To all the black people in US

Men such as Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, or Mahatma Gandhi come once in a generation and pay tremendous emotional and physical costs for their peaceful outlook. Most people could not do the same thing while maintaining their peaceful outlook as well as their principles.
I’m glad you mentioned Nelson Mandela.
Do you condone corruption and cops abuse of power? You should focus more on the real issue that actually created this instead of the reaction cause it’s bound to happen and it’s justifiable i mean wtf do you expect

George Floyd
Alton Sterling
Walter Scott
Michael Brown
Philando Castile
Lavall Hall
Justus Howell
Tony Terrell Robinson
Anthony Hill
Tamir Rice
Eric Garner
Oscar Grant
Trayvon Martin
Ahmaud Arbery
Bernard Moore
Samuel Dubose
And the list goes on...

And when a cop did go to jail for police *******, who was it? A BLACK cop who shot a WHITE woman in . . . MINNEAPOLIS, MN!!! How many of you here knew this? Did the police union stick up for him?? Or was he the one who was "sacrificed" in the name of "no tolerance" of police *******??? Folks, you can't make this stuff up. You can't make it up . . . truth is stranger than fiction . . . this is America . . . this America . . . and today at this particular moment, we are divided and WEAK in the eyes of the world . . . .
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We are talking about historically. However they probably would have tried to expand and conquer after World War 2 if America didn't station troops there and banned and limited military weaponry they could have. Even today they are skirting our laws claiming they are building Coast Guard ships to protect themselves mainly from China. The ships are larger in size than are laws allow but because they designate them as Cutters they are flaunting the law when the ships are actually destroyers or even cruiser sizes.

Germany would have tried again also probably if they weren't split in half and U.S. and Russian troops weren't stationed in the split halves.
America pressures Japan to rearm and militarize, I suggest you look at the treaties regarding Japan , China and Germany after the war in 1918.
As a white privilege man that moved from Quebec to the USA I never realized how much racism there was in this country. I grew up looking up to America and wishing I could go there and live the American dream, and I did and have for over 20 years now but with what I am seeing these days all I can think about is moving back home to Quebec.

Like everyone else I watch the news and saw the murders of black men over and over again but even so, I never realized that there was such a thing a white privilege nor that there was so much hate here. In Canada racism is not much of an issue, at least noting like we see here so for me this was all new. Now in the last few years I have become close friends with one particular black man and it’s shown me so much of what is wrong with this once great country.

The way he has to live his life compared to me just because he is black is just BS. He gets pulled over for no reason all the time, we now call it DWB (driving while black). He works for me and we had a white rightwing customer come in, super good guy and we had a cool conversation but he could not believe what my friend what going through. He told us a story about getting pulled over after running a stop sign, he told the cop he was armed, they had a good talk and the cop sent him on his way with a warning, had that been my friend, he would have been fucked or at least scared for his life.

I've learned a lot about this country these last few years and i do not like what i see anymore. My wife is at the point were she wants us to move to Canada or we sell my business sooner and by our sailing catamaran and get the fuck out of dodge.

I saw this great post today on FB, it says a lot about what’s going on today, why people are mad, it’s long but a good read and worth sharing...

I didn’t write this, my friend

Christy Cabrera Chirinos

did, but I wish I had.

“If you woke up today and wondered why our country was burning, stop for a second and think about what we’ve seen the last few years.

When Colin Kaepernick and many other NFL players took a knee during the national anthem to protest police *******, they were called “sons of bitches” by the president and worse by others. The message certain people in our society sent? “Sure, you can protest peacefully. Just, not like that.”

When NBA players spoke about social injustices, and wore hoodies to protest the death of Trayvon Martin and shirts with the words “I can’t breathe” to protest the death of Eric Garner, they were told to “Shut up and dribble.” The message certain people in our society sent? “Sure, you can protest peacefully. Just, not like that.”

When many of my former colleagues in sports journalism covered those events, or dared opine on them in their roles as columnists, they were told to “stick to sports.” The message? “I don’t want to listen to what those people are saying. They’re supposed to entertain me. They can protest peacefully, just, not like that.”

When actors, musicians, artists and their allies in entertainment have spoken up about social injustices during awards speeches or at high-profile events, they were told “This is not the time or place. It’s not your job to lecture me. Just take your award and get off the stage.” The message, again, certain people in our society sent? “Sure, you can protest. Just, not like that.”

