Do women like aggressive Men

Some do, some don't it's just that simple. Some women like a man they can maneuver when they wish who's also observant enough to take charge when they want him to. I find that most prefer a man who will not be pushed or intimidated by another man unless it's part of role play. Like most they like a variety of things. The trick is to figure out what today's game is and play it. Some men are the same one day dominant next submissive. Many women like the Nancy spoken of previously act shy. A common thing for many females, remember it was not so long ago that if she perused or even spoke of such things she was branded. So letting the male run the show unless it goes too far is a better way to go.
A hint many of those shy quiet ones are wild ones sex bombs waiting to be lit.
My wife is very shy and conservative most of the time. I am very submissive sexually and in my normal life I feel quite the opposite. Nancy always encourages me to be more dominant and less passive sexually but when her statements start to become just the least bit humiliating it’s a huge turn on for me. On day we will meet a more assertive man that can care for both of our needs.