Yeah, the prettier they were, the more they ignored/ laughed at/ rejected me... I would medicate that hurt with masturbation to feel better... sure enough, once those orgasms get stronger and stronger, then that becomes a driver for the next wank. Its definitely masochistic, a sexual version of self harming I guess. So all my adult life i've been walked all over by partners, handed over all my money, done anything they've asked and then been denied sex on top of that, once again solely relying on masturbation.
They've all worked out, starving me of sex, knowing I can't get it anywhere else has kept me where they wanted me. Its been quite damaging to me mentally, emotionally and especially financially, desperately wanting/ needing to get laid, and at best it only lasting seconds/ minutes. My current wife and I both know it abnormal, but it goes back 35 years, so will never change. She has a lot of fun with it, but unlike my ex's has never exploited it.