Are You Serious About Sharing Gf/Wives?

wonder if we just killed this porn thread with…chat about cats lol
I have to laugh. . .you have a point, we probably have. But the thing I notice is the longest lived threads here are those which are very picture intensive. .

And face it, this whole thread is entitled, "Are you serious about sharing gf-wives? "

Well, I gave an honest assessment of my feelings and thoughts after years of marriage, and several years of swinging and a total of SIX black lovers over about a year and a half or so. The numbers might have been higher if we married each other when younger, but she was in her 30's when we married and I was in my late 40's. (I am 65 now btw.)

It is kind of a situation where we both feel we came, we did, we had fun, and we largely moved on, but still have fond memories and older bodies now. .. I don't try to hide the fact that I am an old guy officially now. (past our sell by dates) Not that cute anymore, and certainly no stud. If we ruined the thread should be an easy fix.

I notice when going through the threads in any specific related topic, the same things pop up over and over. . .Save maybe the downer threads like this one.

Oh well!