About to get Blacked!

I just wanted to say that based on the angle of the photo, lighting, etc., the guy in the photo doesn't look black. It even made me imagine that it was a white guy posting a photo of his white girlfriend in queen of spade panties, which would be cool too. About Obama, Peggy Lipton, Jennifer Beals and everything else, it's your point of view that must be respected.
Trying to determine heritage, in today's environment, is a challenge, on a good day. A person may identify as 'Black' but regardless if he's white, black, orange or purple, in today's environment, the issue is moot. We see women identifying as Native Americans, Men identifying as women and participating in sports, usually crushing the competition. And we see Blacks identifying as Whites for career advancment.

Frankly, I don't care one way oer the other, except for the sports thing. As we're seeing being played out in the news today, they offer an unfair advantage to female competitors. Which I think is wrong. Why not just say that all women can participate in all traditionally male teams? They'd never make the cut, but I fear that, given time, there won't be any more 'womans sports'. Instead, it will be a bunch of men who identify as women so they can compete in something less competitive than belonging to male teams.

But like the OP said, everyoone is equally entitled to theire own opinions, just so long as they don't adversly impact me!
I just wanted to say that based on the angle of the photo, lighting, etc., the guy in the photo doesn't look black. It even made me imagine that it was a white guy posting a photo of his white girlfriend in queen of spade panties, which would be cool too. About Obama, Peggy Lipton, Jennifer Beals and everything else, it's your point of view that must be respected.
Trying to determine heritage, in today's environment, is a challenge, on a good day. A person may identify as 'Black' but regardless if he's white, black, orange or purple, in today's environment, the issue is moot. We see women identifying as Native Americans, Men identifying as women and participating in sports, usually crushing the competition. And we see Blacks identifying as Whites for career advancment.

Frankly, I don't care one way oer the other, except for the sports thing. As we're seeing being played out in the news today, they offer an unfair advantage to female competitors. Which I think is wrong. Why not just say that all women can participate in all traditionally male teams? They'd never make the cut, but I fear that, given time, there won't be any more 'womans sports'. Instead, it will be a bunch of men who identify as women so they can compete in something less competitive than belonging to male teams.

But like the OP said, everyoone is equally entitled to theire own opinions, just so long as they don't adversly impact me!
As near as I can tell, the fuse attached to the social nuclear bomb in this country was lit in the early days of ‘04, and everything new and disturbing that come about since then has merely been gunpowder on top of gunpowder…it’s happening the only way it could, from the inside. Same thing happened to Rome, only for them their downfall took 465 years, the Dems have put us on the fast track and they’ve almost accomplished the same thing in 20 years. I find myself looking back at the old “School House Rock” and “The Shot Heard around the World”, wondering what the “Second Shot Heard Round the World” is gonna sound like when they’re singing it? Again, near as I can tell, I’m not really seeing any difference other than instead of us against England, it’s us against our own government, for all the same reasons! But hey, I’ll be gone before that happens, so it’s not really gonna be my problem, good thing too, I’d never be able to learn Chinese in my old age! LOL
As near as I can tell, the fuse attached to the social nuclear bomb in this country was lit in the early days of ‘04, and everything new and disturbing that come about since then has merely been gunpowder on top of gunpowder…it’s happening the only way it could, from the inside. Same thing happened to Rome, only for them their downfall took 465 years, the Dems have put us on the fast track and they’ve almost accomplished the same thing in 20 years. I find myself looking back at the old “School House Rock” and “The Shot Heard around the World”, wondering what the “Second Shot Heard Round the World” is gonna sound like when they’re singing it? Again, near as I can tell, I’m not really seeing any difference other than instead of us against England, it’s us against our own government, for all the same reasons! But hey, I’ll be gone before that happens, so it’s not really gonna be my problem, good thing too, I’d never be able to learn Chinese in my old age! LOL

I embrace your opinion 100 percent, without hesitation.

We could have a wonderful debate about causes and results, a discussion I would enjoy, but that would be hijacking this thread, something I hate when I see others do it, so I won't.

Suffice to say that I firmly believe that what we saw in European elections last week is a preview of what our political landscape will look like after November.

My only fear is that there will be riots after election results are in, regardless of who 'wins'

If you'd like to continue this discussion, please PM me.

I embrace your opinion 100 percent, without hesitation.

We could have a wonderful debate about causes and results, a discussion I would enjoy, but that would be hijacking this thread, something I hate when I see others do it, so I won't.

Suffice to say that I firmly believe that what we saw in European elections last week is a preview of what our political landscape will look like after November.

My only fear is that there will be riots after election results are in, regardless of who 'wins'

If you'd like to continue this discussion, please PM me.
I agree with you, sometimes I can’t hold my tongue and I just try to get one blanket statement out there and then move on, like everybody else, I too come here to get away from all that,,,that’s why I spend half my time in “FaceBook Jail”,,,they don’t like me over there, LOL
I agree with you, sometimes I can’t hold my tongue and I just try to get one blanket statement out there and then move on, like everybody else, I too come here to get away from all that,,,that’s why I spend half my time in “FaceBook Jail”,,,they don’t like me over there, LOL

Absolutely this sharp minded person should be our president

Absolutely this sharp minded person should be our president
Geez Lou Fuck’n Weez…I thought you were gonna show him making some kind of confusing gaff about names, but instead I find out it’s between Jackson and Johnson...a very popular surname amongst the black population by the way, and just happen to be two names I’ve heard 30 year olds swap in place of each other. Damn, I thought I was gonna have to defend Trump for a minute there, I personally have a trunk full of watchamacallits, doohickies, thingamajigs, what’s is faces and whoever’s that I constantly refer to when the actual name escapes me and has no relevant point. But just like Trump, when I’m standing at the end of a street, and it’s high noon and one person is facing me, I know exactly what’s expected of me, I don’t meander around waiting for someone to show me where the bathroom room is. Before Biden lost his mind and he was just an everyday criminal, everything he ever voted for he was on the wrong side, everything he tried to initiate took the opposite stance that proved to be wrong, everything he’s done since he found out where the Oval Office was has been wrong, resulting in close to half a million dead Americans from Fentanyl coming through his open borders, along with all the deaths and families ruined through raip and murda and DUI deaths perpetrated by HIS illegals, the war in the Ukraine is HIS, the Afghanistan withdrawal was HIS, all the antisemitism we’re seeing today is HIS, all the crap China‘s doing is HIS…and this piece of $hit denied his own grandau9ter…but he certainly doesn’t mind taking a sniff of yours! Sorry…I couldn’t find a “drop the mic” emoji,,,
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