My wife admitted to feeling and hugely loving every one of the above-described sensations and physical and deeply erotic benefits within a fortnight of her first being fucked by my much younger and way better-hung black buddy.I still get nervous every time I have a date even tho I've been doing this for years. I adore the lover I have right now and I really think that my pussy is forming to his dick. Someone introduced the idea to me that my lover's cum may actually be changing me genetically and so my pussy may in fact be resizing to accommodate it. I say this because sex with my husband does not feel the same at all anymore.
At my urging he moved in permanently with us the very next day, returning to his student apartment only to pick up his clothes and barbels and college books, and began increasingly manfully fucking her nightly with me lying in our marriage bed beside them.
Fuck-wise and emotionally everthing was laid totally bare before me, including the deliciously aphrodizzying penetrating scents of my buddies armpits and groins and freshly ejaculated semen.
My wife's intensely focused awareness of her previously narrow vagina quickly adapting and conforming perfectly to the far greater length and girth and stiffness and consistently more powerful upcurve of my buddy's beautifully sculpted cervix-seeking erections compared to mine, was made painfully apparent to me within three short weeks of him moving in with us, as was his consistently cumming in her like a tipped-over milk bottle even when going seconds and thirds with her in a single session.
Six years later I'm still in Threeway-Sex Heaven despite that when I go sloppy seconds with my ex after my buddy has fucked her full I barely touch the walls of her vagina with my previously more than adequate erections. Of course my ex is very aware of that, but never registers or directly communicates to me any disappointment about my inability to come within a bull's roar of satisfying her like my buddy does so enviably effortlessly.
Such is Black Youth.
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