White bois: Have you ever licked a black pussy ?

I took a couple of trips to Haiti about 12 years ago, and played around with a few black Haitian women. They are absolute sexual dynamos. What I loved about them is that they never shaved anything, not even their armpits, which I love immensely. My Filipina wife doesn't shave her pussy, but she won't go along with my desire for her to keep her armpits unshaven.
I ate my first black pussy when I was 29. The best part was that she was full of her husband's cum. I didn't say anything and just kept on licking. She didn't say anything either, and probably got off even harder than usual knowing what I was eating. I wish I could have kept on seeing her, but with her being married it got complicated fast. I've always felt that her creampie was one of the best I've ever eaten. I've licked many more black women since then.
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