Can a female be a cuck?

Maybe you didn't understand my comment, so I'll draw the analogy to the male cuck. Why does a husband get "cucked"? Because his wife finds another man (the Bull) that is in some respects at least of a HIGHER value than her husband and she is hence attracted sexually to the bull, this is the hypergamy aspect at play again btw (The bull has highter sexual prowess, more physical strength, makes more money than the husband, is the boss of the cuck at the company he works, etc). There is clearly some sort of a power dynamic at play. If a wife wants to be the cuck, and therefore the inferior and humiliated partner in the dynamic, her husband has to find another woman (female bull?) that is of higher value than the wife in some respect, maybe she is simply more hot or pretty. However, this is unlikely as the husband has to have a very high social status himself in order to get this female bull (be CEO of a company, have millions in his bank account, be a social media star or prolific athlete, etc.) Not saying it's impossible but VERY unlikely for most men.
I appreciate the clarification.

And I think we might both be talking about two different topics, hence the confusion. I hear what you are trying to say. But the issue is that your scenario is not all cuckold or cuckquean relationships.

The type of dynamic, I outlined for Jenna was a much less "aggressive" dynamic. So in terms of the most aggressive cuckolding, the scene you are describing, then yes, you would be correct. Hypergamy does interfere and make things difficult.

But a majority of cuckold couples or cuckquean couples cannot handle that level of dynamic - probably because of the hypergamy aspect - (I dont know, so I cant speculate).

That means, couples need to find a different path to make this work. In your scenario there needs to be perceived higher value. But not in my scenario.

Which is why a majority of couples that network with me or work with me, end up making these relationships work and maintaining them for long periods of time. The act of bringing in another person - is the cuckolding. Therefore, the "hypergamy" isn't triggered in the same way you are speaking about.

For example, If I have one woman as my cuckqean, then I teach/coach her to be the "assistant" to other women to have sex with me. I dont do one night stands, so my cuckquean would be very involved and active. There is a lot of work and its intellectually stimulating as well as sexually stimulating as well.

A lot of women with "over-active brains" like to work with me simply because I can keep their minds busy and occupied all day and until they go to sleep. And they tend to get better sleep as well, because I exhaust their minds - so that sleep is a restful time, not a restless time. Not sure if you have ever dealt with an over-active mind before - but it can be quite disruptive to your life.

So I would have my cuckquean, speak to multiple women. I would teach her how to ask the right questions, and get the right answers and then help them go step by step into the bedroom with me. My cuckquean would be there with the woman every step of the way, which means that each day she works with the "other" woman - she becoming more and subservient to her and more cuckqueaned.

By the time I have sex with the "other" woman - my cuckquean has no doubt how much she has contributed to this dynamic and that her reward is to watch this "other" woman experience a sexual awakening. I find that women that are into cuckqueaning tend to be very caring and selfless people - they dont like the spotlight and they prefer to give pleasure to others - deferring their own.
I appreciate the clarification.

And I think we might both be talking about two different topics, hence the confusion. I hear what you are trying to say. But the issue is that your scenario is not all cuckold or cuckquean relationships.

The type of dynamic, I outlined for Jenna was a much less "aggressive" dynamic. So in terms of the most aggressive cuckolding, the scene you are describing, then yes, you would be correct. Hypergamy does interfere and make things difficult.

But a majority of cuckold couples or cuckquean couples cannot handle that level of dynamic - probably because of the hypergamy aspect - (I dont know, so I cant speculate).

That means, couples need to find a different path to make this work. In your scenario there needs to be perceived higher value. But not in my scenario.

Which is why a majority of couples that network with me or work with me, end up making these relationships work and maintaining them for long periods of time. The act of bringing in another person - is the cuckolding. Therefore, the "hypergamy" isn't triggered in the same way you are speaking about.

For example, If I have one woman as my cuckqean, then I teach/coach her to be the "assistant" to other women to have sex with me. I dont do one night stands, so my cuckquean would be very involved and active. There is a lot of work and its intellectually stimulating as well as sexually stimulating as well.

A lot of women with "over-active brains" like to work with me simply because I can keep their minds busy and occupied all day and until they go to sleep. And they tend to get better sleep as well, because I exhaust their minds - so that sleep is a restful time, not a restless time. Not sure if you have ever dealt with an over-active mind before - but it can be quite disruptive to your life.

So I would have my cuckquean, speak to multiple women. I would teach her how to ask the right questions, and get the right answers and then help them go step by step into the bedroom with me. My cuckquean would be there with the woman every step of the way, which means that each day she works with the "other" woman - she becoming more and subservient to her and more cuckqueaned.

