The New Border CRISIS


Sexy Wife on M

I just one month, Biden has turned our controlled southern border into total chaos. Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal are again flooding into our country as they did under Obama-Biden. Thousands who have tested Positive for Covid-19 are being released into the heartland, while American CITIZENS are still being quarantined. And remember those "*******-Cages"? The ones that Obama-Biden built in 2015 and filled with Children. THEY'RE BACK...!!! Remember the Caravans under Obama-Biden? THEY'RE BACK...!!! They had been stopped by Trump. Oh and the Illegal Alien Children are being SCHOOLED, while our American ******* schools are still CLOSED...!!!

Something you RightTARDS have no clue to do ... show your FACTS & SOURCES.
The WHOLE STORY ... ‘******* in cages’: It’s true that Obama built the cages at the border. But Trump’s ‘zero tolerance’ immigration policy had no precedent. - The Washington Post
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I just one month, Biden has turned our controlled southern border into total chaos. Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal are again flooding into our country as they did under Obama-Biden. Thousands who have tested Positive for Covid-19 are being released into the heartland, while American CITIZENS are still being quarantined. And remember those "*******-Cages"? The ones that Obama-Biden built in 2015 and filled with Children. THEY'RE BACK...!!! Remember the Caravans under Obama-Biden? THEY'RE BACK...!!! They had been stopped by Trump. Oh and the Illegal Alien Children are being SCHOOLED, while our American ******* schools are still CLOSED...!!!
You live in HAWAII according to your post. Tell me how many illegals are swimming by your island. I live in AZ three miles from the boarder you're passing gas about. I feel cheated in the last three months I've only seen four myself. Our boarder patrol who stop by daily tell me they've never seen the crossings so low. When the covid started last year the numbers started to drop. No jobs no reason to cross the border they say that is the reason. My pet peeve is people like you posting about a boarder you're a thousand miles away from telling those of us who live beside it every day how terrible it is and the thousands of crosser s we never see, even no footprints in the sand. People from Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and now HAWAII speaking of the thousands of illegals crossing our property.
You post political crap, Educate yourself . I didn't vote for Obama but i do read reports issued by my government. They make it very clear that The Obama administration deported more illegals and undesirables every year than the Bush Administration . They used every cent of the appropriated funds approved by congress for that action. Bush never used all the funds and removed fewer people. Several private federal expense monitoring groups reported that more were removed under Obama than any other administration in over fifty years.
The Western Journal has been busted more than once for posting false or misleading stories as you use them as a source i see where you get some of the fiction, and lies you pass along as truth.
Your sadly informed about Trump as well. The federal "*******-Cages" you speak of existed. Trump closed the government ones and issued permits to private people to run the places that made the news many times in his four years. No medical, children dead from starvation. One closed near us got national coverage then closed. I wouldn't have left my dog in that place and they got a big fat check every month from Trumps administration. Those facilities run by our government started during the Bush years, they continued until Trump. They had medical people and in ten years of operation there were no reports like those about the private operations started when the federal centers closed. The federal locations kept children with mothers if there was a mom. The separations were entirely done where there were mothers after the Trump licensed private facilities opened. My understanding from our local sources is the federal government is going to operate the facilities much like before, with trained staff and medical people on sight. The contracts have been canceled most of them held by those who gave big checks to Trumps campaign.
The caravans you claim Trump stopped, Bullshit at least three made it to Nogales Mexico our local boarder crossing. They lined the sidewalks on the Mexican side waiting for our boarder officials to review their applications for entry. Oh my they didn't crawl across the boarder by the thousands like Trump said they would. You could see them there every day. Some were admitted because to go back was found to be certain death. Most were turned away because they were truthful about wanting a better life and were found to be under no real threat in their country of birth. The boarder guys here say a very small number after being turned away tried to cross illegally. Most they say were caught based on the total numbers reported by Mexican police and our undercover people who followed them the last hundred miles to our borders.
One boasted over a glass of tea on our porch less than a hundred unaccounted for out of several thousand was a great job by the US and Mexican governments. I would agree.
TRUMPTARDS ... "The Un-Knowing Lead By the Un-Caring!"

