Have you ever sex with the same woman almost daily for 10+ years? No matter how dominate, creative and perverted you both are, it still doesn't give a woman the same thrill and excitement of being taken by someone new.Uhhh, NAH playah speak for yourself,smh...
- my last two GFs got rough-handled by me on a regular basis. One in particular loved how we would be driving around at night and I would pull over at random places and do wild ******* like... slam her up against a tree and fuck her in the ass. Or bend her over a playground at a school - just morally corrupt type of ******* lol
Part of the reason she loved my azz
I am still her dominant, and we have drifted to the more extreme sex. We have a good sex life, but I alone can't give her the feeling of being a total slut or being manhandled by a group of strangers.