Curious about breeding!!!!

Oh my these stats make me feel so sad I don't want this to happen with my k ids
First off, any statistic is subject to inaccuracies and flat out manipulation by the party giving it. THAT being said, there's white beta boys lined up praying that they get picked for the role of provider for bunnies and their offspring.... Literally
Let Black Kings do whatever they choose... White boys will be glad to handle anything they choose not to and be grateful
Yes, there are white wives who breed and have mixed children. There aren't many, but there are.
That's hot, I could be a lucky husband married to one of those :)

But it's really hard to know what's true or fantasy here, there's a lot of fantasy and sometimes it gets a little messy!
Why do I have to be a wife? Should single women not be allowed to have babies?
Of course yes, and it should, but I think in this case he asked to know if any woman had ever wanted to be pregnant by someone other than her husband, that's why!

Even more so when it is a white couple, the biracial baby will be evident that the white husband is not the (biological) *******.