There's a special rock in Hell for Trump when he gets there. It'll be right next to the furnace, I hear.
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Something you RightTARDS have no clue to do ... show your FACTS & SOURCES.
The WHOLE STORY ... ‘******* in cages’: It’s true that Obama built the cages at the border. But Trump’s ‘zero tolerance’ immigration policy had no precedent. - The Washington Post

From NPR
"The White House is continuing to defend itself against criticism from the left and right for reopening a Trump-era shelter used to house unaccompanied teenagers crossing the border from Mexico.

President Biden said on Friday that thousands of unaccompanied children were coming across the border as part of migration surge, prompting the move to reopen the facility in Carrizo Springs, Texas."

And later in the article:
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., denounced the opening of the Carrizo Springs facility, charging that the Biden team should find other ways to care for the young migrants seeking asylum.

"This is not okay, never has been okay, never will be okay — no matter the administration or party," Ocasio-Cortez said in a heavily circulated tweet about the opening of the Texas facility.*******-in-cages

And then:

Why would they all of sudden amass and invade us in these numbers just after Creepy Joe took office?

And then there is this.
Its amazing how the left when faced with an actual crisis at the border continues to deny it happening. Fucking amazing. They interviewed a border patrol agent who said in Texas at the Rio Grande they are catching on average abou 1800 illegals a DAY trying to cross the border, the Mexican president admitted that Mexicans feel that President Biden has an open border policy and they are free to come across. Yet you still deny its happening. Unbelievable.
It's funny how people like artgirl think that their personal experiences and observations equate to the rest of the country.
Newsflash: You are not alone in the universe. It's not always about you.
Well, there are 2 ways to factually attest to an event ... either by personal experiences or by documented experiences of others.
So, I'd say artgirl might would be warranted to attest by personal experiences, don't you think?
Well, there are 2 ways to factually attest to an event ... either by personal experiences or by documented experiences of others.
So, I'd say artgirl might would be warranted to attest by personal experiences, don't you think?
Not really, not when commenting on whether or not the border is overwhelmed at the moment. Just because it's not happening in her backyard is irrelevant to the discussion.

The total reports from the thousands of border patrol stations is that they are completely overwhelmed, it's rather silly for someone to say, "Well I live near the border on my 2 acre ranch and I don't see any illegals at all."

It reminds me of people who argue the law and say, "Well, my brother is a lawyer and I think that he should be charged with manslaughter, not *******...."

It's simple-minded.
Not really, not when commenting on whether or not the border is overwhelmed at the moment. Just because it's not happening in her backyard is irrelevant to the discussion.

The total reports from the thousands of border patrol stations is that they are completely overwhelmed, it's rather silly for someone to say, "Well I live near the border on my 2 acre ranch and I don't see any illegals at all."

It reminds me of people who argue the law and say, "Well, my brother is a lawyer and I think that he should be charged with manslaughter, not *******...."

It's simple-minded.
Couple thoughts to this .. #1 the border was overwhelmed a couple years ago, just like this. I imagine Biden desires a different approach & results than Trump had. Democrats seem to be a bit more humanitarian than Republicans. How long into Trump's presidency did it take him to address the illegals crossing the border? Biden's been in office, how many days? How concerned were you when it was Trump's administration being overwhelmed? I don't expect Biden to be able to fix everything in the first year, or even the first term if Republican filibusters have their way. Their goal, afterall, is clear ... make Biden FAIL so they can regain control of Washington, DC.
And #2 As far as "my brother being a lawyer, etc ".... I could list a bunch of so-called lawyers that Trump had, physicians too, as a matter of fact. Afterall, Trump hired his lawyers, and doctors, based on whether they would LIE for him, right? So Trump's whole administration was simple-minded.
MacNfries, I don't understand your reply and why you're telling me about Trump, Biden, Democrats, Trump's lawyers, Trump's doctors, etc.

It's bizarre.

