Devastating sentences you'll never forget..

Just a week ago wifey and I were talking about how much fun it is when the bull is also a friend and fun to hang out with. And I said, “friends with benefits...” I had barely finished saying the sentence when she chuckled and said, “there won’t be much of a benefit in it for you! ;)” She knows it’s going to get me turned on AND frustrated at the same time lol.
Well said. I like that dynamic. Something about knowing you simply cannot compare to bbc and being told in many ways by a woman or wife/gf
She pointed at my penis one night when I was horny and wanted sex and said: “See that tiny little thing? Me and my Black stallion have decided that it won’t be going near my body ever again. I will jerk it while wearing gloves and that’s it. Your sex life involves licking my butthole and sucking BBC and that’s it.”

She has kept her word.
From my wife:
'Are you in yet?' - on two occasions after we got married.
'Er, you've got big balls?' - when asked to say something positive about my equipment.
'I used to have simultaneous orgasms with my ex.' - when we had just got together, and we were talking about sex.

From ex-girlfriends:
'The biggest guy ever? The guy I slept with while travelling around America last summer, he was huge.'
'He's just so captivating' - same ex, at university, about another guy.
'You're amazing at oral' - several of them, when talking about what I was good at in bed.
Devestating.. This was about the third black male we had invited to share her pussy:
she was texting him after we all met initially though I suspect they met up at his place behind my back a few days earlier as she came home from work late and her breathe smelled like she had been sucking dick and wouldn't fuck me that night in bed:

Her: I dont want him wearing a condom when he takes me...I want him so bad I want to feel him and I want him to cum inside me, I want all his cum honey. Im sorry but I really want to fuck him and If hes good Im going to want him to fuck me a lot and ive seen his cock, its huge, way bigger than yours and if he uses on me like hes told me he plans too, im going to want him to cum inside my pussy with his huge cock and I want you to know thats what I plan to do and I need you to accept my decision and be ok with me and him getting together and hanging out at home and he invited me to his place to hang out and stay a few nights anytime I wanted to and I think im going to do this and I need you to do this together with me and be cool with him. Im going to invite him over tonight to hang out and spend the night and sleep in our bed and I don't want it to be weird so I want you to sleep in the guest room tonight, ill leave the door open so you know im safe but he is coming over in a few hours so we need to get some dinner ready and drinks for us all.
I asked....what do you want out of this or whats his and my role here?
She replied I want to just be friends and hang out and enjoy ourselves and see where it goes with him and us, possibilities are limitless but I should relax and not be aggressive or jealous if he touches her or she shows him affection in front of me and instead let them figure it out and me make them feel comfortable. maybe serve them drinks and dinner and anything he may need as our guest and then let whatever happen happen and just watch and lay back and let them enjoy it and me enjoy the show, if they need me they will let me know. but she is going to fuck him tonight she needs this and I knew already this is what she needed and will take him upstairs to bed at some point tonight when they are ready and Im free to follow them so long as I sit in the corner chair unless they ask me for anything.

It all turned out great except afterwards more hard things to process

Honey, what did you think? How do you feel? Are you ok?
I know its going to be hard to hear and Im not meaning this to hurt your feelings but we need to be honest with each other.
He fucked me so much better than I have ever had. I like him way better than being even with you. His cock is superior to any one ive ever been with and you saw it was way bigger than your and how much I enjoyed him fucking me.. I mean.. Im in love with him as a lover and I want you to know Im not going to let this affect what we have but Im going to continue having sex with him and Im going to focus on he and I sexually and not so much you and I, so we may not have sex for awhile ok. Im not saying forever but for a bit until i get used to him and figure this out...
So I asked.. was he that much better? Are you feeling for him?
She said yes, she thinks she might have feelings for him as a friend for us and a long term lover, it depends on him and how thiings turn out but I have never satisfied her the way he did that one time and his larger cock and his body is exactly what she deserves as a woman sexually and
I cant compete with him.
I asked does she want me to submit to him or you both when you are together? And how do you see that going down?
She said yes, she had some thoughts what she would like but wanted to ask him his thoughts as well?
I asked her what was she thinking initially?
Another devestating reply from the same first conversation
umm, we will see.
You want me to eat his creampie from you don't you? I said this because I had mentioned it in the past.

