Adult ******* has found out about my lifestyle

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I left my computer on and on this website last week. My adult ******* came over to use it and seen everything and was shocked and upset. So I've been dealing with that and haven't been on here. Trying to explain hasn't went well and has got me in a pretty down mood :(
Sorry that u must justify your choices to your adult *******
Sorry that u must justify your choices to your adult *******
Yes, we still should explain things and why we wanted to do things. Just because they are 18 does not mean we stop being their parent and learning from us. I love that my ******* FaceTime's me and asks "life" questions. She knows I'll tell her my thoughts and how I made mistakes and learned from them. She can benefit from my acquired wisdom.
Yes, we still should explain things and why we wanted to do things. Just because they are 18 does not mean we stop being their parent and learning from us. I love that my ******* FaceTime's me and asks "life" questions. She knows I'll tell her my thoughts and how I made mistakes and learned from them. She can benefit from my acquired wisdom.
where in California are you?
I left my computer on and on this website last week. My adult ******* came over to use it and seen everything and was shocked and upset. So I've been dealing with that and haven't been on here. Trying to explain hasn't went well and has got me in a pretty down mood :(
So sorry to hear it didn’t go well..:lips: has anything improved since July? I hope so..x
First thank you all for the nice comments from my family here on B2W :lips:. Ok well her and I spent a lot of time together yesterday afternoon and had a very adult talk about my lifestyle and her *******'s. I told her that we are still very much in love with each other and nothing was going to change that. I'm not going to go into details but I pretty much said I have a high sex drive that her ******* can't satisfy and he's good with it and that I like being with black men. Of course there was a hell of a lot more in between and hours of talking. She left with an understanding that I enjoy what I do and she was fine with it :love:. The most important thing was she didn't tell anyone else, which I was very happy with. Were good
Good news. Make her aware if she has any questions to ask you and be honest with each other. Sounds as you two have a good relationship
First thank you all for the nice comments from my family here on B2W :lips:. Ok well her and I spent a lot of time together yesterday afternoon and had a very adult talk about my lifestyle and her *******'s. I told her that we are still very much in love with each other and nothing was going to change that. I'm not going to go into details but I pretty much said I have a high sex drive that her ******* can't satisfy and he's good with it and that I like being with black men. Of course there was a hell of a lot more in between and hours of talking. She left with an understanding that I enjoy what I do and she was fine with it :love:. The most important thing was she didn't tell anyone else, which I was very happy with. Were good
Just caught up with this . Great news Annie. So glad for you. You’re a star..😍
Discussing with my wife we decided to tell everything about our cuckold lifestyle to our adult *******. We agree that it would be better to tell her everything instead of finding something accidentally by herself. She is a grown woman now, not a kid anymore. She is 23
Nevertheless it was too difficult for her to accept that I let her mama enjoy sex with her bull and other men as well and not only it doesn't bother me, but I'm OK and happy with this...
A lot of people have offered a lot of good advice over the past few months. But if she is still being childish about this and judging your interests, sit down with her and mention that everyone on this planet has some sort of fetish/sexual interest beyond one man (husband)/one woman (wife) missionary and in the dark.

Tell her that if she doesn't have some sort of interest that's beyond the socially accepted norm, then there is something indeed wrong with her. But if she does, than the two of you aren't that much different, except that she discovered what your interest is. Don't apologize, and it isn't necessary to demand to know what her interests are. Suffice to say that you know she has them, she has a right to privacy and you have that same right. She shouldn't judge you nor you her. You're both adults.

If she still can't get over that speed bump, then I fear it's pretty much a lost cause.
The question is, did she also come clean with the fact she cheated on her dad for 10 years? So throwing the marriage vows overboard, not have the courage to address the sexual issue she had, or the courage to file for divorce because she could not live that way. Instead she betrayed and lied to her husband for 10 years.
I'll bet she did not tell this.
I am sorry, I think I understand what happened, but not sure due to some of the sentences, like left my ******* under the kitchen, I stayed in stock....If it is what I think it is, very exciting indeed.
Yeah, me too about the phrasing. I am glad you mentioned it. I was wondering if I was missing something (?) .. But anyway, I hope things work/worked out well for everybody involved.
As I previously stated, I brought my ******* into the lifestyle and she has never regretted the decision. After sharing some wine, I decided to tell her the truth and she appreciated my honesty and as they say the rest is history.
So, Christmas is around the corner and both you and adult ******* I presume have been extremely naughty....what 'Secret Santa" gifts to be exchanged to maintain the fun and excitement for 2022 ..... Mrs. Kinky Klaus
First thank you all for the nice comments from my family here on B2W :lips:. Ok well her and I spent a lot of time together yesterday afternoon and had a very adult talk about my lifestyle and her *******'s. I told her that we are still very much in love with each other and nothing was going to change that. I'm not going to go into details but I pretty much said I have a high sex drive that her ******* can't satisfy and he's good with it and that I like being with black men. Of course there was a hell of a lot more in between and hours of talking. She left with an understanding that I enjoy what I do and she was fine with it :love:. The most important thing was she didn't tell anyone else, which I was very happy with. Were good
I know what you're going through. It wasn't easy. Glad to hear the situation is improving.
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