Go Biden

Would you mind me sending you a message ? Genuinely curious on you viewpoint/background you being a Yankee and such ad myself spending 4 months a year in the south. From south TX to NC. for the past 15 years

My view points...…….they never have fit in with others!...never....but send away I don't care
If you’re talking about GOVERNMENT censorship yes . . . but private citizen to private citizen is very, very different . . . and that’s recognized in the law. Who gives a ******* if I “censor” some asshole on a sex site??? NOBODY, and nobody should LOL! Keep stuff in perspective man.

yes this is a sex site......but then again when people come on here and say something about the thread we are quick to remind them this is a political forum
can you tell me the difference between government censorship and one group censoring another....not everything is peaches......of course at one time or another we will get our feelings hurt.....that's life....I'm sure at one time or another the shoe was on the other foot...…….censorship is censorship....no matter how you sell it

everyone is entitled to their opinion and the right to express it....we may not like it or care to listen....we have choices....I am not defending anyone.....I just never hold a grudge......and believe everyone has a right to speak

I would like to think I am not big on paybacks.....and we need to learn to live together again......but must say...trump tests all my beliefs
The Case of Dr. Jill Biden

The guy who started this BS is a moron. I attended university, and it's quite common and acceptable to refer to your professors as "Doctor". She has an earned doctorate degree in her field, and is well within her right to use "Dr." in front of her name if she wants to. You don't have to be a medical doctor in order to do that. By the way, the asshole who went there with this only has his bachelor's. Doesn't look like he learned much in college, starting with how to address his professors. Dumb fuck hahaha :D!
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The Case of Dr. Jill Biden

The guy who started this BS is a moron. I attended university, and it's quite common and acceptable to refer to your professors as "Doctor". She has an earned doctorate degree in her field, and is well within her right to use "Dr." in front of her name if she wants to. You don't have to be a medical doctor in order to do that. By the way, the asshole who went there with this only has his bachelor's. Doesn't look like he learned much in college. Dumb fuck hahaha :D!
It's the republicans way. Devalue and demoralize their opponents. Especially women and minorities.
Nobody question the proven phony credentials of Dr. Sebastian Gorka, former White House Aide to Trump.
Well, maybe they did.
Biden C’Mon Man this Idiot cannot even finish a sentence
Only trouble with comment regarding Trump snd Iraq at the time Trump was not a politician but Alzheimer Joe was Crooked Hillary Nancy hand waver ice cream asshole pelosi all were and they voted for it
No wars while Trump in office He brought peace to Middle East
Democrats are always failures and they blame everyone but themselves
yes this is a sex site......but then again when people come on here and say something about the thread we are quick to remind them this is a political forum
can you tell me the difference between government censorship and one group censoring another....not everything is peaches......of course at one time or another we will get our feelings hurt.....that's life....I'm sure at one time or another the shoe was on the other foot...…….censorship is censorship....no matter how you sell it

everyone is entitled to their opinion and the right to express it....we may not like it or care to listen....we have choices....I am not defending anyone.....I just never hold a grudge......and believe everyone has a right to speak

I would like to think I am not big on paybacks.....and we need to learn to live together again......but must say...trump tests all my beliefs
i believe trump test ever bodies beliefs
Biden C’Mon Man this Idiot cannot even finish a sentence
Only trouble with comment regarding Trump snd Iraq at the time Trump was not a politician but Alzheimer Joe was Crooked Hillary Nancy hand waver ice cream asshole pelosi all were and they voted for it
No wars while Trump in office He brought peace to Middle East
Democrats are always failures and they blame everyone but themselves
well he did kinda did hand over most of it to russia
Biden C’Mon Man this Idiot cannot even finish a sentence
Is that what you consider a sentence? For instance, why capitalize a noun mid sentence or, not even use punctuation?
Here's some recent speeches by Joe Biden. Notice the complete sentences and professional usage, unlike the seven word vocabulary of the Pretender in Chief.
Only trouble with comment regarding Trump snd Iraq at the time Trump was not a politician but Alzheimer Joe was Crooked Hillary Nancy hand waver ice cream asshole pelosi all were and they voted for it
What the country fried fuck, are you talking about here?