Just yesterday, when the people of my city peacefully marched on one of our busiest highways, I saw, over and over and over, comments insulting them and telling them to get the hell off the roads because they were inconveniencing others. When my football program’s coach praised their peaceful efforts, he, too, got plenty of nasty messages sent his way on social media. The message? “Sure, you can protest. Just, not like that.”

Protests are supposed to make you uncomfortable. They are supposed to make you think. They aren’t supposed to be easy to ignore. Period.

If you have chosen over and over to not listen to decades of pain and anguish, you don’t get to be mad that decades of pain and anguish have turned into anger. And if you haven’t stopped and really watched what is happening, and you haven’t seen how across America, many protestors and their allies have tried to stop violent rioters from destroying property and escalating an already-tense situation, maybe save your righteous anger and talking points and pay attention.

It’s time for those of us with privilege to listen. The floor is not ours. And it is time for us to act and help our fellow citizens create a world where they can jog in peace, be at home in peace and where they can have interactions with police officers that don’t leave them fearing for their lives.

For years, they’ve asked us to listen. We haven’t. And so, here we are. Our country is burning. Are we going to finally listen, act and demand change?”
And you never saw the racism in Quebec a province that almost outlawed using english and ****** a mas exodus of people from the province. My Italian friend with the big cock tells me the white french quebecois hate the Haitians and vice versa but he says they are very similar. I have known men from both groups with big cocks lol. As far as protesting I am old enough to remember the freedom marches and black day in July when motor city burnt or kent state when rich white ******* were murdered. I have seen a few good protests and a riot or two in Montreal as well. Looting does little good. When I stayed in Atlanta we stayed near Marietta and the next neighborhood was wealthy but there was no bus or sidewalks or rail service. Our black friend and a few white friends said it was like this to keep blacks from downtown out of the hood. I was also told it was not safe for a white person to walk in certain neighborhoods after dark but who knows. I have been told the same thing about certain native reserves or neighborhoods in Winnipeg
About 3 million Asians. About 5 million whites, not counting South Africa. What's your point?
i remember when Uganda expelled all the asians and many came to Canada. People go to America because they think it is a better place to live and not many people chose to leave America. Complain about problems in america but why try to compare it to other countries. Isms exist everywhere it is not just a white issues but a people problem. Who talks about all the poor in America and how they are mistreated regardless of gender, language , sexual orientation or other factors
So first off I have to say there’s really nothing i (or people from other parts of the world) can say or do that would help but I feel like we need to clearify one thing after talking to a guy on the site who’s disappointed that nobody has said anything in solidarity and thinks that people on here don’t care (which is not true) so we should adress the subject cause maybe there are more people who thinks this way.. Although I have to say i don’t really think this is the right site for this.

Anyway with everything that’s going on in US which is very well enlightened in Sweden and probably all over the world.. people do care. it’s more a matter of what to do cause we live in two different worlds. It honestly makes me even uncomfortable talking about it cause we have a very different mentality and mindset about race/ethnicity and everything else so i don’t relate to american ”white” people at all cause we’re not the same🤚

That structural racism does NOT exist here and something like this would never happen or even be accepted but i’m very aware of that it’s not the case in America so i’m not being ignorant either. When you don’t live in a world where you treat people differently based on skincolor(?) because it’s so dumb and inhuman you can’t even accept the fact that some disgusting brainless people do.. or think they’re somehow superior to other humans. it’s hard to fully understand how it’s even possible that it exists people like this but i’m not trying to deny or diminish it and I know it’s an everyday struggle for a lot of people.. sadly.

With that said it’s not that people don’t care or ignore what’s happening it’s just hard to know what to do when you’re not there and can’t really take actions against it. In all this i’m still ”glad” that black people in us stands up against it!
Thank you for your essay, very appreciated and i would just like to add, as a African American who grew up all over the world as a military brat and have see the best and worse in humanity. African Americans do understand that the structural racism is peculiar to the USA, but i also must say this and this is not a dig on other countries particular European ones but there is color racism all over the world and honestly it must end, or the world will burn. To all people please just understand this one moral rule, "TREAT OTHERS AS YOU WOULD WANT TO BE TREATED". To everyone who does not understand why these protest are taking place, there is a link on a site called the root that may explain it and why things are playing out the way it is and it may inform you so please take a look.

