White girls against racism..

May I have the envelope please.
(tears envelope open)
And the winner of the Boldest Slut in the BlackToWhite Community is… @M-O Mary !
Come up here Mary and accept your 🏆
(thunderous applause)
First off I’d like to thank my husband who without him none of this would be possible, and I can’t name them, but I’d like to thank all those guys who risked being arrested in the park, or the theatre,,,and a big shout out to all those guys who took the ultimate risk by sticking their dicks into a glory hole. Seriously,,,what a horror movie that could make, if the woman on the other side had a straight razor! I knew my job was done when an episode of the Shield had that exact scenario on it,,,having been the woman who launched the whole glory hole genre on the net, after me everybody jumped on the bandwagon, HBO wanted to do a special on me on the “America Undercover” show, but my ******* was watching their “****** on the Point“ series, and I was sure he would’ve seen me on their next installment so I had to decline,,,he’s gone now but that ship’s already sailed and I’m retired.
HBO wanted to do a special on me on the “America Undercover” show

Your gracious acceptance speech was on point Mary. 😘

And while you were certainly famous in the park, in the theatre, the secret mouth and pussy behind the gloryholes,
it’s amazing how close you came to real public fame…HBO???

Your reluctance to show this side of yourself is entirely understandable (“hi dad…you called me? What’s up?”)
but the world (those of us who never met you in the park or theatre or gloryhole) lost an opportunity
to know you on a deeply personal level. 😢

Enjoy your retirement Mary, you’ve earned it
Your gracious acceptance speech was on point Mary. 😘

And while you were certainly famous in the park, in the theatre, the secret mouth and pussy behind the gloryholes,
it’s amazing how close you came to real public fame…HBO???

Your reluctance to show this side of yourself is entirely understandable (“hi dad…you called me? What’s up?”)
but the world (those of us who never met you in the park or theatre or gloryhole) lost an opportunity
to know you on a deeply personal level. 😢

Enjoy your retirement Mary, you’ve earned it
Ah yes,,,and there lies the rub,,,I miss it all,,,really really miss it,,,but you can’t stop the clock, if it was that easy I would have smashed the damn clock a week after I retired, LOL