This is truly how whitebois are meant to be!!!
Whitebois are inherently feminine, whites are are and away the most beautiful and FEMININE race, with BLACKS at the polar opposite end of the spectrum, our inverse counterpart... them being the physically strongest and most MASCULINE race.
In the end as with all things in the universe, opposites attract powerfully!!! The MASCULINE will ALWAYS dominate the FEMININE, the FEMININE will ALWAYS submit to the MASCULINE. BLACK will always dominate WHITE, and WHITE will always submit to BLACK. Our bare naked skin are the uniforms we were given for our roles in the world, mom Nature kept it simple for us, ALL MEN COME IN BLACK EXCLUSIVELY, AND WOMEN WEAR WHITE, I mean... mom Nature... IS a woman after all, so it's no wonder that she color-coded us all. MEN in BLACK, WOMEN in WHITE, just like a Bride and Groom!!!
Whitebois EVERYWHERE are accepting this reality, and embracing our intrinsic feminine nature. Like these pretty little whitebois here. Our job is to abandon this ridiculous fasade of white maleness, as the farce it is, and assume our inherent genuine nature of FEMININITY!
Femininization is the future for ALL whitebois!!!