
Some people like the government to do EVERYTHING for them - I do NOT.

The less government is involved in my life the better.

If you prefer the government to take care of your every need so be it - NO nanny state for me.

Basic difference between conservatives and liberals - not gonna change the way I feel about government and neither will you.
How? When I lived in a country with Universal healthcare, if you got sick, you go to the doctor, are treated, and walk back out again. How is that being owned by the government?

Like they said in basic training if you had it so good back on the block why did leave
The less government is involved in my life the better.
You may feel that way now, but, you know that's not really true. A natural disaster, major sickness and/or disability ... you'd find yourself in need of government assistance just as others have. You've been fortunate and "blessed" thus far, appreciate that fact.
If you prefer the government to take care of your every need so be it - NO nanny state for me.
Basic difference between conservatives and liberals - not gonna change the way I feel about government and neither will you.
You're thinking in "extremes" as so many far right & left individuals often do. Your heart is callused, and your ideals not thought out. Most unfortunates don't plan or desire to milk the system, they're a result of a broken system.
Someone once said ... "to those with MUCH, MUCH is expected" ... think that out a bit.
You want socialism here had it there seems an easy fix
No, I don’t. I’m advocating for capitalist society with socialized healthcare. That’s it. That makes me a 90% capitalist who wants to make sure peoples basic health needs are met.

Answer me this- do you support law enforcement?
You may feel that way now, but, you know that's not really true. A natural disaster, major sickness and/or disability ... you'd find yourself in need of government assistance just as others have. You've been fortunate and "blessed" thus far, appreciate that fact.

You're thinking in "extremes" as so many far right & left individuals often do. Your heart is callused, and your ideals not thought out. Most unfortunates don't plan or desire to milk the system, they're a result of a broken system.
Someone once said ... "to those with MUCH, MUCH is expected" ... think that out a bit.

Sorry Mac I just prefer to run my own life - not have the government run it for me. I pride myself on my ability to take care of myself - I have NEVER relied on the government for anything. If the shite really ever hits the fan - those that rely strictly on the government will surely perish.

I’m an Independent - always been slightly right of center but with the left going sooooooo far left it has pushed me much farther right - I grant you that.
with the left going sooooooo far left it has pushed me much farther right -
The "general" lefties aren't as far off center as you think and we're hoping the far left socialist politicians don't do to OUR party what the far right extremists have done to the Republican party. I find it necessary and beneficial to write my local representatives at least once or twice a year on issues in our state. It helps remind THEM who THEY are working for ... I think Republicans are soon to get a reminder in the upcoming elections. We ALL have our DOGS amongst our ranks ... its OUR job to push them OUT.
Sorry Mac I just prefer to run my own life - not have the government run it for me. I pride myself on my ability to take care of myself - I have NEVER relied on the government for anything. If the shite really ever hits the fan - those that rely strictly on the government will surely perish.

I’m an Independent - always been slightly right of center but with the left going sooooooo far left it has pushed me much farther right - I grant you that.
Then if your house is on fire, you are not to call the fire brigade. You are to put it out yourself. Likewise if you or your family are victim of a crime, you are not to call the police. If a giant sinkhole opens up on your street and swallows up your car, you’re not to call rescue. If you don’t like immigrants entering the US illegally, you’re to vote against the government building the wall and go down to the border and stop them yourself. All these services are government/tax payer funded socialized services.
No, I don’t. I’m advocating for capitalist society with socialized healthcare. That’s it. That makes me a 90% capitalist who wants to make sure peoples basic health needs are met.

Answer me this- do you support law enforcement?
Your question about law enforcement doesn't make sense. Law enforcement is a function of government. It is a legitimate function of government the founding fathers intended and should never be the responsibility of private corporations.

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice - means that all people are to be ruled by the laws of their states or country that helps keep people safe and keeps certain rules about what people are supposed to do and not supposed to do protected. LAW ENFORCEMENT.

Canada was found to have profound “access problems,” so that nearly one in five Canadian patients wait four months or more for elective surgery.

A comprehensive study from 2017 of the top 11 countries ranked Canada's health care system third-to-last. Identified weaknesses of Canada's system were comparatively higher ******* mortality rate, the prevalence of chronic conditions, long wait times, poor availability of after-hours care, and a lack of prescription ******* and dental coverage.