Yes, I think i would like that.
I want you to suck his dick too..but i need to talk to him first about that.
Im not sure it thats really what I would like or how I would react if you did it but ive been thinking you doing that

I replied.. If you really see me and him and our roles in this then yes, ill do it if it makes you happy and he's cool with it
Devestating.. This was about the third black male we had invited to share her pussy:
she was texting him after we all met initially though I suspect they met up at his place behind my back a few days earlier as she came home from work late and her breathe smelled like she had been sucking dick and wouldn't fuck me that night in bed:

Her: I dont want him wearing a condom when he takes me...I want him so bad I want to feel him and I want him to cum inside me, I want all his cum honey. Im sorry but I really want to fuck him and If hes good Im going to want him to fuck me a lot and ive seen his cock, its huge, way bigger than yours and if he uses on me like hes told me he plans too, im going to want him to cum inside my pussy with his huge cock and I want you to know thats what I plan to do and I need you to accept my decision and be ok with me and him getting together and hanging out at home and he invited me to his place to hang out and stay a few nights anytime I wanted to and I think im going to do this and I need you to do this together with me and be cool with him. Im going to invite him over tonight to hang out and spend the night and ******* in our bed and I don't want it to be weird so I want you to ******* in the guest room tonight, ill leave the door open so you know im safe but he is coming over in a few hours so we need to get some dinner ready and drinks for us all.
I asked....what do you want out of this or whats his and my role here?
She replied I want to just be friends and hang out and enjoy ourselves and see where it goes with him and us, possibilities are limitless but I should relax and not be aggressive or jealous if he touches her or she shows him affection in front of me and instead let them figure it out and me make them feel comfortable. maybe serve them drinks and dinner and anything he may need as our guest and then let whatever happen happen and just watch and lay back and let them enjoy it and me enjoy the show, if they need me they will let me know. but she is going to fuck him tonight she needs this and I knew already this is what she needed and will take him upstairs to bed at some point tonight when they are ready and Im free to follow them so long as I sit in the corner chair unless they ask me for anything.

It all turned out great except afterwards more hard things to process

Honey, what did you think? How do you feel? Are you ok?
I know its going to be hard to hear and Im not meaning this to hurt your feelings but we need to be honest with each other.
He fucked me so much better than I have ever had. I like him way better than being even with you. His cock is superior to any one ive ever been with and you saw it was way bigger than your and how much I enjoyed him fucking me.. I mean.. Im in love with him as a lover and I want you to know Im not going to let this affect what we have but Im going to continue having sex with him and Im going to focus on he and I sexually and not so much you and I, so we may not have sex for awhile ok. Im not saying forever but for a bit until i get used to him and figure this out...
So I asked.. was he that much better? Are you feeling for him?
She said yes, she thinks she might have feelings for him as a friend for us and a long term lover, it depends on him and how thiings turn out but I have never satisfied her the way he did that one time and his larger cock and his body is exactly what she deserves as a woman sexually and
I cant compete with him.
I asked does she want me to submit to him or you both when you are together? And how do you see that going down?
She said yes, she had some thoughts what she would like but wanted to ask him his thoughts as well?
I asked her what was she thinking initially?
Another devestating reply from the same first conversation
umm, we will see.
You want me to eat his creampie from you don't you? I said this because I had mentioned it in the past.

