The New Border CRISIS

Yes I AM Retired living in Hawaii, NOW...!!! But I grew up and lived on our Non-exsintent southern border for most of my life, so DON'T TELL ME about what YOU ARE IGNORANT of. And you'll never get me to defend anyone in the Bush Family. They are as corrupt as the Clinton's, oVOMIT's and Biden. You're right about Bush. He never spent the money that was appropriated to secure the border. He was no better than the rest of them. Trump DID stop the Caravans. THEY STOPPED, DIDN'T THEY...??? And the stopped on TRUMP'S Watch, under Trump's policies. Trump handed Biden a SECURE Border and Biden turned back into the disaster he and oVOMIT left it in....
"JUST THE FACT'S, MA'AM"...!!!!!

Here is a fact you did not grow up or live on a Non-exsintent boarder, your not that old it's been there sense the 1800's Not fenced or guarded but it's been there. At no time in its history has it been without people crossing it where there are no authorized entry ports.
Facts there are hundreds of photos and video of those Caravans available . Trump stopped none of them . I walked past them at least once a week for months during his four years. They lined the streets for blocks in Nogales Mexico waiting for applications to be reviewed. I didn't see them in Tijuana Mexico in person but they were on the news. There were none last year for a few months but all the boarder has been slow The virus business shut down, no jobs. The boarder patrol reports indicate many unemployed illegals crossed going south, home to see the family. If you lived the boarder surely you know they don't detain those going south. The get stopped to see if they are Americans fleeing from prosecution then sent on their way. The boarder has never been secured and you seem to know nothing about what is really going on now . The new fences built by Trump outside San Diego according to the governments own reports and the media were breached like the new walls here within days of completion. They went over, under and even through that new steel wall your god built. Part of it in Texas is already collapsing, less than two years old and its falling down. Personally i hope you contributed to the Build the wall fund, you know the one Trumps good buddy Bannon has been charged with diverting millions to offshore accounts from. Charged and arrested by Trumps own justice department . No matter as almost none of the millions collected ever got used to build any wall. That's extortion, collecting donations not used for the reason collected. Just like the charity fund Trump ran where he got friends to donate as tax deduction that was no charity at all. A slush fund used by Trump for personal expenses. One of them paying off a porn star to keep quiet. I guess you missed that one. Why he let justice charge Bannon unknown. Could it be he took the money first without asking or offering a split.
If you ever lived on the boarder you were as ill informed as you are today. They have always gone over or under walls with tunnels. It is not a new thing and it didn't stop while Trump was playing golf on the public dime. one here over 300 yds long on the American side. Came up through floor of a existing house. Much of the southern boarder is only barbed wire that cattle often knock down. Boarder locked down by Trump? What ******* are you on to think such foolishness.
Fact look it up: Obama deported almost two and a half million in his two terms. That's one and a quarter million a term. Trump deported less than 800,000 in the same four year period. He openly promised to remove over three and a half million in his first term? But he said he did better than any previous president, and you obviously bought the lie, you defend that in your rant.

