Are black preg married white couples brave?

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A friend of ours has just started the breeding process to get pregnant by her black lover in order to have healthy, strong, intelligent black *******.

We're proud to have this fantastic BRAVE married white woman as our friend. My wife enjoys talking about life, cuckolding, pregnancy and children with her. That's fantastic for both of them.

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brolvrsbreemrbig06.jpg Yesterday I chatted with a young European couple who is going to have three biracial *******. They consider using a very black man from Africa to have ******* who are as black as possible.

They want to fight racism and to have children who are strong, healthy and pretty.

I admire such brave people!

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We have received a lot of positive messages because we have a biracial ******* and because we are planning a second biracial baby.

Here are two examples:

"Hi, I just wanted to thank you. I think it is courageous when white couples follow through all the way and the wife has a black baby. I've thought about it a lot."

"I just think it's so courageous, every time you go to the grocery store, or to visit family or her parents, everyone immediately is reminded that she breeds only with black males."

We appreciate such messages a lot, we are happy to be encouraged by other people who would really like to do the same.

Fortunately there are quite a few white couples with biracial *******. And they all feel that they made the right decision. So do we!
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I have been masturbating to cuckold porn for ten years, and I can never cum unless there is a wedding ring and no condom.

As far as porn goes, I have told myself that I am only attracted to the interracial porn because it is (more) clear that the man isn't the husband.

I am in to cuckold pregnancy. If me wife insisted on a black *******, I would likely submit. But it would be logistically harder. It obviously would be more gratifying if you are into humiliation
I have been masturbating to cuckold porn for ten years, and I can never cum unless there is a wedding ring and no condom.

As far as porn goes, I have told myself that I am only attracted to the interracial porn because it is (more) clear that the man isn't the husband.

I am in to cuckold pregnancy. If me wife insisted on a black *******, I would likely submit. But it would be logistically harder. It obviously would be more gratifying if you are into humiliation
Hi Alexandriacuch :)

I can very well understand the way you feel. I was very happy that my wife took the initiative to cuckolding and to having a biracial baby.

If my wife hadn't been very active in persuading me to have a biracial baby, I wouldn't have had my little, cute, beautiful, intelligent, charming biracial Princess who is now one year old.

Does your wife know how you feel about interracial and cuckolding?

I know that it takes a lot of courage, but have you told your wife that you fantasize about having a black baby?

It has been terrific for us to have a biracial *******, and now we're planning to have a second biracial baby.

How much does your wife know about your fantasies/what you really want. As I interpret your words that might very well be a biracial baby.

You can always tell family, friends, coworkers that your sperm quality wasn't good enough. Therefore you need a sperm donor.

I hope you enjoy being here on Blacktowhite.

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Depends how you look at it.

Its brave to openly do something opposite to majority. Most people breed in their race and culture so when white girl breed with black man, all can see she did it.
But from other side its not that brave because in the times of woman freedom, white guys don't do anything to stop them so white girls can exclusively fuck and breed with black males. They are even supportive in that manner.

Ive red that woman naturally feel attracted to conqueror and stronger males in general so no wonder they decide to end their 40.000 yo bloodline. All people around accept that so why wouldn't she do it?

For white guy its much harder because all will see him as loser who is only beta provider. Many man rise children that are not theirs and its ok, but in interracial scenario, its not secret any more.
You are brave :) I think in perfect world, couple love and support each other and it doesn't matter who is biological *******. Woman has instincts and can breed with male that she feels its the best to breed with.

I hope my wife will be bred by some alpha too, like in old days when contraception didn't exist.
very hotttt pic
Went food shopping with my wife and ******* yesterday, and amazingly saw 2 biracial couples. 1 with *******. My wife got so happy seeing it, and is finaly realizing that we are making the best choice. Then we saw the most amazing thing, a young white couple with a black ******* maybe 2 years old. My wife had to say hi to them, and my ******* and their ******* started babbling since they are young lol. We wanted to ask so many questions but obviously not the place. We exchanged numbers though. On the way home she couldn't stop talkking about breeding black with a real man, and she asked if I would think it was sexy if she had a black baby, but she said I would probably be a little awkward taking care of a black baby, but I told her Id be happy to. Now tonight we are going out with 2 black guys she knows from work to Asbury and maybe asking the other cuck couple I was so jealous, I want to be just like that. Everyone knew his girl belongs to black men. Just another step forward, and hopefully talking to her about a cock cage tongiht