

Then I posted videos from left leaning organizations destroying his own arguments.

When people read his statements then watch my video like this one:

It will expose him for the deciever that he is.

Hes never going to get convinced. He is a deceiver. He has an agenda. I posted videos of trump helping blacks. He doesnt care and is still trying to claim trump is racist. He said trump supporters are like a cult but I posted a video of his peers embracing communism.

Then he tried to talk about trumps economy doing bad when I posted a video from a Democratic analyst praising trump's economy and I showed videos of homeless plaguing leftist cities.

People will see the framework of the argument and no subhub is just another liar and deciever which he is.
Welcome to the club @BlkGodX . Feel free to post also on Go-Trump
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and if you care to irritate @subhub174014 further you can also post on his thread too
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Plus I post when I can so as not to convince @subhub174014 but instead it is to leave clues for his audience as a public service announcement just in case any can be rescued before drowning in @subhub174014 's Democratic propaganda @BlkGodX .

But it is funny chatting with @subhub174014 at times as he makes me laugh with the scariest thing that he believes what he solicits so deeply. Here is an example beneath:

It would be hard to believe you would still be so much against Donald Trump if he was a Democratic POTUS though as it would be just as if you are shooting yourself in the foot? But that is your belief and this is your thread @subhub174014 :) post away.
Courtesy of @STIFFBBC
from ( )

his [Donald Trump's] racist views would never let him run as a democrat and he knows it....that's why he runs as a republican.....they have been very racist for years
Courtesy of @subhub174014
from ( )

Welcome to the club @BlkGodX . Feel free to post also on Go-Trump
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and if you care to irritate @subhub174014 further you can also post on his thread too
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It's sad that I use to believe liars like him.
I remember when I first went to a trump rally. I was nervous and getting ready to fight....bruh I was shocked. Lmao the trump supporters treated me differently but not in the way cnn framed it. They either treated me like an American or they were extra extra nice because I was black.Not a single passive racist remark.
What really won me over to trump was the left and their closet racism, bigotry, hypocrisy, idiocrisy, and they are plain mean.

Marianne running for president 2020 found out the hard way

I remember they called fox news racist


This is fox news ? the supposed white supremacist network

Plus I post when I can so as not to convince @subhub174014 but instead it is to leave clues for his audience as a public service announcement just in case any can be rescued before drowning in @subhub174014 's Democratic propaganda @BlkGodX .

But it is funny chatting with @subhub174014 at times as he makes me laugh with the scariest thing that he believes what he solicits so deeply. Here is an example beneath:

It would be hard to believe you would still be so much against Donald Trump if he was a Democratic POTUS though as it would be just as if you are shooting yourself in the foot? But that is your belief and this is your thread @subhub174014 :) post away.
Courtesy of @STIFFBBC
from ( )

his [Donald Trump's] racist views would never let him run as a democrat and he knows it....that's why he runs as a republican.....they have been very racist for years
Courtesy of @subhub174014
from ( )


Pretty much sums up leftist
Um facts are not your feelings..
"What's with AOC's accent"

Cringe, cringe, cringe! AOC does the worst Becky-speaks-Black I have ever heard -- and I know some Beckys.

Not only is she signalling to Black people that she thinks they're too stupid to catch on, but consider what else she says:

She goes on and on about how "there's nothing wrong" with low-paying, low-status, service jobs. She never mentions having goals or aspirations to move up -- to do better. She WANTS her voters in low-paying jobs. She NEEDS her voters to believe they can never dream of a better future.

Because people who dream of success don't need a Democrat "protector" to defecate out meager government dollars to them while permanently holding them back.
D'Souza? the right wing fanatic who wrote a bunch of right wing propaganda....was convicted for illegal campaign contributions to the right...….and a right wing republican (trump) pardoned him...….and he is the reliable fucking crazy can one pair some movies and novels....your credibility just went to *******!
D'Souza? the right wing fanatic who wrote a bunch of right wing propaganda....was convicted for illegal campaign contributions to the right...….and a right wing republican (trump) pardoned him...….and he is the reliable fucking crazy can one pair some movies and novels....your credibility just went to *******!

Hilarious the left talking about credibility

You guys fake hate crimes, fake Russian collusion story

Again this is too funny

Cringe, cringe, cringe! AOC does the worst Becky-speaks-Black I have ever heard -- and I know some Beckys.

Not only is she signalling to Black people that she thinks they're too stupid to catch on, but consider what else she says:

She goes on and on about how "there's nothing wrong" with low-paying, low-status, service jobs. She never mentions having goals or aspirations to move up -- to do better. She WANTS her voters in low-paying jobs. She NEEDS her voters to believe they can never dream of a better future.

Because people who dream of success don't need a Democrat "protector" to defecate out meager government dollars to them while permanently holding them back.
Well said.
D'Souza? the right wing fanatic who wrote a bunch of right wing propaganda....was convicted for illegal campaign contributions to the right...….and a right wing republican (trump) pardoned him...….and he is the reliable fucking crazy can one pair some movies and novels....your credibility just went to *******!
Again if Trump was a democrat you would be cheering everything that I said and every video @BlkGodX shared @subhub174014 .

After the election in 2020 if Trump ?? wins you would proclaim Russia interfered again, and if somehow by some miracle Trump ?? loses it would be a triumph for America as you cannot justify Donald Trump ?? ever winning EVER @subhub174014.
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Watch this short clip of Richard Spencer leader of the so called alt right find out hes actually a Democrat ?

What an idiot. You heard it there. He believes the state gives men rights.

Republicans believe god gives us our rights and all men are created equal.
Sub hub says this video lacks credibility when Richard Spencer a white supremacist leader said it himself that the rights of men come from the state not god .

That is a leftist ideology. His favorite presidents are all Democrats.

Hes not even trying to lie good. Hes straight up insulting everyone's intelligence like they can't click the video and hear it from Spencer's mouth.

He really believes people can be easily manipulated.
Sub hub says this video lacks credibility when Richard Spencer a white supremacist leader said it himself that the rights of men come from the state not god .

That is a leftist ideology. His favorite presidents are all Democrats.

Hes not even trying to lie good. Hes straight up insulting everyone's intelligence like they can't click the video and hear it from Spencer's mouth.

He really believes people can be easily manipulated.
Not all Democrats think that way. There is another person on these political threads on @subhub174014 's side but he has a background as a Christian and he has familliarity with the Bible yet he desires to crucify Donald Trump. ?? I'd like to openly say his handle but he prefers to remain anonymous these days @BlkGodX. Maybe he is quietly accepting the truth?