Be careful of this lifestyle, it will change you and her

buddy, if the goal is to last longer, then this is achieved very very simply: lidocaine spray on the head of the cock 10 minutes before the act. Apply and wash off with soap after 2-4 minutes (depending on your sensitivity, the exposure time of the spray is selected empirically)
100% the truth and I think it happens to a lot of couples in similar ways. Still have great sex but it's different. I'm far less dominant and she's more focused on us connecting rather than expecting long amazing fuck sessions. I used to never have an issue with lasting and now it's a huge battle sometimes which is so complicated because it's all mental. If I cum quicker it's "worse" sex and therefore in my mind she'll want better sex with bulls more often. Even worse she likes me cumming quick because she says it makes her feel powerful so she's actively encouraging me to cum quick.

It got super bad for awhile where even if I masturbated that day to try and stave it off I was cumming in under 30 seconds. It really messed me up because I didn't want that so I had to work hard on separating the mental arousal with physical and I'm back up higher to at least around 2-3 minutes on a good session and I have to take some breaks which is still waaay lower than I used to be but she keeps pushing for me to go back down so I'd say I get one good session out of five and the rest are under 30 seconds. She sets a timer now or counts out loud. Do I enjoy it? Yeah but I don't want to get stuck like this but it's leaning that way. Even masturbation is pretty quick now.

It's so complicated what this lifestyle unlocks and how you deal with it. I don't think I'll ever get back to how I was and there's part of me that just wants to push it the other way and see how bad I can get.