African Americans are just tired of all the talk about racism, the deflection on racism like "black on black crime" as if crime is only particular to one certain color, and is if all black people have the power to stop all black people from committing crimes life does not work like that it just does not. It is unfair that every time a black man or woman or even baby is stopped by the police we have to contemplate things like, is this person having a bad day, how should i move my hands, should i exercise by constitutional rights, or is this a good officer or bad one, these are things we must think about in seconds, and it is stressful, it bares down on you day after day it wears down your soul. To all the White Americans yes we do understand that these things do happen to white people as well, and i understand why some may ask why dont we march then, we have and do. But after years of reporting the abusive actions by law enforcement, we were told its all in our heads, or its just the bad apples, well ass they say a one bad apple can ruin the whole barrel, well after years unarmed people killed by the police isn't it safe the say the barrel is ruin? We dont (African Americans), have the political power or the economic power to to change the system all by ourselves and even if some wont admit it (African Americans), we need your help as well, but sooner or latter it will effect you as well. Example of this can be seen in a YouTube video out of the South West USA where a unarmed white man was shot and killed while on his knees begging for his life, there was one short protest and then nothing and with that nothing happened to the police officer, where was the anger in the white America? This is why some African Americans rather falsely or not that you guys just dont care? In short here in the USA it will be average people from the bottom up that will change the systems of world governments it wont come from the top with out the groundswell on the bottom. In particular with the USA the law enforcement system wont change until white Americans start to understand that Floyd incidents, Trevoyne Martin incidents, Tamir Rice incidents, Brinna Taylor incidents, Sandra Bland incidents, Bothem John incidents can and will start to happen to your sons and daughters as well, so please lets all work together to demand change in the justice system all colors, religions an sexuality have to work together to demand changes, that is the only way. Thank you all for read this.
Thank you for your essay, very appreciated and i would just like to add, as a African American who grew up all over the world as a military brat and have see the best and worse in humanity. African Americans do understand that the structural racism is peculiar to the USA, but i also must say this and this is not a dig on other countries particular European ones but there is color racism all over the world and honestly it must end, or the world will burn. To all people please just understand this one moral rule, "TREAT OTHERS AS YOU WOULD WANT TO BE TREATED". To everyone who does not understand why these protest are taking place, there is a link on a site called the root that may explain it and why things are playing out the way it is and it may inform you so please take a look.

African Americans are just tired of all the talk about racism, the deflection on racism like "black on black crime" as if crime is only particular to one certain color, and is if all black people have the power to stop all black people from committing crimes life does not work like that it just does not. It is unfair that every time a black man or woman or even baby is stopped by the police we have to contemplate things like, is this person having a bad day, how should i move my hands, should i exercise by constitutional rights, or is this a good officer or bad one, these are things we must think about in seconds, and it is stressful, it bares down on you day after day it wears down your soul. To all the White Americans yes we do understand that these things do happen to white people as well, and i understand why some may ask why dont we march then, we have and do. But after years of reporting the abusive actions by law enforcement, we were told its all in our heads, or its just the bad apples, well ass they say a one bad apple can ruin the whole barrel, well after years unarmed people killed by the police isn't it safe the say the barrel is ruin? We dont (African Americans), have the political power or the economic power to to change the system all by ourselves and even if some wont admit it (African Americans), we need your help as well, but sooner or latter it will effect you as well. Example of this can be seen in a YouTube video out of the South West USA where a unarmed white man was shot and killed while on his knees begging for his life, there was one short protest and then nothing and with that nothing happened to the police officer, where was the anger in the white America? This is why some African Americans rather falsely or not that you guys just dont care? In short here in the USA it will be average people from the bottom up that will change the systems of world governments it wont come from the top with out the groundswell on the bottom. In particular with the USA the law enforcement system wont change until white Americans start to understand that Floyd incidents, Trevoyne Martin incidents, Tamir Rice incidents, Brinna Taylor incidents, Sandra Bland incidents, Bothem John incidents can and will start to happen to your sons and daughters as well, so please lets all work together to demand change in the justice system all colors, religions an sexuality have to work together to demand changes, that is the only way. Thank you all for read this.

