Are you obsessed with Black Dick?

I just feel the need to "take care" of them!

Extremely erotic! The compelling -- even overwhelming -- sense that this is what you are SUPPOSED to do, that Nature INTENDS this, and that it would be wrong NOT to do so. It's absolutely fascinating that this happens. It is doubly so that so many men intuitively understand that they are SUPPOSED to step aside and ALLOW this to happen. The arousal husbands so often experience is Nature's 'pay-off' for following her intentions.
Never got a chance as a couple. Had a guy lined up and he flaked out on us. Me being the husband, I am obsessed I think as it was my idea. If I'm ready to cum, I almost always imagine my wife sucking bbc or getting her pussy filled by one or many of them. We both enjoy bbc pillow talk as well. She cums super fast from that as well.
Go for it we did 10 years ago amazing lifestyle now we have good luck in your journey
Never got a chance as a couple. Had a guy lined up and he flaked out on us. Me being the husband, I am obsessed I think as it was my idea. If I'm ready to cum, I almost always imagine my wife sucking bbc or getting her pussy filled by one or many of them. We both enjoy bbc pillow talk as well. She cums super fast from that as well.
One (1) guy "flaked" out on you, so you've "never had the chance as a couple."? Unless you live deep in the woods of Georgia, there are plenty of black men willing to make that dream come true. You have to put in the effort to get the desired result!
Not THAT deep....You have an internet connection.
You're right. Honestly it's about making the time and having everything line up correctly for it. Not going to lie, I'm nervous about going through with it but she also hasn't pushed it. She expressed that she doesn't need to do it but that it could be fun and I agreed with he. I don't want to do it unless she's completely onboard.