55yr old lady,what are your thoughts.

You’re not 55. You’re not Black. You’re not a retired Lt Colonel. You’re not 6’6” and the only 11” dick you have is the black dildo you shove up your own racist ass.

Quit impersonating a Black officer. Go slither back under your rock, white poser.
Sorry jabba
I was busy with young 25 yr white chicks
Tasted her engaged pussy & it was like rose
I love young white chicks
Sorry jabba
I was busy with young 25 yr white chicks
Tasted her engaged pussy & it was like rose
I love young white chicks
Nice try, Poser! Which one of us is verified? Anyone can see my body with a 2-second search on this site.

Where is your verification video?? I’ve offered to blow you in a threesome if you’ll verify and yet you haven’t. Why? Bc you can’t, white boy.

The only pussy you lick is your toothless trailer park sister’s.
Last time I checked my stiff cock is black and the pussy I licked on Sunday was a young 25 yr old white engaged pussy
Please get some mental health assistance.
I am not interested in your blow job or 3 some offer…I am strictly into sexy white chicks under 30!
Last time I checked my stiff cock is black and the pussy I licked on Sunday was a young 25 yr old white engaged pussy
Please get some mental health assistance.
I am not interested in your blow job or 3 some offer…I am strictly into sexy white chicks under 30!
You lie like a rug, white poser. Again, anyone can check your past posts here and see you rave all the time about wanting mature milf pussy.

This thread we’re on is about a 55yo woman and you’re drooling you want her so bad. If you could, you would verify in a heartbeat just to prove me wrong & get some of this white milf pussy. You can’t verify bc everything you claim is a lie.

You’re beyond busted, loser. Everyone knows you are not a Black man, you’re not a decorated veteran, you’re probably not even 6’ tall much less the 6’6” you claim and you most certainly do not have an 11” dick.

You’re here to thwart IR connections bc you have some weird love-hate obsession with IR sex and Black men. The way you spoke to real Black veterans in “White girls for older bbcs ? Oh yea” revealed everything.


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I will be busy next 2 days attending a fund raiser for Trump here in northern VA. We have raised almost 1M.
Lots of HNW people here with beautiful white daughters. Wish me luck

Trump 2024!

curious how much time and efforts you spend on shitposting and harassing me
Get some help. I am beginning to feel empathy for you.

I am not interested in you sorry. Not my type
I will be busy next 2 days attending a fund raiser for Trump here in northern VA. We have raised almost 1M.
Lots of HNW people here with beautiful white daughters. Wish me luck

Trump 2024!

curious how much time and efforts you spend on shitposting and harassing me
Get some help. I am beginning to feel empathy for you.

I am not interested in you sorry. Not my type
Just verify that you’re a 55yo Black man and I’ll let you go back to your MAGA circle jerk. It literally takes less than 10 minutes and would help you get actual real life pussy if you verified.

If you have half a brain you would just get a Black man to verify for you. Can’t believe you don’t have one single Black friend who would take off his shirt and hold up a sign for you. You reach new depths of racist and pathetic by the minute.

Of course I’m not your type bc I have a real milf pussy. You’ve never seen one and wouldn’t have a clue what to do. 🤥
Just verify that you’re a 55yo Black man and I’ll let you go back to your MAGA circle jerk. It literally takes less than 10 minutes and would help you get actual real life pussy if you verified.

If you have half a brain you would just get a Black man to verify for you. Can’t believe you don’t have one single Black friend who would take off his shirt and hold up a sign for you. You reach new depths of racist and pathetic by the minute.

Of course I’m not your type bc I have a real milf pussy. You’ve never seen one and wouldn’t have a clue what to
You can’t handle 11 inches.
I know that
Oh wait I am beginning to think you are a guy - are you Russian??
Attempting offense on me won’t work.

Just verify, Mr 6’6” decorated Black Lt. Colonel who teaches white girls how to finger themselves. 😂🤣😂

10 mins is all it would take if you weren’t a lying sack of sh!t here to deceive people and waste their time with phony Splash Mocha play dates and “come see me in DC” nonsense.
Attempting offense on me won’t work.

Just verify, Mr 6’6” decorated Black Lt. Colonel who teaches white girls how to finger themselves. 😂🤣😂

10 mins is all it would take if you weren’t a lying sack of sh!t here to deceive people and waste their time with phony Splash Mocha play dates and “come see me in DC” nonsense.
I promise u I will
My wife is a public figure, I have had very high security clearances with alphabet orgs so I need to think through a strategy.
If they dox me it will make national news
I am like the red cloak in eyes wife shut movie
You can call me deep throat version 2
I beginning to think you are Russian FSB trying a honeypot on me due to my background
Kinda unorthodox
I think Bayern boy & Mo clean up guy are also Russian spies
I promise u I will
My wife is a public figure, I have had very high security clearances with alphabet orgs so I need to think through a strategy.
If they dox me it will make national news
I am like the red cloak in eyes wife shut movie
Again, total BS. You’ve already given out enough personal info to find you if you were real.

You said your brother was an admiral. How many Black admirals do you think there are, white boy? Utterly ridiculously to suddenly claim you’re worried about clearances.

No one is asking you to show your face. A verification video would just show Black skin…which you don’t have.