You use the word corrupt describing several families. I'm wondering what you think is corrupt. Trump has been caught for improper income taxes millions of dollars owed. He's been appealing that for years . He's made a settlement for millions in a on line college scheme where thousands paid up to twenty thousand dollars for a accredited degree. Only problem not one accredited instructor. He swore a deposition that he personally interviewed every employee and considered them all qualified. Among the faculty and staff it was found he had no one qualified or licensed to teach. He did have seven convicted felons with various convictions one a two time baby molester. He didn't even have a permit or license to operate. The sold some required books as well but had no sales tax permit and never paid any. He set up a illegal charity and took the money for personal use. While president he made hundreds of trips to Trump resorts. The entire barrage of support and security had to go along. Many times because of short notice security stayed in trump resort rooms, ate in Trump resort restaurants. The tax payers all of us no matter party pick up that bill. The official report released before the election more spent so far than in the entire sixteen years previous to his election. A big portion to various Trump properties. There is a law that no politician can profit from their actions in office. The monies that should have flowed into private business went into Trump accounts.
"JUST THE FACT'S, MA'AM"...!!!!! I've given you a few as your retired check them out many came from public reports from Trumps Administration. Did he let them tell lies in print.
Some of his own people are seeking to avoid responsibility for lies and distortion, using no reasonable thinking person would have believed the statements made as a defense . Where does that leave you? so much of what You write and defend in your many posts they now freely admit was bull ******* !!!! That is a fact
Here is a fact you did not grow up or live on a Non-exsintent boarder, your not that old it's been there sense the 1800's Not fenced or guarded but it's been there. At no time in its history has it been without people crossing it where there are no authorized entry ports.
Facts there are hundreds of photos and video of those Caravans available . Trump stopped none of them . I walked past them at least once a week for months during his four years. They lined the streets for blocks in Nogales Mexico waiting for applications to be reviewed. I didn't see them in Tijuana Mexico in person but they were on the news. There were none last year for a few months but all the boarder has been slow The virus business shut down, no jobs. The boarder patrol reports indicate many unemployed illegals crossed going south, home to see the family. If you lived the boarder surely you know they don't detain those going south. The get stopped to see if they are Americans fleeing from prosecution then sent on their way. The boarder has never been secured and you seem to know nothing about what is really going on now . The new fences built by Trump outside San Diego according to the governments own reports and the media were breached like the new walls here within days of completion. They went over, under and even through that new steel wall your god built. Part of it in Texas is already collapsing, less than two years old and its falling down. Personally i hope you contributed to the Build the wall fund, you know the one Trumps good buddy Bannon has been charged with diverting millions to offshore accounts from. Charged and arrested by Trumps own justice department . No matter as almost none of the millions collected ever got used to build any wall. That's extortion, collecting donations not used for the reason collected. Just like the charity fund Trump ran where he got friends to donate as tax deduction that was no charity at all. A slush fund used by Trump for personal expenses. One of them paying off a porn star to keep quiet. I guess you missed that one. Why he let justice charge Bannon unknown. Could it be he took the money first without asking or offering a split.
If you ever lived on the boarder you were as ill informed as you are today. They have always gone over or under walls with tunnels. It is not a new thing and it didn't stop while Trump was playing golf on the public dime. one here over 300 yds long on the American side. Came up through floor of a existing house. Much of the southern boarder is only barbed wire that cattle often knock down. Boarder locked down by Trump? What ******* are you on to think such foolishness.
Fact look it up: Obama deported almost two and a half million in his two terms. That's one and a quarter million a term. Trump deported less than 800,000 in the same four year period. He openly promised to remove over three and a half million in his first term? But he said he did better than any previous president, and you obviously bought the lie, you defend that in your rant.

You use the word corrupt describing several families. I'm wondering what you think is corrupt. Trump has been caught for improper income taxes millions of dollars owed. He's been appealing that for years . He's made a settlement for millions in a on line college scheme where thousands paid up to twenty thousand dollars for a accredited degree. Only problem not one accredited instructor. He swore a deposition that he personally interviewed every employee and considered them all qualified. Among the faculty and staff it was found he had no one qualified or licensed to teach. He did have seven convicted felons with various convictions one a two time baby molester. He didn't even have a permit or license to operate. The sold some required books as well but had no sales tax permit and never paid any. He set up a illegal charity and took the money for personal use. While president he made hundreds of trips to Trump resorts. The entire barrage of support and security had to go along. Many times because of short notice security stayed in trump resort rooms, ate in Trump resort restaurants. The tax payers all of us no matter party pick up that bill. The official report released before the election more spent so far than in the entire sixteen years previous to his election. A big portion to various Trump properties. There is a law that no politician can profit from their actions in office. The monies that should have flowed into private business went into Trump accounts.
"JUST THE FACT'S, MA'AM"...!!!!! I've given you a few as your retired check them out many came from public reports from Trumps Administration. Did he let them tell lies in print.
Some of his own people are seeking to avoid responsibility for lies and distortion, using no reasonable thinking person would have believed the statements made as a defense . Where does that leave you? so much of what You write and defend in your many posts they now freely admit was bull ******* !!!! That is a fact
Here is a fact you did not grow up or live on a Non-exsintent boarder, your not that old it's been there sense the 1800's Not fenced or guarded but it's been there. At no time in its history has it been without people crossing it where there are no authorized entry ports.
Facts there are hundreds of photos and video of those Caravans available . Trump stopped none of them . I walked past them at least once a week for months during his four years. They lined the streets for blocks in Nogales Mexico waiting for applications to be reviewed. I didn't see them in Tijuana Mexico in person but they were on the news. There were none last year for a few months but all the boarder has been slow The virus business shut down, no jobs. The boarder patrol reports indicate many unemployed illegals crossed going south, home to see the family. If you lived the boarder surely you know they don't detain those going south. The get stopped to see if they are Americans fleeing from prosecution then sent on their way. The boarder has never been secured and you seem to know nothing about what is really going on now . The new fences built by Trump outside San Diego according to the governments own reports and the media were breached like the new walls here within days of completion. They went over, under and even through that new steel wall your god built. Part of it in Texas is already collapsing, less than two years old and its falling down. Personally i hope you contributed to the Build the wall fund, you know the one Trumps good buddy Bannon has been charged with diverting millions to offshore accounts from. Charged and arrested by Trumps own justice department . No matter as almost none of the millions collected ever got used to build any wall. That's extortion, collecting donations not used for the reason collected. Just like the charity fund Trump ran where he got friends to donate as tax deduction that was no charity at all. A slush fund used by Trump for personal expenses. One of them paying off a porn star to keep quiet. I guess you missed that one. Why he let justice charge Bannon unknown. Could it be he took the money first without asking or offering a split.
If you ever lived on the boarder you were as ill informed as you are today. They have always gone over or under walls with tunnels. It is not a new thing and it didn't stop while Trump was playing golf on the public dime. one here over 300 yds long on the American side. Came up through floor of a existing house. Much of the southern boarder is only barbed wire that cattle often knock down. Boarder locked down by Trump? What ******* are you on to think such foolishness.
Fact look it up: Obama deported almost two and a half million in his two terms. That's one and a quarter million a term. Trump deported less than 800,000 in the same four year period. He openly promised to remove over three and a half million in his first term? But he said he did better than any previous president, and you obviously bought the lie, you defend that in your rant.