All I wrote is that someone's personal observations from their own backyards or property do not constitute the totality of what is going on in the 1,954 mile U.S. / Mexico border.
MacNfries, I don't understand your reply and why you're telling me about Trump, Biden, Democrats, Trump's lawyers, Trump's doctors, etc.
It's bizarre.
All I wrote is that someone's personal observations from their own backyards or property do not constitute the totality of what is going on in the 1,954 mile U.S. / Mexico border.
Me either ... so THERE! gif_Yellowball-clapping2.gif
Well i dont think the left can ignore the fact that the border is a disaster right now. News story after news story of the thousands pouring in each day. Tell me why the wall was so bad. Finish the wall Biden!!! But he wont. Nor will he change his immigration policy. What does Biden plan to do with all the ******* and families coming across. I dont understand why people are actually against securing the border. If you want to come into this country for god sake do it the LEGAL way.
You live in HAWAII according to your post. Tell me how many illegals are swimming by your island. I live in AZ three miles from the boarder you're passing gas about. I feel cheated in the last three months I've only seen four myself. Our boarder patrol who stop by daily tell me they've never seen the crossings so low. When the covid started last year the numbers started to drop. No jobs no reason to cross the border they say that is the reason. My pet peeve is people like you posting about a boarder you're a thousand miles away from telling those of us who live beside it every day how terrible it is and the thousands of crosser s we never see, even no footprints in the sand. People from Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and now HAWAII speaking of the thousands of illegals crossing our property.
You post political crap, Educate yourself . I didn't vote for Obama but i do read reports issued by my government. They make it very clear that The Obama administration deported more illegals and undesirables every year than the Bush Administration . They used every cent of the appropriated funds approved by congress for that action. Bush never used all the funds and removed fewer people. Several private federal expense monitoring groups reported that more were removed under Obama than any other administration in over fifty years.
The Western Journal has been busted more than once for posting false or misleading stories as you use them as a source i see where you get some of the fiction, and lies you pass along as truth.
Your sadly informed about Trump as well. The federal "*******-Cages" you speak of existed. Trump closed the government ones and issued permits to private people to run the places that made the news many times in his four years. No medical, children dead from starvation. One closed near us got national coverage then closed. I wouldn't have left my dog in that place and they got a big fat check every month from Trumps administration. Those facilities run by our government started during the Bush years, they continued until Trump. They had medical people and in ten years of operation there were no reports like those about the private operations started when the federal centers closed. The federal locations kept children with mothers if there was a mom. The separations were entirely done where there were mothers after the Trump licensed private facilities opened. My understanding from our local sources is the federal government is going to operate the facilities much like before, with trained staff and medical people on sight. The contracts have been canceled most of them held by those who gave big checks to Trumps campaign.
The caravans you claim Trump stopped, Bullshit at least three made it to Nogales Mexico our local boarder crossing. They lined the sidewalks on the Mexican side waiting for our boarder officials to review their applications for entry. Oh my they didn't crawl across the boarder by the thousands like Trump said they would. You could see them there every day. Some were admitted because to go back was found to be certain death. Most were turned away because they were truthful about wanting a better life and were found to be under no real threat in their country of birth. The boarder guys here say a very small number after being turned away tried to cross illegally. Most they say were caught based on the total numbers reported by Mexican police and our undercover people who followed them the last hundred miles to our borders.
One boasted over a glass of tea on our porch less than a hundred unaccounted for out of several thousand was a great job by the US and Mexican governments. I would agree.
Yes I AM Retired living in Hawaii, NOW...!!! But I grew up and lived on our Non-exsintent southern border for most of my life, so DON'T TELL ME about what YOU ARE IGNORANT of. And you'll never get me to defend anyone in the Bush Family. They are as corrupt as the Clinton's, oVOMIT's and Biden. You're right about Bush. He never spent the money that was appropriated to secure the border. He was no better than the rest of them. Trump DID stop the Caravans. THEY STOPPED, DIDN'T THEY...??? And the stopped on TRUMP'S Watch, under Trump's policies. Trump handed Biden a SECURE Border and Biden turned back into the disaster he and oVOMIT left it in....
"JUST THE FACT'S, MA'AM"...!!!!!