Wife being chased by two middle aged black men

I’m 33 and my wife is 29
I had a day off during the week and went to the gym where my wife is a member. It was the first time I gone to the gym. I’m not a gym person. I went to use the indoor track, pool and steam room. After changing in the locker room I went out on the track and started jogging. I noticed my wife on a bike and on each side of her were two middle aged black men. After a while I watched them move to another area and couldn’t see them. I got finished with my run and asked someone were the steam rooms were. On my way to the locker room I spotted my wife on a rowing machine and standing next to her were the two men. I used the steam room and then went for a swim. I was gone for an hour and after showering and changing I went looking for her. I found her in the weight room. She was laying on the bench press machine. One of the guys was standing almost between her legs and the other guy was standing next to her almost touching her hip. They were talking and laughing but what I noticed was that they were constantly looking at her crotch and boobs with grins on their faces. And she was looking at them so she had to notice there eyes were roaming.
On the way home I asked her if they worked for the gym, she said no that they joined a month ago. She told me that they were very friendly to her from the time they joined and that they became good friends. Then she told me that she gave them her number so they could stay in touch when they were going to the gym.

I couldn’t believe she gave her number to strangers
That's how it starts. At some point she'll come home and in a contrite sort of way she'll admit that her curiosity got the best of her and she gave one or both of them hand jobs.