What's it like when hes finished and leaving?

What's it like when you get done and he's leaving? Do you say thanks? Shake his hand? Say...come back soon?
We do this pretty regularly with a guy we know. WHILE we're messing around we're very comfy together, it's fun, exciting and relaxing. When we're done it's always very awkward and weird for me.
She always walks him to the door while I stay in the bedroom. They kiss goodnight and sometimes go another round without me.

How do you handle the guy leaving?
Do you do this at home? Motel? His place?
At a hotel, it is usually the next morning after morning sex we may have breakfast and it’s just good bye, or we had a great time, or he may say we should do it again sometime soon, if it was good she will say yes we should, and kiss him good buy well shake hands and I’ll say keep in touch, at his place again usually the next morning but my be at night when finished, again depends if first time or a regular, first time if it was good, she will kiss him while he is rubbing her ass, and say hope we seen you again, if it was just ok she will kiss him and say thanks for a nice evening, if at home it is usually a regular friend and she will be either nude or have a gown on she will embrace him, they will kiss long and hard, he will play with her ass, and she will whisper thank you for coming by, we will shake hands and he’ll say something like see you soon, or I’ll say keep in touch, again at home she prefers them to spend the night or weekend but sometimes it is the end of the evening, but it is always romantic for her at home to say good by and they usually just finished a round of hot sex or a shower together.
What's it like when you get done and he's leaving? Do you say thanks? Shake his hand? Say...come back soon?
We do this pretty regularly with a guy we know. WHILE we're messing around we're very comfy together, it's fun, exciting and relaxing. When we're done it's always very awkward and weird for me.
She always walks him to the door while I stay in the bedroom. They kiss goodnight and sometimes go another round without me.

How do you handle the guy leaving?
Do you do this at home? Motel? His place?
My wife does not like a lover who cums and then is ready to leave right away, so she makes sure that they lay in bed for a while afterwards and kiss, fondle, and make light talk. That way, everyone, including me, is out of the 'erotic' mood and that gives her lover a chance to say so long until next time. And there usually IS a next time if he isn't too quick to leave and go home. Once in a while her lover will stay after the loving and have a glass of wine with us, further de-escalating any possible awkward

And because we have *******, we always do our "thing" in Hotels that have a Bar so that the three of us can have a *******, chat, and get a "feel" of one another.
What's it like when you get done and he's leaving? Do you say thanks? Shake his hand? Say...come back soon?
We do this pretty regularly with a guy we know. WHILE we're messing around we're very comfy together, it's fun, exciting and relaxing. When we're done it's always very awkward and weird for me.
She always walks him to the door while I stay in the bedroom. They kiss goodnight and sometimes go another round without me.

How do you handle the guy leaving?
Do you do this at home? Motel? His place?
I shake his hand and I thank him for coming over and making my wife feel so good. It’s the truth and it’s a little self humiliating. I know my place. There are so many parts of it that are exciting to a cuck.