BBC Kings: should I get breast implants??

I love absolutely huge tits myself, but I still say no. You’re all the hot you need to be. Your hips/thighs are perfecto, btw. I also wonder how many women understand that their ass can only be properly evaluated when they are bent over, ready for fucking! What they might think is chunky or imperfect is actually perfect when presented properly.
I’ve only met one pair that seemed so natural I couldn’t tell. And they were huge. Maybe they were old style silicone or something, but they felt absolutely real, hung real in the nude, jiggled real, everything. If that is an option maybe, but not necessary. BTW, the tragedy was that she had also pierced her nipples and they were too sensitive to actually suck! Smh.
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While I am not quick to enlarge, I am against reductions big time. My cousin had a massive pair most girls would ******* for and lopped them off. I am still not over it. As far as back pain, I’m well acquainted with that and I don’t have boobs (this is hubby)…so it’s total speculation that going to such an extreme will help that.
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There’s nothing more personal than this decision. If you want big tits go get them. Nobody else can make this call…. But I promise no dude is going to be disappointed when he cums all over a big rack. 😈😈😘
I love absolutely huge tits myself, but I still say no. You’re all the hot you need to be. Your hips/thighs are perfecto, btw. I also wonder how many women understand that their ass can only be properly evaluated when they are bent over, ready for fucking! What they might think is chunky or imperfect is actually perfect when presented properly.
Hmm kk thank you boo