By the time I have sex with the "other" woman - my cuckquean has no doubt how much she has contributed to this dynamic and that her reward is to watch this "other" woman experience a sexual awakening. I find that women that are into cuckqueaning tend to be very caring and selfless people - they dont like the spotlight and they prefer to give pleasure to others - deferring their own.
Interesting points. Of course, the husband could hire an 3sc0rt/prestitute and have her "pretend" that she is the female bull. But at that point it would obviously be fake and more of a role-playing scenario than an authentic QoS interaction.
Interesting points. Of course, the husband could hire an 3sc0rt/prestitute and have her "pretend" that she is the female bull. But at that point it would obviously be fake and more of a role-playing scenario than an authentic QoS interaction.
exactly. and then whats the fun in that? Also, its not sustainable.

at some point you will run out of money.
Yeah, definitely not something you could do every weekend. But as a once-in-a-lifetime experience it sounds great.
The way I set these dynamics up - they can be done all the time and they are long term.
if you have a burning desire to be a cuckold or cuckquean - you cant just be a sometimes weekend warrior, this is part of who you are

this is why fantasy and reality dont mix
The way I set these dynamics up - they can be done all the time and they are long term.
if you have a burning desire to be a cuckold or cuckquean - you cant just be a sometimes weekend warrior, this is part of who you are

this is why fantasy and reality dont mix
But also, not all couples do the cuckold fantasy as a regular long-term activity. I've seen many couples that only do it once or twice in their entire lives to "get it out of their chest." and never again. And honestly, doing it as a long-term thing sounds absolutely exhausting to me (not to mention all the problems that can arise). I personally would only do it once, probably for a special occasion.
I say that they technically CAN exist, however it's extremely rare. It all has to do with the different sexual dynamics of both genders (with hypergamy in women and such.). For a female to be cuck, her husband has to find another woman that is objectively "better" than his wife in many ways, be them looks, financially, in social status, etc. which is unlikely for most men, specially those of lower means. It's just a fact that it is 1000 times easier for a woman to find a man than it is for a man to find a woman, specially if she is of a "higher value".
See this is where I was mainly thinking, bc otherwise it just another " side".chick and men are mostly womanizers so.there'd have to be a catch.
It is very doable.

The biggest challenge or obstacle for both cuckolding and cuckqueaning is the "partner."

So for cuckolding, the man needs a woman that "understands" and is also willing to be an active participant. There's a lot to learn, but once you learn it - its very doable.

Same for cuckqueaning. You need a "partner" that understands the role really well, and if you have a partner that gets it - then its really easy for you to do what you like to do.

For cuckqueans - you need a partner that is Ok and Able to
1. Have sex with other women
2. Understand how to build connections and relationships with other women
3. Know their own boundaries really well and not cross them
4. Know your boundaries really well and not cross them
5. Know the other woman's boundaries and not cross them
6. Be able to communicate at a high level and take things one step at a time (especially in the beginning)

The hard part is setting up these relationships, but once they are set up - they are just as easy to maintain as regular relationships.
But it does take a lot more effort to set them up properly.
That's a lot of work, just for a sexual LS. I know vanilla relationships are hard enough and then to add this dynamic. I only ask and say these things because I'm starting to see an evolution with my generation and the one behind me. Relationships are becoming a bit mundane and monotonous. So were almost reverting back to the Genesis of sexual awareness within "swingers" " hippies".free love. Free sexual encounters. I hope I'm getting my point across, I tend to lose sight.
That's a lot of work, just for a sexual LS. I know vanilla relationships are hard enough and then to add this dynamic. I only ask and say these things because I'm starting to see an evolution with my generation and the one behind me. Relationships are becoming a bit mundane and monotonous. So were almost reverting back to the Genesis of sexual awareness within "swingers" " hippies".free love. Free sexual encounters. I hope I'm getting my point across, I tend to lose sight.
I think what you're seeing is accurate.
But there is a hidden danger in what you are talking about and what Im describing.

I think you made a simple observation "That's a lot of work."

Yes, it is a lot of work. That's the point. Anything worth doing is a lot of work. What you're accurately describing is your generation and the generation behind you are lazy and looking for shortcuts to happiness. That never ends well.

And we are seeing the consequences of that laziness play out. Why do you think the taking ones own life rate is up? Why is there rampant anxiety and social interaction disorders?

When you dont put in the time and effort to cultivate and strengthen human relationships -- you pay the price.

there is nothing wrong with cuckolding or cuckqueaning, but there is something wrong with "using" people for sex.

