A Pubic Service Announcement from B3C


Real Person
Gold Member
As i posted media today, i got to thinking I need to share something meaningful that goes hand in hand with the Lifestyle...SEXUAL SAFETY

Unprotected Sex
Skin to skin
Au naturale
Unplanned /Unwanted Pr3gnsncy
Monkey Pox

Who in the fuck in their right minds has Unprotected sex with multiple partners?!?

I do. Ive been / I am a misleading example. Allow me to clarify: I'm statistically aware of the risks associated. You should be too (No such thing as 0 risk unless you abstain completely from sexual activity folks, AND EVEN THEN there is the chance, the slightest, miniscule crazy chance you could contract one of the above from a different source of contact.)

Risk reduction: I use condoms and regularly practice safer sex. What you see in my content are playdates with long-term, RECENTLY TESTED playmates, with whom we share open and honest communication about our other rendezvous. Keep in mind a test is only as good as the moment it is taken so contact after the fact, puts you at greater risk than 0, AGAIN.

"I'm clean; I'm not sure; Trust me" is a game of Russian Roulette that antibiotics may or may not be able to mitigate a trigger pull on a loaded chamber.

So when you see photos/videos of people juuuuust fuckin', think that extra step of considering "do they or dont they???" take precautionary measures:
*Frequent testing (symptomatic or no. Is a Best Practice if one is active aside from lone masturbation. I test monthly. I test early if a condom breaks. My raw-dawg playmates gotta test too)
*Safer sex
*Communication of sexual health conerns with partners

I may not be the "poster ch1ld" for safer sex (I.e my media). Whats not seen, off camera, is the ability and action to say "No. Thanks", condoms, testing. Treat your health and that of those whom who associate as a priceless commodity... BECAUSE IT IS!!!

All too often i read comments of wreckless, and i mean AbSoLuTeLy wreckless behaviors. One time wrecklessness could be a "mistake". Done often its a habit/ not so smart choice Don't be that guy. Dont be that gal. Protect yourself and others. Calculated, premeditated risk reduction/mitigation. Dont let Impulse, ignorance or fear keep you from taking care of yourself.

You can get test kits on Amaz0n.com, you know. Mail in some p33 and/or bl00d, await your results. Take action.
*If you're still uncertain using a discreet test see a physician.
*WebMd.com will tell you you are the model of health or you're about to pass from a small paper cut. Who knows. Would you trust your life on a slot machine? Real World Doctors go to school so they can pay for their school loans, get out of debt and most importantly give you sound medical advice and treatment.
We aren't in the realm of Star Trek yet. Speak to a Doc IRL if you have any reason to do so.
*If youre uncertain on your health status DON'T FUCK, DON'T mutually masturbate, DON'T get your fluids on toys (or on/in others for that matter). Fear/modesty can put you in a bad place just as quickly as impulsiveness or apathy.

If you cant talk sexual health with your playmate(s), that's not a playmate(s) you should have. In God we trust, errrrybody else gotta come through with valid proof to the best of their ability.

I read lots of posts on here with a "Devil may care" attitude. The Devil has teeth and is wont to take a chunk out of your hide the more opportunities you present him a meal.

I'm not saying live and play in fear,
I'm saying live and play conscious of your health (or lack thereof) and others. Not everything that looks good, feels good IS beyond the moment.

Be Safe(r)
Stay Naughty.

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The good news is over 90 percent of this site’s audience is not getting a lot of sex. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜
I am hoping the other 10 percent know self-interest. 😏
Yet and still 100% need to know and utilize safe practices when they are part of the "10%-ers"πŸ‘πŸΎ

Percentages can increase or decrease depending on who is doing what on which side of the equation (statistics)...to include STDs/STIs.
One of the best benefits of being in a committed monogamous relationship. Is STDs are not a concern for us... We have the utmost trust in each other. That being said... It's super rare for me and my woman not to fuck at least once a day. Her cycle or some other unusual occurrence is our only "down time"
One of the best benefits of being in a committed monogamous relationship. Is STDs are not a concern for us... We have the utmost trust in each other. That being said... It's super rare for me and my woman not to fuck at least once a day. Her cycle or some other unusual occurrence is our only "down time"
And I applaud you Swirl. This thread however, is for Lifestyle practioners. If you don't swim in the ocean, its a bit more difficult to drown at Sea, eh? However if youre a fan of the deep, best know how to swim to stay afloat or wear a life preserver🐳
And I applaud you Swirl. This thread however, is for Lifestyle practioners. If you don't swim in the ocean, its a bit more difficult to drown at Sea, eh? However if youre a fan of the deep, best know how to swim to stay afloat or wear a life preserver🐳
Just didn't want to be lumped in with the over 90% who ain't getting much sex... More than one way to skin a cat you know... Better yet a pussy 😜.