I agree with you on many things but i don’t really understand why you’re thanking me like i’ve done something? Would you thank a black person for speaking about it? No? then don’t thank me cause it’s just weird honestly. My friends and family members that are POC would never thank anybody nor should they.. Appreciate is another thing. It’s not an us-vs-them it’s just normal people against ”white power”
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So first off I have to say there’s really nothing i (or people from other parts of the world) can say or do that would help but I feel like we need to clearify one thing after talking to a guy on the site who’s disappointed that nobody has said anything in solidarity and thinks that people on here don’t care (which is not true) so we should adress the subject cause maybe there are more people who thinks this way.. Although I have to say i don’t really think this is the right site for this.

Anyway with everything that’s going on in US which is very well enlightened in Sweden and probably all over the world.. people do care. it’s more a matter of what to do cause we live in two different worlds. It honestly makes me even uncomfortable talking about it cause we have a very different mentality and mindset about race/ethnicity and everything else so i don’t relate to american ”white” people at all cause we’re not the same🤚

That structural racism does NOT exist here and something like this would never happen or even be accepted but i’m very aware of that it’s not the case in America so i’m not being ignorant either. When you don’t live in a world where you treat people differently based on skincolor(?) because it’s so dumb and inhuman you can’t even accept the fact that some disgusting brainless people do.. or think they’re somehow superior to other humans. it’s hard to fully understand how it’s even possible that it exists people like this but i’m not trying to deny or diminish it and I know it’s an everyday struggle for a lot of people.. sadly.

With that said it’s not that people don’t care or ignore what’s happening it’s just hard to know what to do when you’re not there and can’t really take actions against it. In all this i’m still ”glad” that black people in us stands up against it!
Maybe you should get to know most white Americans before you judge all of us. I got beat up by black people almost daily as a kid in the inner city of Youngstown, Ohio. It didn't make me hate black people, just the ones that were racist beating up small white children. Racism is racism. It used to be alive and well, mainly its media and the leftist movement of the Democrats stoking the flames now. It's sickening how the racist left uses the black community just to win elections. You have enough of your own issues to deal with in Sweden to be judging us.
Maybe you should get to know most white Americans before you judge all of us. I got beat up by black people almost daily as a kid in the inner city of Youngstown, Ohio. It didn't make me hate black people, just the ones that were racist beating up small white children. Racism is racism. It used to be alive and well, mainly its media and the leftist movement of the Democrats stoking the flames now. It's sickening how the racist left uses the black community just to win elections. You have enough of your own issues to deal with in Sweden to be judging us.

Cry me a river 😘 ”judge all of us” lollllll


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Maybe you should get to know most white Americans before you judge all of us. I got beat up by black people almost daily as a kid in the inner city of Youngstown, Ohio. It didn't make me hate black people, just the ones that were racist beating up small white children. Racism is racism. It used to be alive and well, mainly its media and the leftist movement of the Democrats stoking the flames now. It's sickening how the racist left uses the black community just to win elections. You have enough of your own issues to deal with in Sweden to be judging us.
The fact that you turn this in a political blame game but clearly ignore the actions of your president says a lot about YOU.
Maybe you should get to know most white Americans before you judge all of us. I got beat up by black people almost daily as a kid in the inner city of Youngstown, Ohio. It didn't make me hate black people, just the ones that were racist beating up small white children. Racism is racism. It used to be alive and well, mainly its media and the leftist movement of the Democrats stoking the flames now. It's sickening how the racist left uses the black community just to win elections. You have enough of your own issues to deal with in Sweden to be judging us.
",,,uses the black community???
You're incredible. Black people are telling you loud and clear that we are tired of police ******* and you trying to tell us we're being used by the media and Democrats?

I'm willing to bet you're one of the MAGAs who were calling Colin Kaepernick un American and killed his career for PEACEFULLY protesting police *******. Now that we are fed up with the bullshit, you want to act like we haven't been trying to bring this issue to the forefront.
And there were over 250 different protests in all 50 states. There were more all over the planet from Canada to China. This is not some political ploy.

I see why you got your ass kicked while growing up.
Everyone needs to know the phenomena that operate the world,because otherwise we will draw erroneous conclusions,which may be the basis for generalization of hysteria and the violence that feeds on it!

