White girls against racism..

"I left for Africa and gave birth to four children from an African!" - newspapers write about me, and readers are perplexed - how could St. Petersburg be exchanged for an African province?

My life is full of exotic. Every day is an adventure. In Ghana they dance at the funeral, for dinner they prepare cane rats and Achatina snails, ******* palm wine. I know how cashews grow, how to eat even soup with their hands, how to carry a baby behind their backs! Can anyone be surprised that keeps me here?

It's simple - I fell in love, - Natasha @natasakado writes on her blog. - First in him, and then in his family, his country. Not everything is perfect here, but I want to show you that Africa is not only clay huts and people in loincloths. You can live here, and you can live well! "

And Natasha and Frank have four charming children! A year ago, twins were born in their family, since then reading her blog is even more interesting 😍
This story is worthy of a Hollywood movie!
We recommend subscribing to https://www.instagram.com/natasakado/
View attachment 3170598................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
"I left for Africa and gave birth to four children from an African!" - newspapers write about me, and readers are perplexed - how could St. Petersburg be exchanged for an African province?

My life is full of exotic. Every day is an adventure. In Ghana they dance at the funeral, for dinner they prepare cane rats and Achatina snails, ******* palm wine. I know how cashews grow, how to eat even soup with their hands, how to carry a baby behind their backs! Can anyone be surprised that keeps me here?

It's simple - I fell in love, - Natasha @natasakado writes on her blog. - First in him, and then in his family, his country. Not everything is perfect here, but I want to show you that Africa is not only clay huts and people in loincloths. You can live here, and you can live well! "

And Natasha and Frank have four charming children! A year ago, twins were born in their family, since then reading her blog is even more interesting 😍
This story is worthy of a Hollywood movie!
We recommend subscribing to https://www.instagram.com/natasakado/
Omg. What a beautiful romantic story.
View attachment 3170598................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
"I left for Africa and gave birth to four children from an African!" - newspapers write about me, and readers are perplexed - how could St. Petersburg be exchanged for an African province?

My life is full of exotic. Every day is an adventure. In Ghana they dance at the funeral, for dinner they prepare cane rats and Achatina snails, ******* palm wine. I know how cashews grow, how to eat even soup with their hands, how to carry a baby behind their backs! Can anyone be surprised that keeps me here?

It's simple - I fell in love, - Natasha @natasakado writes on her blog. - First in him, and then in his family, his country. Not everything is perfect here, but I want to show you that Africa is not only clay huts and people in loincloths. You can live here, and you can live well! "

And Natasha and Frank have four charming children! A year ago, twins were born in their family, since then reading her blog is even more interesting 😍
This story is worthy of a Hollywood movie!
We recommend subscribing to https://www.instagram.com/natasakado/
Good for her to make a wise decision to breed with a black man. I'm sure she's not the first white wife who couldn't conceive with her whiteboy that ended up gettting knocked up be a black dude.
View attachment 3170598................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
"I left for Africa and gave birth to four children from an African!" - newspapers write about me, and readers are perplexed - how could St. Petersburg be exchanged for an African province?

My life is full of exotic. Every day is an adventure. In Ghana they dance at the funeral, for dinner they prepare cane rats and Achatina snails, ******* palm wine. I know how cashews grow, how to eat even soup with their hands, how to carry a baby behind their backs! Can anyone be surprised that keeps me here?

It's simple - I fell in love, - Natasha @natasakado writes on her blog. - First in him, and then in his family, his country. Not everything is perfect here, but I want to show you that Africa is not only clay huts and people in loincloths. You can live here, and you can live well! "

And Natasha and Frank have four charming children! A year ago, twins were born in their family, since then reading her blog is even more interesting 😍
This story is worthy of a Hollywood movie!
We recommend subscribing to https://www.instagram.com/natasakado/

This is beyond exciting. I can't wait to read their story, when I get back from work.
The flower of the white genetic line being mated with energy of the African line. A beautiful symbiosis.

What is not known by some is that the population of Africa will be 2,400,000,000 2.4 billion in 2100.

This huge population growth will cement and make the inevitable truly inevitable and unavoidable. The hundreds of thousands of Africans and Muslims who moved up into Europe in recent years was but the tip of the iceberg of what is to Come.

White people will become more and more of a minority.

Probably the whole Western world will look like the Brazil of today.

As China (!) opens up, there is no end in sight. As the girls of China, hundreds of million, gain their freedom and as BBC culture spreads and becomes their culture like the rest of the world, the fix is in.