White women: Do you feel entitled?

No because everyone has their preferences despite color.i may want the guy he may not want me, but that's everyone. It has nothing to do with color.

You would think most people would understand that. I tend to attract a lot of white women for some reason when I'm out and about. Many will hit on me and I turn most down for one reason or another and the majority can't seem to fathom that I would turn them down. Some have even said in so many words that most Black guys wouldn't dare not be interested. Could be true but its the audacity for me.
Well I'm not most, and 2 I don't know you. I'm a basic girl trying to live her life in today's dating world and if I don't grab the guys attention ( I prefer non white) then I move on. I don't take any kind of animosity towards the guy. So you're saying your "black?" Im.sorry but a real black man wouldn't give 2 💩 bc a black man regardless of his " status" will always get what he wants and has a vibe and no female would ever be taken back by bc they wouldn't even approach said man.
I'm not sure where you are located but clearly there are different levels to all of this and the "real black man" you are talking wouldn't move in my circle based off your comments. Also, women approach men all the time, at least that's true for me and some of my friends. To each his or own though. We all have different experiences.
I'm not sure where you are located but clearly there are different levels to all of this and the "real black man" you are talking wouldn't move in my circle based off your comments. Also, women approach men all the time, at least that's true for me and some of my friends. To each his or own though. We all have different experiences.

His name is Bond. James Bond.