Nasty People

You come on other people's forum thread, ignore the topic, and post whatever you want?
You're the type of person who invites other people to a party you weren't invited to.
No...Slick my points are on topic...It just burns you're ass that there is not a damn thing you can do about it...I don't go to parties...There over-rated...I stick to nature...It's good for ya...and Real...😉👌👏

Im sorry, but all it takes is ONE person to promote racism, and 2 days ago, the NAACP did just that, how, in the news, mainstream media, telling black people to avoid Florida...they said because of racist ideals towards blacks, but the fact is, they don't like Ron desantis. Its all politics, politics trying to DIVIDE this country once again with the help of mainstream media. I read MANY replies on here saying Florida is racist, they give no rhyme nor reason for it...but the sad fact to and for them is ANY place can be racist, if just ONE person there promotes racism.
Is anyone here really gonna tell another that no black people live in Florida? Oh hell no. Are they being systematically targeted because they are black and live in Florida, oh hell no. Stop feeding into the rhetoric or racism WILL continue...tell mainstream media to provide facts, tell the NAACP to provide facts or hold them accountable for their false accusations and race baiting. Yogi bear said: only you can prevent forest fires...well, only YOU can stop racism from continuing.
Respectfully to the writer of this post, you ran to ur husband 'to get out of there', u had a cell phone, it has a camera, did u film this encounter and show it to media, management, etc or did you just 'get out of there'...only YOU could have prevented that forest fire from stopping it at its source. This was not the place nor time to air your grivence, that time, the correct time, was when the incident occurred. ALL people pull out their camera IN AN INSTANT when someone in power, a cop, etc does something wrong n u RUN to the media to sell it to get your 15min of fame...but when its blatant racism, in your face blatant, all you can think of is to 'get out of there'.
Even on this site, can't everyone just get along?