As I have said before our health care system is a mess and no doubt needs reform. But to think a healthcare system run by and provided solely by the government is not the answer. Look at how well they run the VA. Not!
Then if your house is on fire, you are not to call the fire brigade. You are to put it out yourself. Likewise if you or your family are victim of a crime, you are not to call the police. If a giant sinkhole opens up on your street and swallows up your car, you’re not to call rescue. If you don’t like immigrants entering the US illegally, you’re to vote against the government building the wall and go down to the border and stop them yourself. All these services are government/tax payer funded socialized services.
Actually that’s not socialism because the federal government is not in charge of those programs. It is also a matter of public safety why a local city/county provide those services. The federal government was not created to take care of us in our everyday lives but to make laws so every citizen is given the same chance in life. We don’t need a government run healthcare system and we should never have one.
Your question about law enforcement doesn't make sense. Law enforcement is a function of government. It is a legitimate function of government the founding fathers intended and should never be the responsibility of private corporations.

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice - means that all people are to be ruled by the laws of their states or country that helps keep people safe and keeps certain rules about what people are supposed to do and not supposed to do protected. LAW ENFORCEMENT.

Canada was found to have profound “access problems,” so that nearly one in five Canadian patients wait four months or more for elective surgery.

A comprehensive study from 2017 of the top 11 countries ranked Canada's health care system third-to-last. Identified weaknesses of Canada's system were comparatively higher ******* mortality rate, the prevalence of chronic conditions, long wait times, poor availability of after-hours care, and a lack of prescription ******* and dental coverage.

As I have said before our health care system is a mess and no doubt needs reform. But to think a healthcare system run by and provided solely by the government is not the answer. Look at how well they run the VA. Not!

That is utter nonsense. It would take you 20 seconds to google the correlation between healthcare for all and longevity. For reference, Canada is 14th highest, America is 35th behind Costa Rica, Slovenia, and Lebanon.

You guys are literally advocating for the most expensive healthcare system in the world which causes you to die earlier, restricts access to the poor, and bankrupts people at a greater rate than any other country.

You can’t say it’s a mess then denigrate other countries systems that work better than ours.
That is utter nonsense. It would take you 20 seconds to google the correlation between healthcare for all and longevity. For reference, Canada is 14th highest, America is 35th behind Costa Rica, Slovenia, and Lebanon.

You guys are literally advocating for the most expensive healthcare system in the world which causes you to die earlier, restricts access to the poor, and bankrupts people at a greater rate than any other country.

You can’t say it’s a mess then denigrate other countries systems that work better than ours.
What makes you think having a healthcare system will lead to a healthier population? That is utter nonsense. It is up to the person if they want to live a healthy lifestyle. I’m not responsible for that person just like they are not responsible for me. If I go bankrupt from a poor investment I blame myself and not the guy next to me. I have to get up and keep trying to make something of myself.
Your question about law enforcement doesn't make sense. Law enforcement is a function of government. It is a legitimate function of government the founding fathers intended and should never be the responsibility of private corporations.

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice - means that all people are to be ruled by the laws of their states or country that helps keep people safe and keeps certain rules about what people are supposed to do and not supposed to do protected. LAW ENFORCEMENT.

Canada was found to have profound “access problems,” so that nearly one in five Canadian patients wait four months or more for elective surgery.

A comprehensive study from 2017 of the top 11 countries ranked Canada's health care system third-to-last. Identified weaknesses of Canada's system were comparatively higher ******* mortality rate, the prevalence of chronic conditions, long wait times, poor availability of after-hours care, and a lack of prescription ******* and dental coverage.

As I have said before our health care system is a mess and no doubt needs reform. But to think a healthcare system run by and provided solely by the government is not the answer. Look at how well they run the VA. Not!
What makes you think having a healthcare system will lead to a healthier population? That is utter nonsense. It is up to the person if they want to live a healthy lifestyle. I’m not responsible for that person just like they are not responsible for me. If I go bankrupt from a poor investment I blame myself and not the guy next to me. I have to get up and keep trying to make something of myself.

Ok, let me approach this from a different angle. Just a yes or no answer. Do you support a free democracy?
Gesh ... there is no "logical discussion" with extremists ... like trying to teach a pig to sing ... wasting your time and annoying the pig.
We just lost a very good friend in January. He had a full company physical back in October, started to have inhaling issues with breathing. Thought it was sinus issues ... it continued for a couple weeks, so he went to his doctor. He had a very aggressive cancer, inoperable, in his throat/esophagus. Second week of January they were burying him ... that fast.
Life can be cruel, folks, so find some compassion for those who's fortunes haven't been as good as your own. Please! We're a better country than what we're showing these days.
No, I don’t. I’m advocating for capitalist society with socialized healthcare. That’s it. That makes me a 90% capitalist who wants to make sure peoples basic health needs are met.

Answer me this- do you support law enforcement?
That's me right there. I'm politically Conservative - that's right wing in the UK. I believe in capitalism. I believe in the market.
But the market is a crude instrument and has no morals. There needs to be a safety net, because the 'losers' usually/often don't deserve to lose out.
I'm not at all religious, but I certainly believe in the Christian tenet, 'there, but for the grace of God, go I'.