White girls against racism..

Can You back that up with an actual quote?

Did Leon Trotsky Invent Racism?​


Every generation believes that it is living through a unique epoch—one not only defined by novel phenomena and challenges, but one likely to define the course of human history. On occasion, this belief is warranted, but most of the time it proves to be an indulgent and specious distraction.
As Hegel was at pains to stress, all great historical facts and figures appear at least twice; “the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce”, as Marx later added. And so it is with all the recent talk of ‘fake news’, the emergence of a ‘post-truth world’, and the rise of the ‘Alt-Right’. In the olden days, people might have referred instead to ‘propaganda’, ‘urban myths’, or ‘white supremacists’.
Same thing, different century. In some cases, quite literally.
Take, for example, the curious anecdote, popular among the far right, that Leon Trotsky coined the word ‘racist’, thus giving birth to the modern (and supposedly pernicious) concept of racism—a concept designed, so it is said, to shut down debate and discussion and shame those whose views fall outside the mainstream.
Much like the conceit mentioned in the opening paragraph, this version of the past is compelling, pervasive, and hard to shift. It is also patently false.
The terms racist and racism have a long and storied history that predate Trotsky himself. ‘Raciste’ and ‘racisme’ crop up regularly in the works of late-19th and early-20th century French agitators, while their English language counterparts first appeared in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1902.

The argument that a man invented a word, hence a concept illustrates the lack of a simple grasp of history.

People have referred to 'THEM' (fill in the blank) since the dawn of time. Perhaps Modern Man greatly contributed to the extinction of the Neanderthals simply because they were different. We'll never know for sure, but it's easy to see that races have been opposing one another since pen was put to paper.

Everyone, at one time or another, has experienced racism; albeit religious racism (Jews, Catholics, etc), cultural (Irish, Italians, etc) and racial (British towards everyone ((Indians, South Africans, etc)), Americans towards Native Americans, Blacks and Catholics - Look at the religious uproar associated with the recent Supreme Court nominee and President Kennedy) are just a few, there are tons of examples in history, one just need look.

This is not to suggest that Western Civilization is the only peoples who are racist. I offer the Japanese attitude from day one to today toward outsiders. China isn't much better throughout their history. All cultures are against 'THEM' (again, fill in the blank).

You mentioned 'fake news' - called disinformation, propaganda and a host of other names throughout history. Is the American news machine guilty? But of course, it would take a blind and deaf man not to notice it. But other cultures are just as guilty. The difference today is that information exchange is so rapid and widespread that their message is accepted as fact as soon as it's broadcast.

Injustice against Blacks today is not right - in any venue. But realistically, how much of that was fanned by the media? What was an extremely unfortunate incident 100 years ago was barely reported. Yet today, that same, or even a much smaller incident is national news. For example, how many readers of this forum know of the 'Ocala Massacre'? Something like 30 blacks were murdered in one night by rioting whites. Their crime? Trying to vote in Florida. Happened in 1920. Was that widely reported outside of Central Florida? No. Is that a part of education about Civil Rights in schools today? No - not even in Florida.

But one man was horribly abused and killed less than a year ago and riots broke out in countless cities across the nation. Why? Today's news cycle. And each media outlet had it's own spin on it. Some calling it peaceful demonstrations (CNN) some calling it riots (FOX) with the others falling in between. What is a rational person to believe?

To the folks who have taken the time to read this response, please understand I'm trying to present facts. Do I support what happened to George Floyd? Oh hell no! Do I think the police officer was wrong? Oh hell yes! And he should be punished. Not debating that in the least. No excuse.

But my entire argument is that the concept of 'racism' and 'fake news' has been a part of civilization since we started gathering in groups for mutual support - thousands of years ago. It wasn't invented by a Russian philosopher/author. Nor is it a 'recent' development. But one extending back to the dawn of civilization.