You use the word corrupt describing several families. I'm wondering what you think is corrupt. Trump has been caught for improper income taxes millions of dollars owed. He's been appealing that for years . He's made a settlement for millions in a on line college scheme where thousands paid up to twenty thousand dollars for a accredited degree. Only problem not one accredited instructor. He swore a deposition that he personally interviewed every employee and considered them all qualified. Among the faculty and staff it was found he had no one qualified or licensed to teach. He did have seven convicted felons with various convictions one a two time baby molester. He didn't even have a permit or license to operate. The sold some required books as well but had no sales tax permit and never paid any. He set up a illegal charity and took the money for personal use. While president he made hundreds of trips to Trump resorts. The entire barrage of support and security had to go along. Many times because of short notice security stayed in trump resort rooms, ate in Trump resort restaurants. The tax payers all of us no matter party pick up that bill. The official report released before the election more spent so far than in the entire sixteen years previous to his election. A big portion to various Trump properties. There is a law that no politician can profit from their actions in office. The monies that should have flowed into private business went into Trump accounts.
"JUST THE FACT'S, MA'AM"...!!!!! I've given you a few as your retired check them out many came from public reports from Trumps Administration. Did he let them tell lies in print.
Some of his own people are seeking to avoid responsibility for lies and distortion, using no reasonable thinking person would have believed the statements made as a defense . Where does that leave you? so much of what You write and defend in your many posts they now freely admit was bull ******* !!!! That is a fact
Since you are incapable of anything but HATE & LIES (as ALL LibTards),
do NOT contact me again....
"Just the FACTS, Ma'am"
i'm fascinated by people that split their time between posting obvious catfish pictures and angry political rants in e-mail forward format complete with bold high-point fonts, color changes, and all-caps, on an interracial sex forum

I want to understand the bizarre thought processes of Sexy Wife on M

tell us your life story Sexy Wife on M. but not the fake one where you're in germany or hawaii or whatever, who are you really. reveal your secrets
The total reports from the thousands of border patrol stations is that they are completely overwhelmed, it's rather silly for someone to say, "Well I live near the border on my 2 acre ranch and I don't see any illegals at all."
Where did you get the 'thousands of border patrol stations' from?
The border patrol only has 74 stations in the United States!
So, where are you getting this "total reports from the thousands of border patrol stations"?
And, like Sexy Wife on M, you have been caught lying. How is anyone supposed to believe anything you write beyond that?
You can't.
i'm fascinated by people that split their time between posting obvious catfish pictures and angry political rants in e-mail forward format complete with bold high-point fonts, color changes, and all-caps, on an interracial sex forum

I want to understand the bizarre thought processes of Sexy Wife on M

tell us your life story Sexy Wife on M. but not the fake one where you're in germany or hawaii or whatever, who are you really. reveal your secrets
She deleted her account and signed in as a guest now.
Couldn't handle the truth.
Cancelled herself. Cancel culture.
The border patrol only has 74 stations in the United States!
So, where are you getting this "total reports from the thousands of border patrol stations"?
I'll tell you where ... where he and his ReTard ReThuglican friends get everything else they post on here ....

I believe the Republicans are mutating into some new species or something. All their "FACTS" seem to be coming from the same place ...

You just described the ALT-LEFT...!!!
I guess you don't recall it was the Trump administration that coined that phrase ... ALT-FACTS ... the first MONTH of their administration. There's no such term used as "Alt-Left" unless, maybe its referring to the RIGHT.