Every time you have sex, you are opening yourself up to another human being. If you do not respect that - you will pay the price.

hopefully that makes sense given your accurate observations.
But also, not all couples do the cuckold fantasy as a regular long-term activity. I've seen many couples that only do it once or twice in their entire lives to "get it out of their chest." and never again. And honestly, doing it as a long-term thing sounds absolutely exhausting to me (not to mention all the problems that can arise). I personally would only do it once, probably for a special occasion.
By your own admission, you're not a cuckold.

That's really all that your saying. The fact that you cannot imagine someone else or walk a mile in someone else's shoes is really just a personal issue that you have. I dont need you to be a cuckold. But it would be nice if you could be more compassionate and try to see why some people might "need" this LS.

Your ultimatum and eternal rejection of an idea, simply because it doesn't work for you - is really judgmental and prejudicial.

As I have described, there are healthy ways to make these dynamics and relationships work LONG TERM and there are unhealthy ways. Just because you don't choose to be a cuckold, does not mean your relationship is EASIER to navigate. All relationships are hard. All relationships take work and effort. And every relationship can be exhausting and run into many problems.

I have met women that were really easy to get along with and the relationships could last a lifetime. And then I have met women that were real pains in the neck. And because they didn't put in the work - they tend to have relationships that last only 3-6 months in length.

I have also met women that try and start relationships with men who are easy to get along with, as well as some men that are so toxic that even their own mothers don't like them.

So it goes both ways.
By your own admission, you're not a cuckold.

That's really all that your saying. The fact that you cannot imagine someone else or walk a mile in someone else's shoes is really just a personal issue that you have. I dont need you to be a cuckold. But it would be nice if you could be more compassionate and try to see why some people might "need" this LS.

Your ultimatum and eternal rejection of an idea, simply because it doesn't work for you - is really judgmental and prejudicial.

As I have described, there are healthy ways to make these dynamics and relationships work LONG TERM and there are unhealthy ways. Just because you don't choose to be a cuckold, does not mean your relationship is EASIER to navigate. All relationships are hard. All relationships take work and effort. And every relationship can be exhausting and run into many problems.

I have met women that were really easy to get along with and the relationships could last a lifetime. And then I have met women that were real pains in the neck. And because they didn't put in the work - they tend to have relationships that last only 3-6 months in length.

I have also met women that try and start relationships with men who are easy to get along with, as well as some men that are so toxic that even their own mothers don't like them.

So it goes both ways.
Wait, this is new to me. There is a written rule that cuckolding has to be a lifetime activity and done almost every day? I didn't know that. Like I said, I've seen couples do the cuckolding fantasy "Wife has sex with bigger penis bull while husband watches on the corner sitting in a chair". They only do it once or twice. Guess by your interpretation of it they aren't doing it right then or it's not REAL cuckolding?
Wait, this is new to me. There is a written rule that cuckolding has to be a lifetime activity and done almost every day? I didn't know that. Like I said, I've seen couples do the cuckolding fantasy "Wife has sex with bigger penis bull while husband watches on the corner sitting in a chair". They only do it once or twice. Guess by your interpretation of it they aren't doing it right then or it's not REAL cuckolding?
I cant say if its cuckolding or not
but it doesnt sound like it.

It sounds more like exhibitionism.
Hear me out? I think we can all agree, most cucks have a micro 🍆 but maybe the females that are in love with them are a variation of a cuck but in female form? Therfore if reversed they'd be submissive to a female bull but any color female bc we only have a dominate masculine side not an actual 🍆???
( I may need to put down the 🍃)
Yes that exists. Altho its very rare
I suspect the side chick part is moot when the wife is an active participant or the instigator of the threesome.
To me, if the cuck engages with sexual activity with the hotwife, then it is no longer a cuckold session and becomes a threesome. The cuck has to either just watch or not be present at all during the encounter.
Hear me out? I think we can all agree, most cucks have a micro 🍆 but maybe the females that are in love with them are a variation of a cuck but in female form? Therfore if reversed they'd be submissive to a female bull but any color female bc we only have a dominate masculine side not an actual 🍆???
( I may need to put down the 🍃)
No you’re right because I’m a female cuck they usually call us cuckquean
So who do you cuck? Yourself, your man, or another woman? Bc by definition cuckold is a man that has a cheating wife. Now it's morphing into many other things such as voyeurism, homosexual acts, and IR.
Please, explain if you will..
In my case I’m just like a white man that’s a cuck except I’m a woman … so basically my bbc cheats on me with other women in front of me .. they both humiliate me , by calling me names and making me eat up cream pies… etc