over 90 percent of this site’s audience is not getting a lot of sex. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜
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One of the best benefits of being in a committed monogamous relationship. Is STDs are not a concern for us... We have the utmost trust in each other. That being said... It's super rare for me and my woman not to fuck at least once a day. Her cycle or some other unusual occurrence is our only "down time"
Not to divert attention from OP. A good portion of this site is focused on swinging/cuckolding/whatever. It's nice that there is some representation for trad relationships too.
It's nice that there is some representation for trad relationships too.
It works for me because I've done just about everything sexually I've ever wanted to do... Don't want to toot my own horn. But she says I'm all she ever wanted in a man sexually...So there's that...We still have incredible sexual energy for each other.
7 years and counting...
No regrets.
It works for me because I've done just about everything sexually I've ever wanted to do... Don't want to toot my own horn. But she says I'm all she ever wanted in a man sexually...So there's that...We still have incredible sexual energy for each other.
7 years and counting...
No regrets.
Sounds like you've got the ideal relationship that works for both of you, that's what it's all about
Sounds like you've got the ideal relationship that works for both of you, that's what it's all about
The *ideal* is what each individual couple consents to happily, willingly and Lovingly for monigam-ish relationships. What works for you works. Thats a blessing. Don't try and make that someone else's normal. Do you. Don't f0rce Y O U on other, individual "Me's"πŸ˜‡.

And cause i cant help myself: were you 100% fulfilled you'd have no need to be perusing BtW wouldja? Lack of action does not mean lack of desire no matter how infinitesimal. To INCLUDE voyeurismπŸ€—
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The *ideal* is what each individual couple consents to happily, willingly and Lovingly for monigam-ish relationships. What works for you works. Thats a blessing. Don't try and make tht someone else's normal. Do you. Don't ******* Y O U on other, individual "Me's"πŸ˜‡.

And cause i cant help myself: were you 100% fulfilled you'd have no need to be perusing BtW wouldja? Lack of actipn does not me lack of desire no matter how infinitesimal. To INCLUDE voyeurismπŸ€—
To clarify....When I said ideal, I was speaking to what they are seemingly looking for/want in a relationship.
And cause i cant help myself
were you 100% fulfilled you'd have no need to be perusing BtW wouldja?
Speaking for myself only... Not a need. Just something else to do. As a very sexual person. I will always be interested in sexual subject matter...On some level.
I will never stop appreciating women visually. No matter how fulfilling my relationship is. The two are not mutually exclusive.
To myself it goes something like this...
"Wow she's got a beautiful ass..."
"Good Lord look at them titties..."
"Fuuuuck Dat Pussy Tho..."
Next post...
And that's as far as it goes 😏.
And cause i cant help myself

Speaking for myself only... Not a need. Just something else to do. As a very sexual person. I will always be interested in sexual subject matter...On some level.
I will never stop appreciating women visually. No matter how fulfilling my relationship is. The two are not mutually exclusive.
To myself it goes something like this...
"Wow she's got a beautiful ass..."
"Good Lord look at them titties..."
"Fuuuuck Dat Pussy Tho..."
Next post...
And that's as far as it goes 😏.
My primary degree prior to going on to a more kinetic career is Counseling. My scholastic education begs to differ...This was before most college degrees devolved to the Societal Impact of Underwater Basket Weaving in Underdeveloped Sub-Saharan Kelp Mines with Emphasis on Gender Fluid Communities.


Its an Art. Not a ScienceπŸ˜‡

If you say so thats good enough for meπŸ‘πŸΎ
My primary degree prior to going on to a more kinetic career is Counseling. My scholastic education begs to differ...This was before most college degrees devolved to the Societal Impact of Underwater Basket Weaving in Underdeveloped Sub-Saharan Kelp Mines with Emphasis on Gender Fluid Communities.


Its an Art. Not a ScienceπŸ˜‡

If you say so thats good enough for meπŸ‘πŸΎ
I guess you're not a big believer in "look but don't touch πŸ˜‰."
Then go home and touch away...😜.
Preferably not solo...πŸ˜²πŸ€­πŸ˜‚.