bbc vs bwc

It's all in the biggest sex organ which is your brain. If your brain is attracted to darker skin, you will get off more. Just like if you like breast, a woman with big breast will get you off more than an a cup woman.
9" white boy here. I just think of watching a black man being different. Its not a gay or i want to be cuckold thing.
My first hotwifing experience will be with BWC next month. I am excited and I believe that it ultimately depends on the person. Just because they are white or black doesn't necessarily mean it's automatic guarantee. Nonetheless I will give you all an update on what happens :)
My first hotwifing experience will be with BWC next month. I am excited and I believe that it ultimately depends on the person. Just because they are white or black doesn't necessarily mean it's automatic guarantee. Nonetheless I will give you all an update on what happens :)
My first hotwifing experience will be with BWC next month. I am excited and I believe that it ultimately depends on the person. Just because they are white or black doesn't necessarily mean it's automatic guarantee. Nonetheless I will give you all an )update on what happens :)
( you go girl) ! now try a black cock next"
[QUOdon'tTE="acord220, post: 854529, member: 13804"]Forget white cock, just enjoy all the black cock you can........[/QUOTE]
Why don't you just post some personal information such as you,re email or number
I never said there was a study in the New England Journal. You said I said it. What I actually asked was "what do I have to do quote the New England Journal of Medicine?" or....." You are so ignorant that I can't really hold a meaningful discussion with you. You are rude. dogmatic, closed-minded and insulting. Say whatever bs you want. I My points are valid. Black genes are dominant genes and it's fact and has been since the discovery of what recessive and dominant genes are. That is why when a black person and a white person have a baby, the baby is not white. In very rare cases the baby is very light skinned. (This is how the white race got started. The black race can create white people. These are the original tribes that left Africa and interbred due to geographic isolation to the point at which they became weaker) However, the true African gene (and I'm not just talking about color) will overrule the weaker recessive white genes because they have more diversity which translates into strength in many areas including intelligence. The white race is inferior and that does not mean that 'white people aren't nice" or whatever silliness you were talking about earlier. It means that the white race is not as strong in mind or body as African men or women. Since interracial breeding is more common due to societal norms changing, the white race will slowly dwindle as week white males are shunned by women who are programmed in nature to seek out the strongest males to mate with. This has been developed over thousands of years. Women choose men who are able to support their offspring to marry. They choose hot strong sexually capable men to screw. Monogamy is not the natural order of any ******* or human. Diversity and strength is what is promoted by mom nature. Relating what I say to a sick murderer like Hitler is ignorant and insulting. So is telling a Jew that he is like Hitler idiotic. Yes Im Jewish, dumbshit. I'm not a promoter of Eugenics or any other theory that seeks to alter humanity. Because Hitler used his knowledge of genetics to justify mass ******* does not mean that genetics does not exist. You are truly an uninformed insulting jerk. Feel free to browse the thousands of articles on the internet supporting this well known and documented facts of genetics Here are a few basics to help you get started teach. You are a "teacher" right? I sincerely hope that is a nickname and not your profession.
You’re just racist. It isn’t because of genes. Literally black Australians when mixed with a black African if you don’t know the parents, you’re gonna assume he’s aboriginal. Because they have vastly different features and dominate genes. It’s based on perception dude.
black men often have larger cocks than white men but for me I don't think I have anything to complain about what I have!
The truth is white men are too competitive with each-other and a large portion of them wouldn't like seeing someone that prolly went to the same school as them and has similar careers and male pattern baldness as them to fuck their white wife,
Even if they are one or two inches bigger it doesn't matter.

I believe lifestyle cucks that hyper-fixate on race have deep rooted racist stereotypes of black men as sexual toys and funny entertainers that exist to serve whites, i think that many of them believe that their lifepaths and socioeconomic standard diverge to the point that their wife would never actually just leave and go live with the black guy she just got fucked by.

This may change in the future ofc.

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I always thought it was genetics. I came harder with my Indian boyfriend than I ever had with my white boyfriends before him, even though he was the same size, maybe a little smaller. It's just sex with a darker colored guy that really gets me on, not really size. Of course if a black guy comes onto me it's better. He's usually got both the color and the size, and I want him badly.

Omg... are you fucking SERIOUS right now? An INDIA dude?!?!?! smh. My god, they're the most feminine of ALL "men" out there. Sissy boys.. . I don't care HOW dark their skin is, india dudes are the archetypical NERDS!!! Gimme a BREAK. smh

Yep!! THIS. Not only do most Black cocks seem to be LONGER, AND THICKER but they'are HARDER also. It's the higher level of testosterone, a FACT that Black men have. it's not debateable. Not only are the vast majority of white bois smaller, they're dicks are LIMPER. It's often shocking to me to see white bois as young as their twenties or thirtries with LIMP ASS DICKS while brothas be like BOIIIIING!! Then we wonder why Black Alphas are SWIMMING in white pussy... white boys: hope you're attracted to black girls!! Lol #BNWO