Go Biden

In all seriousness - Your fellow citizens are willing to swear under oath that something went wrong. HONESTLY I could care less if he gets a 2nd term. Do these people look like racist MAGA rednecks that are brainwashed ?? There was sketchy ******* that happened and EVERYONE should want to know what and WHO did it !!!
Prison is full of people who swear under oath everyday that something wrong. They lie.
Nothing sketchy happened.
Nothing has been articulated.
None of the rumors are factually possible.
For instance, give us one instance of sworn testimony that the courts should have taken seriously- or the legislatures, or the electors, that would justify turning over a legal election? Just one. In a month of scream and carrying out buffoonery, surely you have something.
Don't tell me you're willing to blow up the very basis of Democracy by ignoring the votes because of an unsubstantiated, scurrilous rumor.

Three times in the last 20 years, Democrats have walked away from the Presidency with the majority of votes and a very close election including one decided by the courts. Why? We care about the country and its ideals. Not raw power of control.
Republicans first lost ground on policy, then on morals, now on Americanism.
You cannot reason with, work with, or even tolerate them.
The moment President Biden tries, we have lost the entire nation to something closer to China or Russia.
Fuck them. Crush them convincingly. Undue every harmful policy they've enacted and start the tribunals to imprison and take down that whole swamp. Tie that albatross around the neck of Congressional Republicans. They stood by why the Clown in Chief took apart our country, and people died.
And, you anti- global, anti-union, rural fucks. You can live off the trickle down deregulated economics you vote for so much.
The woman who said she actually saw dead people voting??? She passed them as she was leaving the building.
Yah like in WI where there were more votes than registered voters.....Hmm don't seem odd to you ?? Course not..........
Wrong again. Never happened. This will be the second rumor I've shot down today with this ******* called 'evidence'. It's a motherfucker when backing up claims, or dispelling rumors and bs.
In Wisconsin, voter turnout topped 3.2 million, the highest number of voters in any presidential election (though as a percentage of voting-age adults, not a record). But in Milwaukee, nearly 247,700 people voted, about the same as in 2016.
But in majority-Black wards, Biden did worse than Clinton, picking up about 5,100 fewer votes than Clinton did in wards where at least 50% of residents were Black. Turnout was down by about the same amount in those wards.
We should be demanding fraud investigation for that alone.

What else you got? You want to go to Pennsylvania next or Georgia?
Money for what? A Democratic Majority. What's the crime? What's the secret? What's the discovery?
It's less money that the Koch Brothers, The Mercer Family, Sheldon Adelson, and The Ricketts have given individually, as well as created 2 not 1, but 2 GOP super PACs worth at least a billion.
I'll take that over Soros anyday. Providing I can do as I please with the money.
got to say I don't agree with the ignore....isn't that censorship?...….everyone has an opinion and has the right to speak it...if we censored everyone we didn't want to hear from there would be only one side....and no discussion and after a while that would grow old......
I know another silly meme......but it fits......just my opinion....and we all have them


sorry ridgleyfan……..just disagree...….I'm just a silly "libber"