
Seems to be the Dem way in California - San Francisco and LA good examples.

Ok, so you’re a supporter of Medicare for all to provide help people with mental illness & substance addiction treatment, get them off the street, and get them back as a functioning member of society. Good. Someone with some common sense!
The fire brigade, law enforcement, the military, & infrastructure are all paid for by tax dollars. Why do people scream “socialism” when we add healthcare to that list?
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice - means that all people are to be ruled by the laws of their states or country that helps keep people safe and keeps certain rules about what people are supposed to do and not supposed to do protected. , insure domestic tranquility - generally means peace at home, provide for the common defence - This phrase means that the protection of the United States, its citizens, and property, is the responsibility of the federal government, and not of individual states. Common defense is the protection of a whole country against foreign attack promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America - indicating that issues such as poverty, housing, food and other economic and social welfare issues facing the citizenry were of central concern to the framers. IMO this doesn't mean free healthcare for everyone. The government is way too much involved in our lives. Look how screwed up California is with their "government solves all problems ideology." People, like myself are leaving that state in droves.
So why not add free food, housing, and other basic needs for everyone. Where does it end?
Liberals would LUV it - government control of everyfuckinthing :|

It ends when American life expectancy falls inline with other first world countries and people aren’t bankrupted for getting sick. Unless that doesn’t bother you...

The framers saw the insidiousness of government and tried to anticipate how to avert that kind of control - Dems want to give over all control to the government - God only knows why.

What are you talking about? We’re talking about healthcare. A public Medicare for all option for those who want it and a private option for those who don’t. Everyone gets what they want.
Whoever said the government should be responsible for our health ???

The last thing I want is government control of healthcare.

They control your healthcare - they OWN you.

How? When I lived in a country with Universal healthcare, if you got sick, you go to the doctor, are treated, and walk back out again. How is that being owned by the government?