Louis Farrakhan - black supremacy quotes

I have a short list of people in history that I would have loved to have had the opportunity to meet. Top of the list is Booker T. Washington. To spend an afternoon with that intellect
I like Booker T myself.One of my heroes.I even have his book Up From Slavery but he also preached the self held method like Marcus Garvey and Elijah Muhammad.You had some northern whites that gave him money and was sympathetic to his cause but he is seldom mentioned today.
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I thought this site was about dicking down white women?!!
Take this ******* somewhere else, a racist is a racist and you fuckers are killing my hardon !
You're right but sometimes you gotta voice your opinion.*******.You should have seen the police thread.I love me some white women my damn self but it is what it is and it aint gonna change.
Where do you find this stuff. I have always been considered a good researcher but those two articles are pure gold. It irritates me when someone starts spouting some rhetoric about problems being someone else problem. It always seems that person or group wants a focal point for their anger. For Hitler it was the Jews, it he hadn't had the Jews it would have been the gypsies, foreigners, someone has to be blamed. If there wasn't someone to hate his rise to power would never have never happened

I have made substantially more than minimum wage most of my life. I think it would be fair to assume that syscom3 and bm_from_southjersy also make a good living. We are hardly unique. But some people work hard, set long range goals, get an EDUCATION, and do well. Some people piss and moan that life ain't fair. And there are people like Louis Farrakhan and Thomas Metzger standing in the wings to preach their crap. Why your failure is someones else's fault. I grew up fearing and hating the KKK. I find it very disconcerting when a group like the Nation of Islam finds common ground with the KKK. I also find it disturbing that people like Shabazz, Ayers, Wright and Farrahkan quietly visit the Whitehouse The White house has claimed that these are visitors with similar names. George Soros has been on the guest list. I sure money was never brought up, likely just stopped by for a beer.

Typical right wing talking point.First of all the white house was built by black slaves and the first president of these United States owned them.I guess you don't know that former presidents have owned slaves too.Also, it was some former presidents who were KKK members too.Warren G Harding was actually sworn in at a KKK ceremony held at the white house by Imperial Wizard Colonel Simmons. Woodrow Wilson was a KKK member and provided screenings of The Clansman and Birth of a Nation to his Cabinet,Congress, and the Supreme Court.William McKinnley was the first president to be a KKK member.It's a couple more but I will let that slide.How do you feel about Operation Paperclip.When over a thousand Nazi's were brought to America.

paperclip.jpg book.jpgI know you find all this disheartening.

P.S I went to college myself but the best knowledge I got came later in life and not out of no fucking school books.You should ENJOY LIVING not just making a decent or good loving.HOTEP
... Take this ******* somewhere else, a racist is a racist and you fuckers are killing my hardon !

....This discussion has its own special section (Off Topic) and its own special thread (Louis Farrakhan), so you had to have practically gone out of your way to get here, actually. Within the confines of B2W, where, exactly, is that somewhere else that you speak of?
....Some posters like to take a break from all the BS fakes & fantasy talk, here, and air out their opinions on topics of interest, usually related in some way to inter-racial relationships, but not necessarily. You haven't been here long, but eventually you may find that a lot of the females are nothing more than submissive, bisexual white guys looking to hook up with black men. Your profile says you're into dominance & submission, you may find this section beneficial afterall.
Welcome to b2w ... Mac
Typical right wing talking point.First of all the white house was built by black slaves and the first president of these United States owned them.I guess you don't know that former presidents have owned slaves too.Also, it was some former presidents who were KKK members too.Warren G Harding was actually sworn in at a KKK ceremony held at the white house by Imperial Wizard Colonel Simmons. Woodrow Wilson was a KKK member and provided screenings of The Clansman and Birth of a Nation to his Cabinet,Congress, and the Supreme Court.William McKinnley was the first president to be a KKK member.It's a couple more but I will let that slide.How do you feel about Operation Paperclip.When over a thousand Nazi's were brought to America.

View attachment 600683 View attachment 600684I know you find all this disheartening.

