White women and girls preferring black men.

Black men are "not necessarily savage or aggresive..." Not necessarily? You mean as in, they tend to be, but are not necessarily so? Where do gamon-faced morons like this get this nonsense from???
no, this is not was I was saying. You're forsing the interpretation of my words just because you don't know what to answer. Forums are full of people like you, winnig the verbal challenge is for you more important than understanding others' point of view and so, in the end, it's totally useless to talk with you.
There is some truth here. Having had the advantage of travel my whole life one thing i noticed about this subject. Women and people in general are not as hung up on race in other places. In Great Britain for example race mixing is not uncommon. My ******* spoke of our black soldiers having relations with white women there and in Australia, and Italy. Places where he was during WWII. That does not mean there are no raciest people in those places but they are a minority. At the same time the interracial couples are a minority as well. The majority still tend to go with their own race even though there is very little pressure from society to do so.
I think the most racially prejudiced places I've been to are some of the Asian countries. Being with anything other than a Asian can be big trouble.
It’s a tradition it’s something that has been going on for years people are jus more open and accepting now.
I have been in this lifestyle for over 40 years. What a lot of people forget is that a one time IR relationship where not only illegal it could actually get you killed.
Oh my how cruel I can't even imagine
Oh my how cruel I can't even imagine
As cruel as that may sound it is 100% the truth & depending how sick minded that white slave master was, he sometimes would cut off that black mans dick just to show the other slaves what would happen to them if he ever caught or heard that they had fucked a white woman, i know sad but so very true, imagine that.
As cruel as that may sound it is 100% the truth & depending how sick minded that white slave master was, he sometimes would cut off that black mans dick just to show the other slaves what would happen to them if he ever caught or heard that they had fucked a white woman, i know sad but so very true, imagine that.
OMG that awful I'm so sad
As cruel as that may sound it is 100% the truth & depending how sick minded that white slave master was, he sometimes would cut off that black mans dick just to show the other slaves what would happen to them if he ever caught or heard that they had fucked a white woman, i know sad but so very true, imagine that.
we will not turn back time. I hope that black people will not want revenge for the past times. You have to somehow compensate only how?
we will not turn back time. I hope that black people will not want revenge for the past times. You have to somehow compensate only how?
Revenge on whom? All the perps and the victims are long dead and gone. Today we live in an entirely different world; the past is history.
no, this is not was I was saying. You're ******* the interpretation of my words just because you don't know what to answer. Forums are full of people like you, winnig the verbal challenge is for you more important than understanding others' point of view and so, in the end, it's totally useless to talk with you.

I love it how you come here and spew a bunch of stereotypical garbage and when you are called out on it, you run and go cryiing into your hay. Black men being "more savage and more aggresive"? I know a closet bigot when I see one.
Revenge on whom? All the perps and the victims are long dead and gone. Today we live in an entirely different world; the past is history.
Europe is getting older and Africa is getting more numerous and so these people will come to Europe, so you can accept and teach more. Since my country has accepted 3 million refugees from Ukraine, it may accept as many Africans after the war. The only problem is that there will be too many men, because 80% guys are going to Europe
Revenge on whom? All the perps and the victims are long dead and gone. Today we live in an entirely different world; the past is history.
Could you imagine if these sort of absolutely wicked atrocoties had been committed by blacks against another race. Their current descedendants would be full of hate and rage towards blacks, and no one would tell them the past is the past. Quite to the contrary, they would be encouraged to harbor these deep-seated resentments.
Could you imagine if these sort of absolutely wicked atrocoties had been committed by blacks against another race. Their current descedendants would be full of hate and rage towards blacks, and no one would tell them the past is the past. Quite to the contrary, they would be encouraged to harbor these deep-seated resentments.
"Could you imagine if these sort of absolutely wicked atrocoties had been committed by blacks against another race."
You talk like it hasn't actually happened. It has not only happened in the past, but it is happening right now today in post-apartied South Africa. This one place of which I'm aware. For all I know there may be others.