Yes, I think i would like that.
I want you to suck his dick too..but i need to talk to him first about that.
Im not sure it thats really what I would like or how I would react if you did it but ive been thinking you doing that

I replied.. If you really see me and him and our roles in this then yes, ill do it if it makes you happy and he's cool with it
Thanks for sharing.
I can’t imagine how tough that must have been to hear.
Devestating.. This was about the third black male we had invited to share her pussy:
she was texting him after we all met initially though I suspect they met up at his place behind my back a few days earlier as she came home from work late and her breathe smelled like she had been sucking dick and wouldn't fuck me that night in bed:

Her: I dont want him wearing a condom when he takes me...I want him so bad I want to feel him and I want him to cum inside me, I want all his cum honey. Im sorry but I really want to fuck him and If hes good Im going to want him to fuck me a lot and ive seen his cock, its huge, way bigger than yours and if he uses on me like hes told me he plans too, im going to want him to cum inside my pussy with his huge cock and I want you to know thats what I plan to do and I need you to accept my decision and be ok with me and him getting together and hanging out at home and he invited me to his place to hang out and stay a few nights anytime I wanted to and I think im going to do this and I need you to do this together with me and be cool with him. Im going to invite him over tonight to hang out and spend the night and ******* in our bed and I don't want it to be weird so I want you to ******* in the guest room tonight, ill leave the door open so you know im safe but he is coming over in a few hours so we need to get some dinner ready and drinks for us all.
I asked....what do you want out of this or whats his and my role here?
She replied I want to just be friends and hang out and enjoy ourselves and see where it goes with him and us, possibilities are limitless but I should relax and not be aggressive or jealous if he touches her or she shows him affection in front of me and instead let them figure it out and me make them feel comfortable. maybe serve them drinks and dinner and anything he may need as our guest and then let whatever happen happen and just watch and lay back and let them enjoy it and me enjoy the show, if they need me they will let me know. but she is going to fuck him tonight she needs this and I knew already this is what she needed and will take him upstairs to bed at some point tonight when they are ready and Im free to follow them so long as I sit in the corner chair unless they ask me for anything.

It all turned out great except afterwards more hard things to process

Honey, what did you think? How do you feel? Are you ok?
I know its going to be hard to hear and Im not meaning this to hurt your feelings but we need to be honest with each other.
He fucked me so much better than I have ever had. I like him way better than being even with you. His cock is superior to any one ive ever been with and you saw it was way bigger than your and how much I enjoyed him fucking me.. I mean.. Im in love with him as a lover and I want you to know Im not going to let this affect what we have but Im going to continue having sex with him and Im going to focus on he and I sexually and not so much you and I, so we may not have sex for awhile ok. Im not saying forever but for a bit until i get used to him and figure this out...
So I asked.. was he that much better? Are you feeling for him?
She said yes, she thinks she might have feelings for him as a friend for us and a long term lover, it depends on him and how thiings turn out but I have never satisfied her the way he did that one time and his larger cock and his body is exactly what she deserves as a woman sexually and
I cant compete with him.
I asked does she want me to submit to him or you both when you are together? And how do you see that going down?
She said yes, she had some thoughts what she would like but wanted to ask him his thoughts as well?
I asked her what was she thinking initially?
Another devestating reply from the same first conversation
umm, we will see.
You want me to eat his creampie from you don't you? I said this because I had mentioned it in the past.

Yes, I think i would like that.
I want you to suck his dick too..but i need to talk to him first about that.
Im not sure it thats really what I would like or how I would react if you did it but ive been thinking you doing that

I replied.. If you really see me and him and our roles in this then yes, ill do it if it makes you happy and he's cool with it
So what happened from there?
After my petite shy wife went to her well built good looking Black co workers apartment after they went to dinner….

Me …” did you have sex with him ? “

My wife….” Yes that’s what you wanted to happen right ?”

Me ….” Did he reach deeper ? “

My wife …” yes “

Me ….” did he make you cum ? “

My wife …” yes “

Me ….” more than once ? “

My wife…..” yes “

Me …” did he cum inside you ? “

My wife ….” Yes “

Me … “ more than once ? “

My wife …” yes “

Me…. “ Do you want to see him again at his apartment? “

My wife ….” I would if that’s what you want too “

I’ve recalled that night over and over a million times still gets me rock hard.
After my petite shy wife went to her well built good looking Black co workers apartment after they went to dinner….

Me …” did you have sex with him ? “

My wife….” Yes that’s what you wanted to happen right ?”