No wars while Trump in office He brought peace to Middle East
There are several wars in the Middle East going on while Trump is in office. You ever hear of Yemen, Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan, and Iraq?
Where Trump claims to have brought peace, there were no conflicts.

Democrats are always failures and they blame everyone but themselves
Democrats won two World Wars. That's right! Back to Back Champs.
Democrats saved the economy 4 times in a row from Republican failed efforts that led to Economic Recessions, Stagflation and a Depression (Hoover to Roosevelt, Ford to Carter, Reagan/Bush to Clinton, and Bush Jr to Obama).
Democrats supported the rise and continuation of labor unions, the single biggest contributor to creating a middle class.
Democrats wrote and supported Civil Rights Legislation and Johnson's Great Society Initiatives which did more to uplift people and balance equality for people of color since the 13th Amendment.

As far as blaming others, take a look at tRump. He lost the election by the most votes ever, and still blames everyone but his own loser ass.
Most admired man in the United States....Donald Trump!

🤮The only one the conservatives like on the list of top ten. So he got all of their votes on edged out Obama ( who has 12 times on the list) by 3 points. Big deal.
I've also noticed that he has Twitter fought with every other person on the list, (the Obamas, the Pope, except the Dalai Lama.
Says a lot about the guy at the top.
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Most admired man in the United States....Donald Trump!

Donald Trump Approval Rating: Lowest in History After 1 ...

Jan 17, 2018 · P resident Donald Trump’s approval rating has ping-ponged between a low of 35% and a high of 45% during his first year in office — the worst record of any of the most recent seven presidents,...

Trump’s Disapproval Rating Is Dire—But These 5 Presidents ...

Aug 22, 2019 · Trump’s lowest approval rating hit 35% in December 2017, according to Gallup, which at the time was the lowest rating of any modern president during a first year in office. Although Trump’s...

Trump Is The Most Unpopular President Since Ford To Run ...

Jan 07, 2020 · Trump starts his reelection year with a low approval rating. Recent presidents’ average approval ratings on Jan. 1 and Election Day of the year they ran for reelection. Approval Rating;

Joe Biden's already more popular than Trump's ever been ...

Dec 06, 2020 · Poll of the week: A new Gallup poll finds that President-elect Joe Biden has a 55% favorable rating and a 41% unfavorable rating.
So now, Joe is a pawn of the organization he's been a part of, and a leader for 50 years?? No, that's just more dumb ******* that doesn't make sense.

However, Trump came along and used the republican party. Most of his donations were to democrats which is how voted and his ******* up until his election. Never went to church without a camera now running around all palsie with Evangelicals (who've lost all credibility). He lies, he cheats, he's corrupt. But you go ahead and embrace him, and point to us, like we found Joe Biden wandering around. He was the Vice President of the United States with a very successful administration. He was a United States Senator for decades. Trump was ready to file for bankruptcy number 7 when he insulted his way to the nomination.

Did Kamala praise Joe on bussing? Did she? No.
Did she call him a racist? No. That's a republican speaking point that the 'poorly education' that Trump loves (see @subhub174014 posts- trumps words). But you keep running to the bread and circuses. They love telling you whatever knowing you won't research it, ot hold it against them.
Idiots get facts the great Camel la la statement of bussing Joe I was that little girl
Fucking liar like all Democrats Camel la la parents volunteer here for the segregated bussing do get your facts more fact you seem to say Ttump lies Joe Biddn called black youths roaches he said you cannot go into a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts unless you have Indian accent
Do get educated stop showing everyone how stupid you are Trump is corrupt you say Donald Trump never took one dollar from American people you are filled with fake news and hate cause Trump has made fools of them Biden Family Obama’s Clinton’s Bushes all made money from American people yet these scumbags have no profession yet lie Remember how they boast about Fst Ass Michelle as attorney that pathetic piece of crap I went to Princeton when she was there she got everything handed to her
Get your facts stop watching left wing hate news

