Women with big nipples

I Love You Smile GIF by corgiyolk

I am trying to get my nipples this large, I have both nipples pierced and use a crown cage with extension pins to literally stretch out my nipples and it is working . I think I have doubled the length in 2 months. Yes the crown needs to be continually extended to continue to stretch out my length but wow I love the difference already. Plus it is a great look to wear out with my thin white tee shirt. I see men almost break their neck to get a look a my beauties.
Imagine seeing this set of nipples and jewelry under a sheer white tee shirt. It would make most men hard in only a moment. Walk them around town and show them off
This is the exact look I hope to achieve with my nipple cage and extension device . Wow everything I hope to be someday. Absolutely beautiful. NOW picture these coming into view while you are at the bar with just a tee shirt , very thin white tee shirt as the cover. How could you keep your eyes from these , most men get hard within a moment . Perfection
This is perfection for what and how I want my nipples to be after I am done stretching them out. Simply gorgeous