Using a mirror again, huh? There's a lot more "caring" going on in the Biden administration than was shown by the Trump administration during his entire term as president.
• Health Care​
• Covid-19​
• Tax Cuts for the middle class​
Do you wish to make the above list longer? Wanna comment on Trump's passion in helping the lower 50% of the country?
Where did you get the 'thousands of border patrol stations' from?
The border patrol only has 74 stations in the United States!
So, where are you getting this "total reports from the thousands of border patrol stations"?
And, like Sexy Wife on M, you have been caught lying. How is anyone supposed to believe anything you write beyond that?
You can't.
Why don't you STOP and instead of trying to be right, why don't you acknowledge that the point of my post is right.

If you live on the border, what goes on in your backyard does not constitute the totality of what is going on in the entire border of the U.S..

That's the problem with trying to discuss things with people politically, they just try to hang you on unimportant points they'll defend their side even when it's obvious they are blatantly wrong.

The current mess at our border is a good example of that. It's in complete chaos and people are suffering, including children. It's a major problem and security risk for the country. But just because a politician they support is doing it, they full support it and deny that a problem exists. They have no brain on their own and they absolutely can not disagree or criticize anything that their CNN approved politician does.

The lengths they go to defend their belief systems is hilarious.
Why don't you STOP and instead of trying to be right, why don't you acknowledge that the point of my post is right.

why would I believe your post when you've been shown to be astronomically wrong about even the most basic details, like how many border patrol stations are on the southern border?

you come off like a liar who will make up whatever "facts" you want to suit your argument. Then when someone points this out, you demand we believe you regardless of facts.

I'd rather hear from someone who knows what they're talking about with the border, not someone who makes things up and gets defensive when their lies are exposed.
Why don't you STOP and instead of trying to be right, why don't you acknowledge that the point of my post is right.

The lengths they go to defend their belief systems is hilarious.
Almost like lying about something, just to pump up their position?
So, show us these reports from the 'thousands' of border patrol station.
I'll wait...
The Office Waiting GIF
why would I believe your post when you've been shown to be astronomically wrong about even the most basic details, like how many border patrol stations are on the southern border?

you come off like a liar who will make up whatever "facts" you want to suit your argument. Then when someone points this out, you demand we believe you regardless of facts.

I'd rather hear from someone who knows what they're talking about with the border, not someone who makes things up and gets defensive when their lies are exposed.
Can you tell me who on this forum knows what they're talking about with the border so I can hear from them too?
Almost like lying about something, just to pump up their position?
So, show us these reports from the 'thousands' of border patrol station.
I'll wait...
The Office Waiting GIF
Ed, you're being silly. You look like a fool to post such nonsense.

Simply because I wrote thousands of border patrol stations rather than dozens doesn't make my overall point wrong.

And who could argue with this: What happens in her backyard does not constitute the totality of what is going on in the entire border.

You'll respond: "Oh yeah? Well, she doesn't have a backyard! She lives in a condo, you idiot! So now that we have established that you're a liar, why should we listen to you?"

You guys are either trolling or you're complete, brainwashed robotic idiots.
Can you tell me who on this forum knows what they're talking about with the border so I can hear from them too?

ed and artgirl at least have some evidence and reasoning.

from you I just get disbelief that we don't take you as some kind of expert, despite you being proven completely wrong about things you've said, with no apologies about it

doubling down with insults at people who pointed out your errors isn't helping your case
Ed, you're being silly. You look like a fool to post such nonsense.

Simply because I wrote thousands of border patrol stations rather than dozens doesn't make my overall point wrong.

And who could argue with this: What happens in her backyard does not constitute the totality of what is going on in the entire border.

You'll respond: "Oh yeah? Well, she doesn't have a backyard! She lives in a condo, you idiot! So now that we have established that you're a liar, why should we listen to you?"

You guys are either trolling or you're complete, brainwashed robotic idiots.
I'm being easy with you. And you should thank me.
Did you write the following verbatim?

"The total reports from the thousands of border patrol stations is that they are completely overwhelmed, it's rather silly for someone to say, "Well I live near the border on my 2 acre ranch and I don't see any illegals at all.""

That's your statement, not mine. You're contrasting the 'reports' from thousands of stations to what someone says they see themselves.
Objective ( thousands of reports) versus Subjective (individual observation).
I use that style of debate all the time to beat up on the soft brains like @blkdlaur and @StanleyCush1
However, the basis for your position, unlike mine, is made up. It's a lie on two level. Both the numbers and the indication you've read the 'reports'. Sure, the subjective viewpoint, left in a vacuum, has limited credibility, but you, because you lied, have zero.
You have also had time to provide any links or stats but nothing. Just your word, based on a lie. So, you are lampooned.
Tim And Eric Dipshit GIF by Adult Swim
Why don't you STOP and instead of trying to be right, why don't you acknowledge that the point of my post is right.
Why don't you STOP trying to be wrong and present a solid position instead of made up emotional *******?