Me ….” Did he reach deeper ? “

My wife …” yes “

Me ….” did he make you cum ? “

My wife …” yes “

Me ….” more than once ? “

My wife…..” yes “

Me …” did he cum inside you ? “

My wife ….” Yes “

Me … “ more than once ? “

My wife …” yes “

Me…. “ Do you want to see him again at his apartment? “

My wife ….” I would if that’s what you want too “

I’ve recalled that night over and over a million times still gets me rock hard.
This one was the most mentally devastating, and heartbreaking of all. My wife told me I could have sex with her, and she even wanted to film it.
I tried as hard as I could, but finally had to admit defeat, and I pulled out of her without cumming. Then she said to me: "I hope you enjoyed yourself dear, because that was the last time you ever get inside my pussy". Every bit of this caught on camera. To this day she has not broken the promise she made to me that night. To humiliate me further, she has made me watch myself on this video a couple of times since to be sure I never forget.
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This one was the most mentally devastating, and heartbreaking of all. My wife told me I could have sex with her, and she even wanted to film it.
I tried as hard as I could, but finally had to admit defeat, and I pulled out of her without cumming. Then she said to me: "I hope you enjoyed yourself dear, because that was the last time you ever get inside my pussy". Every bit of this caught on camera. To this day she has not broken the promise she made to me that night. To humiliate me further, she has made me watch myself on this video a couple of times since to be sure I never forget.
Since how long did this happen? How long does she keep you pussy free?
She pointed at my penis one night when I was horny and wanted sex and said: “See that tiny little thing? Me and my Black stallion have decided that it won’t be going near my body ever again. I will jerk it while wearing gloves and that’s it. Your sex life involves licking my butthole and sucking BBC and that’s it.”

She has kept her word.
Sounds great to me.
She pointed at my penis one night when I was horny and wanted sex and said: “See that tiny little thing? Me and my Black stallion have decided that it won’t be going near my body ever again. I will jerk it while wearing gloves and that’s it. Your sex life involves licking my butthole and sucking BBC and that’s it.”

She has kept her word.
Fair enough!
in hot tub at our favourite naturist spa this weekend, wife is getting along very nicely with this lovely bloke .. getting close .. there was a decent crowd there so three other couples and a couple of guys in the tub , lots of chat going on
Juts at one of this emoments when there is a lulling the conversation AND the bubbles stop . he says to her
Will he be ok with you coming back to my room ?
she says to him
he will be fine , he loves it

all eyes turned to yours truly
In my situation there are both good and less good parts. I wanted to get cuck in a way, but in reality it's different from fantasy. Even though it's painful, I accept that my wife is fucked and promoted by her boss. I found out everything from him and so far for almost a year she has not confessed to me. What i know is (conversation, pictures, clips) sent by him and I'm not allowed to tell my wife that I know of their relationship, otherwise he makes public. This man dominate me and submit me so well that I can't talk openly with my wife, this being a regret of mine.
However, good parts and bad parts:
-become a cuck
-my wife is a great bitch and still behaves normally with me and I am glad because she is satisfied
-get used to the idea of submission and humility
-from time to time I lick her pussy when she returns home
-accept the idea he took control of us (separately with each one)
-feeling cheated and blackmailed
-used to rub my beta dick in secret

So, the sentence and the impact for me was and still is huge, but I don't have any control, so I have to submit to the things I like less (for love, pleasure and fear) and living a mix of feelings in secret. (long story)
very strange story! What will he reveal and to whom? That he fucks a subordinate? And this, in your opinion, should bring trouble to your wife and you?! Are you serious?;) I'll say more, publicity will hurt to him - to fire her from the work will be hardly!
This one was the most mentally devastating, and heartbreaking of all. My wife told me I could have sex with her, and she even wanted to film it.
I tried as hard as I could, but finally had to admit defeat, and I pulled out of her without cumming. Then she said to me: "I hope you enjoyed yourself dear, because that was the last time you ever get inside my pussy". Every bit of this caught on camera. To this day she has not broken the promise she made to me that night. To humiliate me further, she has made me watch myself on this video a couple of times since to be sure I never forget.
That is not a loving partner, wife or human being. Should move on.