Instincts make up the bulk of human behavior,then comes emotion and finally awareness.
The human instinct world has a dark side that can be held accountable for all evil!!
There are two of the strongest instincts:1.Reproduction, mating. 2.survival.
Everything can be distorted and instinct is no exception!The distorted version of the instinct to live is racism!
When a group awakens to self-awareness, it instinctively wants to push its life cycle,and therefore capable of anything (at least some for sure)!!
This includes the pseudo-scientific classification of species,on the basis of which the level of moral and intellectual development is linked to anthropological features.Hate against one or more species stems from this fundamentally misconception,of which segregation,slavery,generalization and violence are manifestations!
Two things are definitely important to clarify about racism:1.found in different proportions for each species,and not just the "privilege" of the Caucasian race (in which genetic diversification is fundamentally significant),2.In different proportions, almost every country on earth is multiracial,and racism is present in both majority and minority races!The proportions are, of course different,but this phenomenon is the same age as humanity!!

American blacks are understandably quite emotionally affected ( a study of African black and white slavery is also worth it,for few know of these two variants of slavery ) , for in Western civilization slavery was last abolished in the United States,and they still had to wait for civil rights,the acquisition of which continues to this day!

There’s one thing a lot of people don’t pay attention to because it didn’t come to their minds!This thing is post-traumatic stress syndrome.
When a police officer uses excessive violence against an innocent or even criminal person,then a significant proportion of people associate racism on the basis of a kind of Pavlovian conditional reflex,if the race ticket of the police officer and the person subject to the police procedure is different.
There are times when the assumption fully corresponds to reality,but there are times when the unfortunate event occurred for other reasons!
They like to hire former soldiers to police corps in countries around the world,but in many cases the mental health of a person applying for police service is highly questionable!!This is a taboo topic, especially in the United States,because it is a proud militant country!There, every armed corps is considered a "holy cow",and it is a huge loss of prestige if one does not meet psychologically!They are ashamed to cover up the possibility of PTSS in the herd,and in any case, regular and very thorough psychological examinations must be carried out in the police deparment's,because only once does a police officer have to react badly and then the tragedy will happen!

A tragedy can even significantly poison the relationship between people of different races!!
It's terrible to see....and they are only accomplishing one thing: Make racial tension worse! People don't see the peaceful protestors any more...My heart for those that protect the police in these powerful images I saw, to me these are REAL men, and are REAL Americans...They are rightly upset for a man murdered by police but that's no reason to loot, riot and worse.
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It was a nice gesture on the part of the boys!!Respect!!
So fucking glad am not an American and my ******* won’t be brought up there. Britain has got nowhere near the racial prejudice that America has. I can honestly say I don’t know and have never heard anyone suggest that one race is superior or better than another. It’s a 200yr old mindset that ultimately brings us all down. Meritocracy is the only deciding factor in the UK. Unfortunately there are a select few high up that like to highlight any kind of perceived difference in races in the name of fighting racism ironically. America should hang its head in shame.
Regardless of what people say....being black and American is a whole nother species of black folks.....America 🇺🇸 is my culture and its all I know....I blame my country for alot of our down falls but I also blame my own people too because we have alot to work on ourselves.
So fucking glad am not an American and my ******* won’t be brought up there. Britain has got nowhere near the racial prejudice that America has. I can honestly say I don’t know and have never heard anyone suggest that one race is superior or better than another. It’s a 200yr old mindset that ultimately brings us all down. Meritocracy is the only deciding factor in the UK. Unfortunately there are a select few high up that like to highlight any kind of perceived difference in races in the name of fighting racism ironically. America should hang its head in shame.

Yeah, we really fucking suck as a country in that regard. Saving up money to leave. Racism exist everywhere, but it's embarrassingly bad here.
Wattup @Kaaa baby!

Is crazy, I JUST HAD this conversation the other day in my exclusive Black Bull Kik group. You're right, the Structural Racism is very particular to American culture, not so much in European countries.

See, I lived in Europe for 5 years. I know the difference between Here and Over There...
I was explaining to the Fellas including @KingHandsome99 and @superdick33 that this American style of racial BS does NOT exist in Europe....
At least not on THIS level.

After awhile Black men are going to LEAVE America and go where the Love is 😍

So if you see a bunch of us Big Black Brothas start showing up in Sweden 🇸🇪, Germany 🇩🇪, Spain 🇪🇸, and Italy 🇮🇹.... You'll know why 😅😉😘

Couldn't disagree more, I've served in the military all around the world. If you think racist don't exist out side the US then you probably have never spent much time abroad. Korean's are some of the most racist people in the world, and Germany is a close second. Travel around the world and she if you think you're better off there than here. God bless this nation where anyone can rise to the highest level of success.