Joe Biden doesn’t even know where he fucking is .
Name the lies Prove it not your lies from CNN MSNBC and rest of fake news
They spend day after day with Russia hoax lies and you say Trump lies
C’mon clown prove it and those lies Washington Post ran list of lies they were all made up They took it down when Dummy Biden got in here’s a thought how can you tell when a Democrat is lying Answer When they open there mouth
Idiots get facts the great Camel la la statement of bussing Joe I was that little girl
Fucking liar like all Democrats Camel la la parents volunteer here for the segregated bussing do get your facts more fact you seem to say Ttump lies Joe Biddn called black youths roaches he said you cannot go into a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts unless you have Indian accent
Do get educated stop showing everyone how stupid you are Trump is corrupt you say Donald Trump never took one dollar from American people you are filled with fake news and hate cause Trump has made fools of them Biden Family Obama’s Clinton’s Bushes all made money from American people yet these scumbags have no profession yet lie Remember how they boast about Fst Ass Michelle as attorney that pathetic piece of crap I went to Princeton when she was there she got everything handed to her
Get your facts stop watching left wing hate news
ed4mwf refuses to become educated. He wallows in his ignorance, and then trolls people because he's mentally ill. You should do like I, and others have done, and block the ignorant fool. It's useless to try to reason with a mentally ill person.
Idiots get facts the great Camel la la statement of bussing Joe I was that little girl
Fucking liar like all Democrats Camel la la parents volunteer here for the segregated bussing do get your facts more fact you seem to say Ttump lies Joe Biddn called black youths roaches he said you cannot go into a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts unless you have Indian accent
Do get educated stop showing everyone how stupid you are Trump is corrupt you say Donald Trump never took one dollar from American people you are filled with fake news and hate cause Trump has made fools of them Biden Family Obama’s Clinton’s Bushes all made money from American people yet these scumbags have no profession yet lie Remember how they boast about Fst Ass Michelle as attorney that pathetic piece of crap I went to Princeton when she was there she got everything handed to her
Get your facts stop watching left wing hate news
(You're answering a post from August of 2020?!? The month Trump signed the drawdown in Afghanistan AND released 5000 Taliban prisoners? You wonder why one year later things went to *******??)

Perfect example of why I have posted on here in months:
Fake outrage (because we know you really don't give a *******),
over lies (top to bottom),
rewriting history and redefining issues to win a semantics debate (yet really can't show anything on the substance of the issues)
Minimalizing achievement through racist tropes (this 'person' can't spell or write a sentence but feels empowered enough to question the academic achievements of a Princeton and Harvard grad - "everything handed to you once you're in'??? Just dumb)
The hatred and ignorance
Juvenile and demeaning names to replace factual discussion (fat, Carmel,)
And on and on and on...
What's the fucking point? This is a person who's lot in life is so below mine, that only place a low life scumbag like him would even run into me is a fuck site.
During the Christmas break, I thought about that. What the fuck is in it for me to engage with people like this? Nothing.
I've beaten back every single right wing political piece of ******* until it becomes a back and forth on name calling. No thanks.
You're not educated enough, clever enough, of funny enough to be interesting or correct.
You're just pathetic enough for me to pity any fucked up woman who lays the strap-on to you regularly.
Good day and fuck off.
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ed4mwf refuses to become educated. He wallows in his ignorance, and then trolls people because he's mentally ill. You should do like I, and others have done, and block the ignorant fool. It's useless to try to reason with a mentally ill person.
How's that geography coming? You realize where Oak Park is yet? You lying sad sack of a loser.
I've been gone for a while so you and your Rim Job buddy, @hoping hubby, can get back to tongue punching each other without worrying about me. Your boogeyman is gone, you can come out from under the bed and run free Clarice.