P.S I went to college myself but the best knowledge I got came later in life and not out of no fucking school books.You should ENJOY LIVING not just making a decent or good loving.HOTEP
College gives you the tools to really start learning. The really smart people figure that out early. I have worked with several young men and women (mostly young men) over the years that come into the company ready to teach the old guy what it was all about. The dumb asses and the sociopaths I would give them enough rope to hang themselves and then fired them. The person that replaced me when I retired I had groomed for about 10 years. Had a vacuum cleaner for a mind. Soaked up everything he could from everybody. He understood college was the start not the conclusion of the learning process.
Nobody that achieves anything significant will be universally loved. He was a great leader and understood what it was going to take to make things start to change.
It's sad we were lead to believe so many lies. But the truth.... He was just a puppet like the rest.
....This discussion has its own special section (Off Topic) and its own special thread (Louis Farrakhan), so you had to have practically gone out of your way to get here, actually. Within the confines of B2W, where, exactly, is that somewhere else that you speak of?
....Some posters like to take a break from all the BS fakes & fantasy talk, here, and air out their opinions on topics of interest, usually related in some way to inter-racial relationships, but not necessarily. You haven't been here long, but eventually you may find that a lot of the females are nothing more than submissive, bisexual white guys looking to hook up with black men. Your profile says you're into dominance & submission, you may find this section beneficial afterall.
Welcome to b2w ... Mac
Ok. With THAT posting, you EARNED the sweet & cordial banner. lol
College gives you the tools to really start learning. The really smart people figure that out early. I have worked with several young men and women (mostly young men) over the years that come into the company ready to teach the old guy what it was all about. The dumb asses and the sociopaths I would give them enough rope to hang themselves and then fired them. The person that replaced me when I retired I had groomed for about 10 years. Had a vacuum cleaner for a mind. Soaked up everything he could from everybody. He understood college was the start not the conclusion of the learning process.
College teaches people to work for someone else and make them rich and not yourself.Being your own boss is better then depending on someone else for a pay raise,promotion,day off,etc. .Let alone being fired or laid off when you still have to support yourself and/or family too. A job really aint *******.Have you read the story and seen what happened to JOB in the bible.Besides, the white collar jobs in America aren't really opened to blacks anyway.We are still fighting for access when we should be creating our own.It's always the first black to do this or that.It's only 5 black CEO'S at America's 500 largest companies and its very few that even sit on the board of these companies.In the message of Elijah Muhammad the blackman must DO FOR SELF.
Louiz is a ingnorant stupid muslim ... he is a political plot.. look at his videos'' with the turkey flag in the baggrund.. ... he dont even know how many racist verses there is in his quran
College teaches people to work for someone else and make them rich and not yourself.Being your own boss is better then depending on someone else for a pay raise,promotion,day off,etc. .Let alone being fired or laid off when you still have to support yourself and/or family too. A job really aint *******.Have you read the story and seen what happened to JOB in the bible.Besides, the white collar jobs in America aren't really opened to blacks anyway.We are still fighting for access when we should be creating our own.It's always the first black to do this or that.It's only 5 black CEO'S at America's 500 largest companies and its very few that even sit on the board of these companies.In the message of Elijah Muhammad the blackman must DO FOR SELF.
I worked most of my life a Caucasian boss. The company took pretty damn good care of me and I took pretty damn good care of the company. The relationship was really symbiotic. Could I have run a business? Yes. But exactly why would I want to do that? My talent was understanding te big picture. I could find acquisitions that would be profitable and I was good at finding out why something wasn't profitable. Being a successful CEO or even a small business owner requires skill sets that most people simply don't possess. The biggest barrier is that most people simply aren't willing to do the work to be successful. There is a huge misconception about owning a small business. You don't own a small business, the business owns you. Your whole life revolves around what the business needs from you. You have to navigate a myriad of local, state and federal regulations. You need a good understanding of accounting. You need to find good employees and weed out the bad ones. A single dishonest, vindictive, or lazy employee can sink a business. You need to understand your market and how to get that market to your door. Add to all this is that to get started you are likely up to your eyeballs in debt. You are always the last to get paid. Your employees, suppliers, the government are always in line in front of the owner. You start paying you first and I can guarantee you won't be around long.

Yes I could have ran a business but there are so many things that can go wrong I was happy to have a nice steady paycheck. My typical report had a QR (Quick Read) at the beginning. It was generally 300 words or less and was "Yes this is a good idea" or "No it's not" and a couple of lines as to why. There would also usually be "If you really want to do this these are the problems" The rest of the report would detail my research and reasoning with bullet point summaries for each section. For this I got paid well into 6 figures a year. My work week seldom went much beyond 50 to 55 hours. I didn't have to deal with personnel other that those working with me. Any legal issues corporate had very talented well paid people to deal with that. Regulatory issues? There was a whole department that kept the company in compliance. If I was a small business owner all those things and more would be my responsibility. An acquaintance of mine summed up small business ownership in the best way I have heard. He said every business owner would like to make as much money as everybody thinks he does and to work as little as everybody thinks he does.

What will give the black man greater white collar success is a climate that creates jobs.The economy is vastly over regulated. Large companies are the one best equipped to deal with the regulatory nightmare. However large companies don't drive economic growth. Big companies can only respond to the economy. Real growth and the basis for sustainable new jobs comes from the growth of small business. Last year more businesses closed than started, not a healthy sign. Job growth is barely staying ahead of population growth.
College teaches people to work for someone else and make them rich and not yourself.Being your own boss is better then depending on someone else for a pay raise,promotion,day off,etc. .Let alone being fired or laid off when you still have to support yourself and/or family too. A job really aint *******.Have you read the story and seen what happened to JOB in the bible.Besides, the white collar jobs in America aren't really opened to blacks anyway.We are still fighting for access when we should be creating our own.It's always the first black to do this or that.It's only 5 black CEO'S at America's 500 largest companies and its very few that even sit on the board of these companies.In the message of Elijah Muhammad the blackman must DO FOR SELF.

Very wise council, in some ways. Not sure where this applies just to black people. EVERYONE will benefit from starting their own business and not working for someone else. It is called Entrepreneurship. It is not taught in high school or colleges, unless you specifically request that course of study. So most people are allowed to start their own businesses and fail or succeed on their own. Mostly based on how lucky they are. Sometimes, a person has failed in the past and it has taught them things.
It does not matter if you are black, white, grey, or purple polka-dotted. You either have the foundations or you do not. Even if you do not, you can work at them and gain the foundations of a successful business.
I don't give a damn who said what. I don't care how oppressed you think you are. Anyone. ANYONE can succeed in this country, if they stop making excuses.
Louiz is a ingnorant stupid muslim ... he is a political plot.. look at his videos'' with the turkey flag in the baggrund.. ... he dont even know how many racist verses there is in his quran
ignorance is not tied to the muslim religion or politics.
Why do you think MLK jr. was a puppet?
Mlk and other black leaders were used to keep black people docile in times of crisis or rage. Case in point Al Sharpton you see his face in many of the incidents. History has a way of repeating itself... Sides are being played. There is a civil war approaching us. And this time around it won't be pretty.
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